The dangers of being ‘Cute’ for The Celtic Trust and our “pretty phenomenal” problem

Winning Captains

Staff member
Politically speaking, we currently live in topsy-turvy world: Science vs. Bunkum. Facts vs. Opinions. Experts vs. Grifters.

The whole world appears to be caught in a battle between what many folk empirically experience for themselves and what other people are told to believe by their supreme leaders.

Not so long ago, we would laugh at the sevco brand of gullibility. Not so long ago, we would refer to the facts and mock them for their outlandish and incredible opinions.

Now we live in topsy-turvy world and things look much different now.

There is still no doubt that the silly-billys are still being bottlefed 140% proof pure stupid, but it would appear that the Celtic Board may have asked for that recipe too.

There is apparently a different fact sheet that the Board have access to, because the version of the world they are subscribing to has nothing in common with the world in which the Celtic support are currently living in. However - nothing much good can come from a protest before the game. There is a counter argument which might suggest that any protest after a game may be more reactionary and will lose a bit of its substance if the team secure a positive result. I don't think this would be the case in this instance, as I feel the concerns that were there prior to the Lille game will still be there after the final whistle today - regardless of the outcome.

The various groups who are in conflict with the Board, still have to realise that there is a battle for the hearts and minds of the undecided supporters. There are still tens of thousands of fans who need to be won over and that effort might be damaged if The Celtic Trust, The Green Brigade, or any other body of support that you like are seen to be taking a course of action which may be used as an excuse for having a negative impact on the team prior to the game.

Any time prior to kick off on any given match day should be a period of peace. Whatever happens in the aftermath is another matter, but prior to kick off, one would hope that EVERYONE connected to Celtic would be rallying for the team.
I'd considered the £10 a month to the Celtic Trust, I may even do so in the future, I'm not counting it out. But had I signed up and realised they'd been so economical with the truth around communications with Celtic and this protest, I'm not sure I'd have felt we were off on a good foot.
I'd considered the £10 a month to the Celtic Trust, I may even do so in the future, I'm not counting it out. But had I signed up and realised they'd been so economical with the truth around communications with Celtic and this protest, I'm not sure I'd have felt we were off on a good foot.
I really do like to give groups the benefit of the doubt, Niall, but I'm still not absolutely convinced that this type of protest before a game serves any other agenda beyond raising the public profile of The Celtic Trust.

It doesn't help the team. It doesn't help the management. It doesn't help the supporters understand any more about their manifesto.

We criticise the current administration for their lack of transparency and evasiveness - it doesn't look great when a group purportedly representing the fans appears to lack transparency and are also being slightly evasive.

It's a head-scratching, chin-rubbing conundrum,so it is?
Is it too much to ask that we have people to run Celtic FC the way Brother Walfrid meant it to be run with honesty and integrity at its core. and at the same time build a good team with the money so that we can compete in Europe.
A bit simplistic probably but that’s all I’m wanting and I feel let down by this present Board and I was thinking of joining the Celtic Supporters Trust but was waiting to find out more about them and now today I’ve learned that they have organised this protest without the go ahead from Celtic FC or the police. So that’s that now.
I really do like to give groups the benefit of the doubt, Niall, but I'm still not absolutely convinced that this type of protest before a game serves any other agenda beyond raising the public profile of The Celtic Trust.

It doesn't help the team. It doesn't help the management. It doesn't help the supporters understand any more about their manifesto.

We criticise the current administration for their lack of transparency and evasiveness - it doesn't look great when a group purportedly representing the fans appears to lack transparency and are also being slightly evasive.

It's a head-scratching, chin-rubbing conundrum,so it is?
Have to agree. I see no benefit whatsoever in a pre-match protest today, entirely counter productive imo and I genuinely feel this could be a bit of an own goal from the Trust.
It seems the narrative has moved from the players and management now and predominately to the board. Given we have an AGM on Monday perhaps theere would be more benefit doing it then and leaving the group to concentrate on what is a massive game for the season.
I believe there is going to be a show of support when the team bus arrives, we could just leave it at that and save the protest.
Great point on the transparency and evasiveness with regards the Trust. Doesn't bode well for any future changing of the guard.
Is it too much to ask that we have people to run Celtic FC the way Brother Walfrid meant it to be run with honesty and integrity at its core. and at the same time build a good team with the money so that we can compete in Europe.
A bit simplistic probably but that’s all I’m wanting and I feel let down by this present Board and I was thinking of joining the Celtic Supporters Trust but was waiting to find out more about them and now today I’ve learned that they have organised this protest without the go ahead from Celtic FC or the police. So that’s that now.
I've a feeling there will be more than a few sharing your sentiments CR
Is it too much to ask that we have people to run Celtic FC the way Brother Walfrid meant it to be run with honesty and integrity at its core. and at the same time build a good team with the money so that we can compete in Europe.
A bit simplistic probably but that’s all I’m wanting and I feel let down by this present Board and I was thinking of joining the Celtic Supporters Trust but was waiting to find out more about them and now today I’ve learned that they have organised this protest without the go ahead from Celtic FC or the police. So that’s that now.
Rose, there are a million and one things that I am completely at odds with.

