The Celtic Exchange.

Hi folks, after a short break we've kick-started The Battle To Save Celtic series again this week with an episode on 'Not The View' featuring Gerry Dunbar (founder & editor) and 'Average' Joe Miller.

The guys were great and told the tale of NTV's foundation in 1987 and the part the fanzine then played in what led to the takoever in 1994.

If you've been enjoying the series so far then I think you'll like this one and thanks again for all the kind comments and support here 🍀

It's available now wherever you get your podcasts or on Youtube here 👇

Cheers, Tino

Cheers tino,brilliant stuff loved everything I’ve watched and read,”just can’t get enough”…
Sorry for this it's of thread but my Daughter and Partner who supports that other mob, are going to a concert tomorrow night at the old fruit market. Now as we all know our fans will be celebrating 3 in a row round the merchant City. Wish I was in his car when he runs into our celebration 🎊 🎊 🎉 🎉. Told him to where Green and have the rebs out loud bursting from his stereo. 😂😂
Hi folks, after a short break we've kick-started The Battle To Save Celtic series again this week with an episode on 'Not The View' featuring Gerry Dunbar (founder & editor) and 'Average' Joe Miller.

The guys were great and told the tale of NTV's foundation in 1987 and the part the fanzine then played in what led to the takoever in 1994.

If you've been enjoying the series so far then I think you'll like this one and thanks again for all the kind comments and support here 🍀

It's available now wherever you get your podcasts or on Youtube here 👇

Cheers, Tino

Another brilliant episode Tino. Don't leave it so long before getting the next one out!!! 🤣🤣. Been loving all Podcasts you boys have been putting out. You've got 2 more matches left to get Mif to admit he loves Brendan Rodgers 🤣🤣
Another brilliant episode Tino. Don't leave it so long before getting the next one out!!! 🤣🤣. Been loving all Podcasts you boys have been putting out. You've got 2 more matches left to get Mif to admit he loves Brendan Rodgers 🤣🤣
Cheers @Lubos left peg ! Next episode shouldn't be too far away!

Working on Mif is a different story though. Think he's holding out for at least 5 in a Row before getting back on the Brendan train!
Lubos now a SCALES fan love it.....😂👍

No but seriously Bhoys WE DID IT !!!

Hats off to Brendan he came thru WHEN IT COUNTED!!!!

Double champs ONCE AGAIN!!!!!

WOTAS hold your head up high ....

We ARE the people ....


The very latest episode (Part 9!) in The Battle To Save Celtic goes out tomorrow (Wednesday 29th May) at 12noon.

It's a really interesting one with Jock Brown, who as most here will know was General manager under Fergus from June '97 - Nov '98.

Unlike the previous episodes it doesn't focus on the Takeover time itself, but think it offers a really interesting insight into life at Celtic when Fergus was in charge.

Includes tales of Wim Jansen, Paolo Di Canio, Henrik Larsson, Lubo, Dr Jo and a whole lot more!

As always it'd be great to hear what you think if you get a chance to check it out 🍀

Cheers, Tino
The very latest episode (Part 9!) in The Battle To Save Celtic goes out tomorrow (Wednesday 29th May) at 12noon.

It's a really interesting one with Jock Brown, who as most here will know was General manager under Fergus from June '97 - Nov '98.

Unlike the previous episodes it doesn't focus on the Takeover time itself, but think it offers a really interesting insight into life at Celtic when Fergus was in charge.

Includes tales of Wim Jansen, Paolo Di Canio, Henrik Larsson, Lubo, Dr Jo and a whole lot more!

As always it'd be great to hear what you think if you get a chance to check it out 🍀

Cheers, Tino
Cheers Tino. Funnily enough, when you first started this series I said it would be good to get an insight from all sides. A lot of fans were vary of the Hugh Keevins one but once they listened to it they agreed that it was worth it. I also suggested Jock Brown too and many said no way - but I think it will be very insightful. Although the Peter Grant one was not all about the take-over, it did provide the perspective of how single-minded Fergus was in doing his business. I think the Bunnet was portrayed exactly how you imagine him to be. He was exactly what Celtic needed to sort us out and the foundations he laid are still paying dividends 30 years later - but you wouldn't want to go for a pint with him.

For all of Jock Brown's many faults, he is a very clever man who understands football and business, so he will provide another layer of information.

