Transfer Rumours

Evening all. Some real negativity on this forum. I am confident that the get together DD, PM and BR had after the feck up of the summer window will bear fruit. When DD steps in things tend to happen.
I think everyone is hoping this window goes well to lift the spirits and create anew buzz. We badly need it. Things are too flat the moment.
Evening all. Some real negativity on this forum. I am confident that the get together DD, PM and BR had after the feck up of the summer window will bear fruit. When DD steps in things tend to happen.
The negativity comes from the fact that we’ve been here so many times before and we know what the likely outcome will be. Rumours of signings so far are 2 x 6 month loan deals and a punt on a cheap striker. Sound familiar?
The possible one signing that sounds good is unlikely to happen as the Belgian RB’s team don’t want to sell and if they did there’s EPL interest.
The result of this window will tell us whether or not we’ll be looking for a new manager come May.
Surprised we’ve not been linked/made enquiries about Josh Maja of Sunderland. Scored again this afternoon, 15 for the season. 20 year old, out of contract in the summer so could be signed on Bosman with small cross border fee like Dembele, or Sunderland willing to cash in at £1.5m.
If Weah is a six month sticking plaster this boy could be a longer term signing.
Surprised we’ve not been linked/made enquiries about Josh Maja of Sunderland. Scored again this afternoon, 15 for the season. 20 year old, out of contract in the summer so could be signed on Bosman with small cross border fee like Dembele, or Sunderland willing to cash in at £1.5m.
If Weah is a six month sticking plaster this boy could be a longer term signing.
Certainly that is in PL's price bracket... the cross-border fee, I mean!
Evening all. Some real negativity on this forum. I am confident that the get together DD, PM and BR had after the feck up of the summer window will bear fruit. When DD steps in things tend to happen.

Should not the logic of that be why doesn’t he do it more often? Or, is it more the truth that complacency rules until we totally fuck up then he decides to get off his arse?

How is leaving things until we are level on points with a pile of shite, who rely on borrowing at every turn constitute he is doing a good job?

I notice that the offer we have made for Bayo is as usual a derisory offer in their eyes.

I hope you are bang on about them sorting it, my problem with the whole fucking lot of them is letting it get to the stage that we need to in order to win a league against a feed club.

Always reacting Celtic. Always creating the fire that eventually has to be fought through sheer complacency and failure to invest when required.

That’s why there’s negativity as you call it. I call it pragmatism, if you are trying to defend how we do things then I just don’t agree.

How long have we all called for investment in a defence that couldn’t keep weans oot a close? Still not sorted. A new creative no 10? Our whole approach of hoping everything will be fine is pathetic.

We are in a fight now that should never have been allowed with a team of loaners, signings for buttons with an U 18 boys club manager.

That’s how good our club is being run, yet Lawell is in line for £2m extra?

They need called out for their whole mismanagent of how we have got worse since the first year and not addressed any of the major areas every fan knew needed attention.

Will be great if Dermot gets off his arse and makes things happen, the only question is, why the fuck do we need Lawell? Obviously Dermot is stepping in because he hasn’t delivered, which for me reinforces why Lawell deserves a cut in wages rather than a bonus.

Let’s see how we do in the window,

Early indications are we are going cheap again. We need six players. Good players, not Fucking projects. We have a cupboard full of them. And just as important a clear out of 80% of Rogers signings which have been a total failure.
2012 lafferty Naismith Davis McGregor Whittaker this is a new club
2019 lafferty Naismith Davis McGregor this is still the same club and we are 7 years older looking for a second wage to top up our pensions
ibrox 2012.gif

Whittaker its still a new club and i am off to Hibs and BTW my son and my grandkids will be Celtic supporters
whittaker and son.jpg
Should not the logic of that be why doesn’t he do it more often? Or,
is it more the truth that complacency rules until we totally fuck up then he decides to get off his arse?
How is leaving things until we are level on points with a pile of shite, who rely on borrowing at every turn constitute he is doing a good job?

I notice that the offer we have made for Bayo is as usual a derisory offer in their eyes.

I hope you are bang on about them sorting it, my problem with the whole fucking lot of them is letting it get to the stage that we need to in order to win a league against a feed club.

Always reacting Celtic. Always creating the fire that eventually has to be fought through sheer complacency and failure to invest when required.

That’s why there’s negativity as you call it. I call it pragmatism, if you are trying to defend how we do things then I just don’t agree.

How long have we all called for investment in a defence that couldn’t keep weans oot a close? Still not sorted. A new creative no 10? Our whole approach of hoping everything will be fine is pathetic.

We are in a fight now that should never have been allowed with a team of loaners, signings for buttons with an U 18 boys club manager.

That’s how good our club is being run, yet Lawell is in line for £2m extra?

They need called out for their whole mismanagent of how we have got worse since the first year and not addressed any of the major areas every fan knew needed attention.

Will be great if Dermot gets off his arse and makes things happen, the only question is, why the fuck do we need Lawell? Obviously Dermot is stepping in because he hasn’t delivered, which for me reinforces why Lawell deserves a cut in wages rather than a bonus.

Let’s see how we do in the window,

Early indications are we are going cheap again. We need six players. Good players, not Fucking projects. We have a cupboard full of them. And just as important a clear out of 80% of Rogers signings which have been a total failure.

Personally I think the real issue we have at Celtic is the lack of clarity on the decision processing system, the lack of real clarity on so many issues and the silence on so many topics important to majority of the fanbase.

Now, you pick up on some points that interest me. You may well be correct in your analysis.

1 Is it more the truth that complacency rules until we totally fuck up then he decides to get off his arse?

Its easy on hindsight to say complacency rules till we screw up then we try to fix things.