I still believe that the amount of money footballers and senior executives in football receive is obscene. I also understand that market forces dictate those evaluations and that Celtic has to compete in that environment.

I just wish some of our senior operatives didn't do it with such relish.

I don't think it's too much to ask for honesty and integrity. The Board failed in that regard when they chose not to pursue the events leading up to the liquidation of Rangers. The Board also failed when they chose to give credibility to the new club and welcome them as some kind of marketing partner for the financial betterment of Scottish football.

The sad fact of the matter is that Scottish football, across it's entirety, appears to be bereft of honesty and integrity. The last vestiges of those traits passed sadly away with Turnbull Hutton and the rest of Scottish football decided that it was better to chew up the blue pound along with the green pound.

Honesty and integrity? It doesn't appear to be an impossible target to aspire too; unfortunately - there doesn't seem to be a desire for powerful people to pursue that goal, Rose.
I'd want a second, third, fourth and fifth opinion about coming oot wie, "great stuff", if I were you Lennono.

Sobriety helps though.............that and regularly taking my medication.
Load a shite if you ask me .....
well put as ever sp
Have to agree with you and all of the above
The trust are trying to mop up certain elements of our support and they’d have been better served mopping up the larger majority that ain’t interested in protest but want change

The only thing I’d be interested in paying into monthly would be a transfer fund for the first team that only got spent on transfers.
Celtic fans I’m sure would give that bit extra if they saw it on the park
But then that mob running club would spend less of ‘their’ money
I have real concerns about this so called protest before such a huge match, think it is very dangerous territory to be going into.
I would be one of those supporters who hasn't taken much notice of the activities of this board until now and more so this season.
The reason for that is all I have been really into is our success out on the pitch.
A board for me is just about keeping the club in a sound financial position and supporting the manager in recruiting the players to continue the success and in fairness that has been the case on the domestic front but our transfer policy has cost us dear for CL football.
Our total dominance on the domestic front was always going to come to an end at some stage and we all knew that and don't think that was our main concern.
I was always under the best way of killing off the scum was out on the pitch by winning trophies and letting them die off again in there own misery as there cheating ways never got them the success they craved.
This season was all about our magical 10iar and to top it off the scum would die off again in the process.
Every supporter would be delighted.
That so does not seem to be in the interests of this board as I do believe they would be more than happy to see our quest for the 10iar to fail.
I also believe lenny could be in the thick of there plans also.
Maybe the fear of protests on Thursday finally got us to see what these youngsters are capable of, who would have taught they would have been as successful as they were?
Who would have protested if they were on the end of another hiding?
I don't believe anyone would have.
Now the acid test is today and what Lenny picks as a team with a quad treble looming and 3 points a must?
There is still far too much anger about to be getting a gathering of an angry mob together and as much as I can understand there anger, it only takes 1 person to show there anger and the whole situation can get very messy very quickly and that 1 person doesn't even have to be a Celtic supporter, so wouldn't support this protest today before a game, and this coming from someone who when younger couldn't have waited to let my feelings know and not always in the calm manner required to get your message known.
Politically speaking, we currently live in topsy-turvy world: Science vs. Bunkum. Facts vs. Opinions. Experts vs. Grifters.

The whole world appears to be caught in a battle between what many folk empirically experience for themselves and what other people are told to believe by their supreme leaders.

Not so long ago, we would laugh at the sevco brand of gullibility. Not so long ago, we would refer to the facts and mock them for their outlandish and incredible opinions.

Now we live in topsy-turvy world and things look much different now.

There is still no doubt that the silly-billys are still being bottlefed 140% proof pure stupid, but it would appear that the Celtic Board may have asked for that recipe too.

There is apparently a different fact sheet that the Board have access to, because the version of the world they are subscribing to has nothing in common with the world in which the Celtic support are currently living in. However - nothing much good can come from a protest before the game. There is a counter argument which might suggest that any protest after a game may be more reactionary and will lose a bit of its substance if the team secure a positive result. I don't think this would be the case in this instance, as I feel the concerns that were there prior to the Lille game will still be there after the final whistle today - regardless of the outcome.

The various groups who are in conflict with the Board, still have to realise that there is a battle for the hearts and minds of the undecided supporters. There are still tens of thousands of fans who need to be won over and that effort might be damaged if The Celtic Trust, The Green Brigade, or any other body of support that you like are seen to be taking a course of action which may be used as an excuse for having a negative impact on the team prior to the game.