I'm not so much into the podcasts for pre- and post- game analysis, but I'm loving these specials. Once you finish this series, what do you want to do next? Maybe one on the Seville team (come on, it is an excuse to meet up with Henke, Martin, Sutton, etc, etc)? It might not have so much background stuff but it is a subject we all love to hear about. How did Hartson feel about missing out?
Cheers Tino. Funnily enough, when you first started this series I said it would be good to get an insight from all sides. A lot of fans were vary of the Hugh Keevins one but once they listened to it they agreed that it was worth it. I also suggested Jock Brown too and many said no way - but I think it will be very insightful. Although the Peter Grant one was not all about the take-over, it did provide the perspective of how single-minded Fergus was in doing his business. I think the Bunnet was portrayed exactly how you imagine him to be. He was exactly what Celtic needed to sort us out and the foundations he laid are still paying dividends 30 years later - but you wouldn't want to go for a pint with him.

For all of Jock Brown's many faults, he is a very clever man who understands football and business, so he will provide another layer of information.

I'm not so much into the podcasts for pre- and post- game analysis, but I'm loving these specials. Once you finish this series, what do you want to do next? Maybe one on the Seville team (come on, it is an excuse to meet up with Henke, Martin, Sutton, etc, etc)? It might not have so much background stuff but it is a subject we all love to hear about. How did Hartson feel about missing out?

I'm looking forward to the next instalment. The Podcasts are what keep me sane in my drive in and out of London. The Exchange and 20 min Tim's are brilliant.
A good question was asked on the exchange today. What area, if we only had one choice, would we strengthen. Not including GK obviously.
I'd have to say LB. We need a few signings in different areas of the park but at the moment I'd say LB is the most important.
I'm looking forward to the next instalment. The Podcasts are what keep me sane in my drive in and out of London. The Exchange and 20 min Tim's are brilliant.
A good question was asked on the exchange today. What area, if we only had one choice, would we strengthen. Not including GK obviously.
I'd have to say LB. We need a few signings in different areas of the park but at the moment I'd say LB is the most important.
I'd say winger - as long we buy half a dozen and none of them can cross a ball. 🤞
I'm looking forward to the next instalment. The Podcasts are what keep me sane in my drive in and out of London. The Exchange and 20 min Tim's are brilliant.
I also would like to hear Michael Kelly's view on what happened. I might get angry at some of the things he says and most fans do NOT want to hear him. But to get the fullest possible picture of what happened, I believe it is important to get all viewpoints - no matter how skewed.
How honest do you think he would be?
We would never know. But it would give the story from how he saw it. I also suspect that he would also 100% believe what he was saying was true as he has probably convinced himself over the years that he was in the right all along. I am approaching this purely from a historical perspective rather than an emotional one.

I believe Kelly was a true Celtic fan from birth - it was ingrained into his DNA and he really did want the best for Celtic. BUT he did NOT have the skillsets necessary to deliver this but refused to acknowledge this and believed he knew best, so his actions ended up being what was best for Michael Kelly rather than what was best for the club and his stubborness and greed towards the end has (rightly in my opinion) forever made him the bogey man for the vast majority of us malcontents. But his version of events as he saw them - or remembered them through his haze of 3 decades of bitterness - are still worth hearing to me at least. Even if - or especially because - they may be twisted, skewed, exaggerated, or even misleading. But even these would give us an insight into his thought process and why he made the decisions that he did.

Obviously the dream last episode in the series would feature an interview with Fergus. I'm sure Tino will be desperate for this too, but it might be very hard to set-up as he does not like the publicity. He is an accountant/business at heart and so a complete and utter nerd (I would recognise one, proudly being one myself). But to complete this wonderful story it really needs his memories for completeness.

This series is an incredible account of one of the most important events in our unbroken history, and will be relied on for generations to come as a source of information. I still believe that if Tino was to cut and paste these interviews into a cohesive stand alone documentary and also publish it as a book (David is a well-known publisher -hint, hint), then this would be an award-winning enterprise.
Afternoon folks, and thanks again for the comments above about The Battle To Save Celtic

I really appreciate the support and been a great project to work on 🍀

As mentioned yesterday our latest episode in the series with Jock Brown is out now and is available wherever you get your podcasts or on youtube

Links can be found at The Celtic Exchange site here 👍

As always let me know any feedback and would be great to discuss this latest episode with anyone here if of interest.

Cheers, Tino

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