Twenty Million £,for more or less ??????

Two points:

  1. Morelos has never scored a single goal (or assist) against any squad valued > £50m. The majority of his goals have come against entire teams that are valued <£10m. So not sure why anyone would think he’s worth £20m+ to play in a league where every individual player on the pitch will cost more than the entire teams he’s currently scoring against. (Yes, this is the SPL is a beer league arguement, suppliamented with a carve out for Celtic and Morelos’ performance in Europa).
  2. Unless there is a specific EPL rule regarding foreign players and national team CAPS, there’s no reason he couldn’t sign down in England (even one of the lower divisions). He has a work permit already, and there are tons of players in England already with far less international experience.
Notice that Steve G has not said how much he wants to keep him,I think they are keeping that to near the end of the season if only to show that someone wants him,up selling in fantasy land
Notice that Steve G has not said how much he wants to keep him,I think they are keeping that to near the end of the season if only to show that someone wants him,up selling in fantasy land
The transfer window was shut and business all done, yet here we have the SMS media openely doing the selling of a player for the orcs. This is the same media devoting a whole show reaching out with an advert for clubs wanting to buy, the same media the orcs claim are biased againt Sevco club.
He’s a ducking Fonkey, (squirrel) loves nuts.
There’s no way he’s a £3mill striker, in English football he will be sent off every other game
The Mibs and compliance officer has no Masonic Orange Leanings. And the Media are not one team Sycophants. So Club scouts will warn the DOF/Manager,to stay the Fuck away.
He will be sold to clear GASLs debts.
So bad luck who ever gets the nutcracker.

HH ☘️?
He’s a ducking Fonkey, (squirrel) loves nuts.
There’s no way he’s a £3mill striker, in English football he will be sent off every other game
The Mibs and compliance officer has no Masonic Orange Leanings. And the Media are not one team Sycophants. So Club scouts will warn the DOF/Manager,to stay the Fuck away.
He will be sold to clear GASLs debts.
So bad luck who ever gets the nutcracker.

HH ☘️?
If an offer came in for less than £5m, the club would probably reject it and just prefer to keep him. Their run to Europa group stage was worth a lot of money, and Morelos, for all we like to downplay his abilities, is their best player by a wide margin. Zero chance they replace him with comparable quality for £5m, and that would put their Europa qualifying campaign at risk this summer.

Personally, I hope this talk of £20m valuation is taken seriously by him and his agent so that they renegotiate his wages. Just like they did after the £8m phantom Chinese bid was ‘rejected’. If they want to pay him crazy money wages so that he can continue not scoring against us, we ought to encourage it!!! ?
The wee oddity aint worth half of that fee,how many goals has he scored against the champions ?.....thats right none ?
£20 million for El Fluffalo?


In the same way '50 shades Of Gray' was a fat housewife E.L James' wank-fantasy, so too is £20 Million Morelos the wank-fantasy of fat Jabba.

A fantasy that would only be made reality if the buying club was run by the Marx Brothers and managed by Borat.
They know the Gullibillies are all stupid enough to believe this guff 2/3 million at most Aye an undisclosed fee and a loan - that is me are being generous

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