I think you are getting mixed up. ZZ Top were never on the Young Ones. Neil said "vegetable rights & peace" in the episode where Scumbag College took on Oxbridge in University Challenge and Motorhead sang The Ace of Spades when they wrre getting to the train station. 🤣
ahh, i was young and again love being put right, that was the one with viv 'do not stick head out of window', i wonder why' :)
ahh, i was young and again love being put right, that was the one with viv 'do not stick head out of window', i wonder why' :)
I was a massive fan of the Young Ones and recorded them all on VHS from their first showing as I loved Rick Mayall being Kevin Turvey in A Kick Up The 80s. From your age I realised you were slightly too young.

Sadly I remember all the tijiest details about this show and Father Ted but struggle to remember what I did ladt week!
I was a massive fan of the Young Ones and recorded them all on VHS from their first showing as I loved Rick Mayall being Kevin Turvey in A Kick Up The 80s. From your age I realised you were slightly too young.

Sadly I remember all the tijiest details about this show and Father Ted but struggle to remember what I did ladt week!
well you've clearly got the right humour, i only got to watch the young ones on the fly on vhs when the babysitter was in. she'd put me in the room with the holy grail to shut me the fck up
Did your ol man tune you in growing up with music around the house.
without a doubt he influenced, but in a strange way, while i went back in time, he stayed current/relevant. i could tell him more about music in his days and he could tell me who was hot now. music was on in eery room, from mum doing dishes singning the bangles or bananarama to dad slevering rightly over kate bush

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