The Irrational Hatred Thread.


Well-known member
I'm watching Jamie Oliver cooking the perfect Christmas dinner, in his perfect kitchen, in his perfect house, with his perfect family being perfectly happy while his perfect friends are dropping by to have a perfect visit and I have this real urge to take one of his perfect knives and stick it in his fucking ear.

So get it off your chest bhoys and ghirls, share your irrational hatred right here!
Aye and they're always such smug bastards, if you were any good youd have a bloody recording contract ya useless twat! Like me hanging around outside the coop playing with my hammer with a bunnet in front of me hoping for a hand out!
Id actually be inclined to pay someone standing outside the coop with a hammer looking for money😯. You're on to a winner with that idea hoopy 🤣
Think I just pissed myself Lubo! Getting strange looks from the missus, again! 😹😹😹

Half the time I need to wreck my own house for the wee cunt. Other night I had to chuck bog roll all over the front room just so the girls thought it was him....then I'm the fucking mug who has to pick it all up!!!! I swear to god next year the girls are getting told rudolph ate him!!!
I'm watching Jamie Oliver cooking the perfect Christmas dinner, in his perfect kitchen, in his perfect house, with his perfect family being perfectly happy while his perfect friends are dropping by to have a perfect visit and I have this real urge to take one of his perfect knives and stick it in his fucking ear.

So get it off your chest bhoys and ghirls, share your irrational hatred right here!
Going outside.

I get irrational and just decide, no the day and go back to my chair and stare at computer with my headphones on.


no sure its hatred, just a bad feeling that it will be better to do it another day after all.
Fucking hate Iceland wi awe thur fucking frozen food yi ever tried ti eat fucking frozen food broke every fucking tooth in ma cousin Billy’s mooth now he canny play his flute
Me a love ❤️ Iceland yum fucking yum told cousin Billy his microwave wiz made by Kafflics and good people never defrost only Papes dae that so 1 doon 1690 ti go
No really a hatred just Fun

HH 👹
It's getting it off your chest mate, it's like free therapy.
I'm sure you had a dislike of that wee shelf sitting bastard last year, but I feel its getting worse! 😹

I definitely did!! I cant stand him. Thought I was getting away with it this year. Told the kids he had covid!! Needless to say the girls were distraught. Had to go then buy a big fucking glass jar and stick him in it with quarantine signs. He spent 3 days in that jar not doing a thing...I thought I'd get at least 2 weeks out of it but no, the missus told the girls that elfs only have to quarantine for 3 days!!!!!
I definitely did!! I cant stand him. Thought I was getting away with it this year. Told the kids he had covid!! Needless to say the girls were distraught. Had to go then buy a big fucking glass jar and stick him in it with quarantine signs. He spent 3 days in that jar not doing a thing...I thought I'd get at least 2 weeks out of it but no, the missus told the girls that elfs only have to quarantine for 3 days!!!!!
That’s well known Lubo it’s in the Elf an safety Manual

HH 😂
I'm watching Jamie Oliver cooking the perfect Christmas dinner, in his perfect kitchen, in his perfect house, with his perfect family being perfectly happy while his perfect friends are dropping by to have a perfect visit and I have this real urge to take one of his perfect knives and stick it in his fucking ear.

So get it off your chest bhoys and ghirls, share your irrational hatred right here!
Hoopy, that cunt Oliver needs drap kicked fae Everest.

It's no enough that his tongue's too big for his mooth, but he's a smug, self-satisfied, smarmy bastard too.

To tap it aff...........HE TOOK THE SUGAR FAE THE IRN-BRU!!!!

What kind o' cruel heartless bastart does that?

I also have an irrational hatred of Davina McCall, but I'm no entirely sure why?

I wid, but I wid hate myself for doing it.
Hoopy, that cunt Oliver needs drap kicked fae Everest.

It's no enough that his tongue's too big for his mooth, but he's a smug, self-satisfied, smarmy bastard too.

To tap it aff...........HE TOOK THE SUGAR FAE THE IRN-BRU!!!!

What kind o' cruel heartless bastart does that?

I also have an irrational hatred of Davina McCall, but I'm no entirely sure why?

I wid, but I wid hate myself for doing it.
No yi didnae but the court order Wid

HH 😂

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