Any time prior to kick off on any given match day should be a period of peace. Whatever happens in the aftermath is another matter, but prior to kick off, one would hope that EVERYONE connected to Celtic would be rallying for the team.
Well said dont want anything happening before games period!!!
It’s fascinating that an organisation that would give supporters a stronger voice within Celtic plc is immediately discredited by supporters. In another world I would believe that perhaps the board arrange such criticism.......
It’s fascinating that an organisation that would give supporters a stronger voice within Celtic plc is immediately discredited by supporters. In another world I would believe that perhaps the board arrange such criticism.......
As it stands, it's an organisation that would give SOME supporters a stronger voice, but it's untested as to whether that voice would represent the majority of the supporters?

If anyone wants to march lockstep with The Celtic Trust, then have at it, hoss. That's their right. That's their choice. That's their prerogative. I have no issues with that, I would just like some clarity on how they would delegate candidates for prominent roles and what their manifesto extends to beyond sacking the board and manager?

I've no doubt that the Board may keep a watchful eye on the digital landscape. I've no doubt they may even hire a willing volunteer to make a few suggestions regarding talking points they would like to propose. However - in another world, rangers might still exist along with the other dinosaurs and Peter Lawwell could be Pope.

If Peter is looking for an agitator to put the fires out in digital world, then I'm available at reasonable rates.
SP there will always be debates within organisations such as the Celtic trust. We won’t always agree with direction and I’m sure they will make mistakes. However the end goal, supporters having a say in things, is absolutely right and I find it difficult to understand how it is objected to. As for protests it’s absolutely right that we protest. The boards sole response to things is either platitudes or attacks on the support. My god we have just had an AGM where the board didn’t allow a single question to be asked. That’s just downright disrespectful.

if you believe the board are doing a great job then tell us how? Don’t hide it.
SP there will always be debates within organisations such as the Celtic trust. We won’t always agree with direction and I’m sure they will make mistakes. However the end goal, supporters having a say in things, is absolutely right and I find it difficult to understand how it is objected to. As for protests it’s absolutely right that we protest. The boards sole response to things is either platitudes or attacks on the support. My god we have just had an AGM where the board didn’t allow a single question to be asked. That’s just downright disrespectful.

if you believe the board are doing a great job then tell us how? Don’t hide it.
Have you considered the earlier posts?

If perhaps I have given you the impression that I am fully in support of the Board, then please point me in the general direction of where exactly and I'll go back and edit the posts accordingly.

I have previously been supportive of the board, but that support was based on four requirements:

1. The continuing success and development of the team.

2. The Club remaining financially viable and marketing themselves effectively

3. The availability of more appropriate applicants who would do a better job.

4. Acting in the best interests of all aspects of the Club (including the support and the support's concerns)

For an extended period of time, the Board met most of the elements of that criteria; however - none of these requirements appear to be very high on their list of priorities at the moment, so I exercise my right to express disappointment, anger and distrust of their actions.

However - I am working by the principle of: fool me once - shame on you, fool me twice - shame on me.

I want, nay need, assurances that any interested parties are cut from the same fabric that I am and they are not motivated by social-climbing or personal ambition.

As also stated previously - I have no objection to the presence of the Trust. I just need to find out more about their long-term prospects. Act in haste, repent at leisure is another edict I've adopted in my maturity. Numerous errors of judgement have taught me to be sceptical.

As for protests? I have no objections to protests and action - in fact, I actively encourage protest. It's not the nature of the protest that was an issue, it was the timing of the protest that was a concern.
Prior to the scourge of 'thatcherism', Scotland was an industrial heartland and a bastion of the fight against capitalism.

The rules of engagement were relatively straightforward. In the blue corner there were the owners/senior management who only wanted to minimise costs and maximise profits. In the red corner were the workers who wanted to minimise safety risks and maximise wages.

Let's take the colours out of the equation and focus on shades instead. It was black and white with a small patch of grey where the spineless middle management took up residence.

It was a war that was eventually won by the Thatcher nuclear event of destroying the biggest and most militant trade unions in the country. We have paid for it ever since.

What we are currently experiencing at Celtic is a smaller scale version of this drama. We have a Board concerned only with maximising their own profit with minimal expenditure and we have a support who are not motivated by maximising wages, but by maximising our potential as a football club.

There is black and there is white............where there should be only varying shades of green, we have a board who are concerned only with their own status and who have become drunk on their own power.

If they genuinely want to act in the best interests of Celtic, then let them put their shares up for sale? If there are no interested buyers, then we can have no complaints about their governance of the Club and we then have tough choices to make as customers (for that is all we will be in their eyes), but this absolute charade today is an affront to decency and is the biggest mark of disrespect that they can brand us with.
There are simply no room for slip-ups and three pints are essential from the group of Celtic players who will have to arrive at the stadium driving past an ill-conceived Fans Protest that was organised by Celtic Trust before the 3-2 win against Lille on Thursday night.

I agree, 3 pints are essential, in fact they should be on the bell all night, hic.👍