This could be used in hindsight with all things that screw up.

Had we stonked a win in every match that we lost this season which really was possible if the team had been flowing and functioning with the current players then things would not have needed to be fixed.

As you point out so called lesser teams with pittance of resources and much less high value squad have been able to get right on Celtics coat tail this season.

You also point out Rodgers signings have been very hit and miss as value for money goes, both interms of wages and initial outlay to get them in, hence potentially going to get massive hit on those projects.

Therein lies one of the main issues with Rodgers in my opinion. He is shit at spotting value for money. He also appears to be shit at harmonising players who are either big headed or eyes on bigger wage platforms.

2 How is leaving things until we are level on points with a pile of shite, who rely on borrowing at every turn constitute he is doing a good job?

Again the reason we are doing shite could easily be the fault of the manager. I would say that our squad and more importantly the operating costs of our current squad are such that bringing is new recruits in the summer would have been problematic. And the fact that we already had host of discgruntled players in summer having even more players with an even more burst operating costs structure coupled with the fact that Rodgers has been very hit and miss to date with spotting problems that need solved and then more importantly solving them effectively and efficiently, may actually be the reason the cheque book wasn't so flush in summer.

A good manager would have cleared his deck of duffers before adding new recruits, and he should have been very happy to offlaod any disgruntled players who feel they are being under paid rather than hoarding them, unless of course, the player is being seriously unperpaid in comparison to teammates of similar talent. We cant compete with the mercenary clubs for wages, so either players fulfill their contracts professionally or make an open transfer request.

3 I personally dont think Lawell is the problem.

His job is to make sure the manager gets value for money. He backed him so far up to the point the operation costs are now maxed out. Sure in the short term there is money in the bank to bank roll overly large op costs. But thats down to lawell shrewd money management. But as you pointed out yourself Rodgers team have been poor on recruits and some of his signings have been criminally awful. Rodgers has also doubled most of our better players wages at least.

Lawell is doing the job he paid to do. Keep the financial deals as positive net present value (basically that means- taking time value of money and cost of capital into consideration each investment should be making money long term rather than losing money). Now its easy to say we buy him for 10 million and sell him for 12 we make 2 million. But that 2million capital increase may well be bollocks taking inflation and the expected cost of capital over the time period of the invetsment. And thats not taking into consideration the wage that dude got over that time period or the pressures that wage has on other club players wages.

Lawell might not be the apple of ordinary fans eyes. But he is shrewd with money and he adds massive value and because he adds massive value regularly he doesnt sanction poor financial deals that he thinks are a waste of resources.

Having lots of dead wood eating up wages needs addressed. New better players need addressed. But they need to be addressed in a financially viable manner.

4 Hording bad attitude players seems to be a Rodgers issue. The fact Dembele was sold in the manner he was despite his bad attitude and commitment being pretty clear for months for me is Rodgers issue. The ntcham and Boyata stuff and the knoock on effect on their buddy Edouard (talented but not the brightest spark in the box and hence i would think emotionally damaged by the loss of his big pal Dembele) again i blame poor managemnet from rodgers for that debacle.

The right back problem has been there since rodgers came. I suspect lustig doesnt want to leave and thats why they wont replace him til he gone. So he should have been binned at loss years ago. But they probably thought with his experinece he would eventually come out of his dire slump in form and that would be waste.coz if he plays every game someone might say lets make on offer for lustig and then club gets some sort of return on him.

Gamboa must be dire if he cant keep lustig out team. Again another rodgers mistake. Two right backs on massive wages. how to get shot of them before we get new right back?

The team we have is by far more talented already than any other squad in scotland. Its the rodgers system that the other teams have better handle on thats making the team more easy to compete with under certain counter systems and the lack of alternative systems by rodgers that worry me.

It may well be that even if we bought much better players in every position that rodgers would insist on his same system that risks so much defensively while being less that clinical at other end will mean that sp[ending 50 million on new players and doubling the wage bill wouldnt get any better results on dull dreak dark cold rainy nights in paisley or hamilton.


Im not convinced Lawell is the problem.
I think he is avery talented finance man.
I think he has issues with rodgers waste of money ventures

However the fact he is silent on so many issues that boil my blood makes me distrust Lawell and the fact he is amoney man means he is always gonna be out for his own interests before anything else- but thats the same with every CFO and CEO in world these days.

The fact Rodgers comes across as superficail in every way has always made me wary of the man.
I think most of the fractions at the club have his ego and superficail demeanour biting at its heels.

Lawell is selfish but i cant see anywhere he hasnt perfomed his ultimate duty which is the finacial health of the club while backing the manager while the op costs allow.

The manager has taking op costs to limit and thats the problem with adding value to the squad. Our players already get wages that the club cant afford without European run.

And its lawells job to make sure the club doesnt do the moonbeam zombie shuffle right down the sinkhole.

I fully agree the club should have better players with the finances at the club. But thats down to the manger to add value on the pitch while working with LAwell to add value off it.

If its not a good deal financially that what Lawell is there to point out. If the manager cant add value on and off the pitch within the framework at Celtic then sadly for me the manger should be punted before Lawell.

With one caveat that the information thats currently in public domain is correct then LAwell has doen his job much better than Rodgers.

He has backed him on many projects and bizaree loan deals. that have cost the club massive hits. There was room to manouerve in backing manager in dubious deals. But i dont think the manger has utilised the wealth the board have given him very effectively to date.

Our current players should be perfroming much better.
Sevco trying to rip up pena contract to bring in Naismith
It's bad enough having the Hearts hacker and the hun hacker at separate clubs. Think how bad the next derby match could be if Naismith joins MoreOrLess. We may need to borrow or buy a terminator to sort those two rats out.
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