Victory to the resistance

This is a difficult one,
We live in a country of free speech yet at times can’t accept free speech.
The GB are a bunch of young boys mixed in with some older heads and they’re Celtic daft and at times daft. They do a lot of good too but the thinking behind them is not too clever at times.
my old man says the other day to me sometimes people need to remember themselves at that age. You behave differently when your young, you want to take on the world. You protest whereas when your older, you change the channel.
There were very few complaints when they showed solidarity with Palestine a few years ago and very little criticism. The timing of Saturday was crass and stupid to say the least. A few seasons ago was solidarity and rightly so, Saturday was akin to glorifying some horrific acts that none of us want to see.
In these situations it’s always the innocent that are the victims and it’s been like that since time began.
But akin to the Troubles replace UK govt with Israel and IRA with Palestinians.
The other thing to remember is the circumstances on how Celtic came into existence. We were formed to help the ‘oppressed’ and its in our DNA. I’d rather politics didn’t come into Celtic Park, but I’m nearly 50 now, go back 30 years and i’d give you a different answer.
I can only speak for myself, but I’d have a cheek to ask someone not to do what I did when I was there age. Sometimes if we look close enough you can see a younger version of ourselves in these kids
100% correct At that age I would probably be one of the gb but I’ve matured a bit by now and can be a bit more grown up in my thinking
The GB are no different than us at that age
Showing empathy with Palestinian people is not a crime
Wouldn’t like to think so
10k marched for Palestine in Sydney today.
Including my niece and her daughter who is the best sort but doesn't carry on like a good sort, she has a caring heart for the downtrodden started with the Irish Catholics. Now Palestine is her main issue.
I was sitting next to her last week & she gave me hell (74yr old) with my brother (85yr old) her grandfather for not attending the protest.
She only let up when we explained that both of us have attended more marches than she had dinners for left wing causes, he started as a apprentice at H&W shipyards on the Clydeside.
I started as a apprentice on anti Vietnam marches which put pressure on God Geoff Whitlam to pull Australian troops of Vietnam the following month after his election. So some women can have brains & looks :)
I was just reading what happened to Craig Murray when he returned to Scotland after being abroad lobbying on behalf of The Palestinians and Julian Assange. It’s truly shocking. Go to his website and read what happened. This is KGB- Stasi type shit. Scotland in 2023.
Bush did the same before Iraq.
And Halliburton got all of the prime contracts for when the oil production and exploration was restarted after Iraq was "liberated" by the Americans. I the run up to the war, HAL were awarded a $7 billion contract that only they were allowed to bid on.

George Bush's VP was Dick Cheney. He is often described as the most powerful and influential US Vice President ever. He was the main driving force behind mobilising the US forces into the Iraq war, bullying the secret services to produce "evidence", manipulating information and downright lying about unsubstantiated links between Saddam & Al Quaeda.

In a totally unrelated matter, Dick Cheney was the CEO & Chairman of Halliburton from 1995 to 2000, receiving HAL stock options, which increased in value because of the huge increase in turnover...

When it comes to politics, always follow the money to see who benefits most by increasing their wealth/power.
I Agree.

Edit; Hamas still allow women to vist public spaces unaccompanied. They allow women to be educated and they allow women to wear western style clothes. So they're not quite at Taliban level yet

I think most of us will have seen the footage of dead people and the attack at the music festival and few have called it fake. Very few would disagree that there was massacres, atrocities committed by Hamas in kfar aza. But anyone with a moderate iq would at least question the beheading of the babies story. If babies were beheaded it would have been the first thing the Israelis showed the journalists. ...and from Tuesday onwards it would have been splattered across every media outlet in the world. I think when sky news question the story then you gotta think to yourself is this all just shite.

Maybe you have seen videos of the beheaded babies? Please, as gruesome as it would be to look at, share it. More likely you don't which makes me wonder what the hell your comment is all about.
Do not under any circumstances put up photos of beheaded babies !!!!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
I was piqued by something I read which caught my attention.

The indians in America were not classed as citizens for long long time, possibly still dont get equal rights but thats another debate, and even after US civil war only white protestant males who also owned land, usually stolen from indians, had right to vote and therefore classed as protected by the constitution aka (watp).

Before Texas was a state in roughly 1848, it had been a republic from 1836 rebellion against Mexican overlordship by US planters who wanted their slave rights intact.

Mexicans claimed the land through the white guy sees the land and claims it rule of law, despite being home to many divergent indian communities. Mexico didn't allow slavery at time planters arrived.

As US expanded and Slavery was getting vetoed throughout world due to works of abolishionist movements coupled with the conflicts betwen slave states and free states in america it was difficult for rich US white protestant landowners to extend their land grabs and keep their rights on new lands with slaves laws.

The available lands to grab were vast but contentiously claimed by peoples that White power didnt recognise as having rights.

Texas was huge and had huge increase in land value potential to imperialists. But although it wasn't densely populated and technically overruled by Mexico, a non slave country, it was populated by the growing US land grabbers with their slaves. rebellion against Mexico came when enough imperialist planters landed. And then came the increase in land value ideas as well as better security against mexico and indians fighting for what they claimed was theirs, and becoming state in US was sought.

Wonder if Palestinians are classed like indians on their own lands in USA. horded murdered and then called the bad yins for fighting for their rights then removed for real citizens to earn from their lands only to be horded and removed again and again as empire for real citizens is enforced with expansion.
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I was piqued by something I read which caught my attention.

The indians in America were not classed as citizens for long long time, possibly still dont get equal rights but thats another debate, and even after US civil war only white protestant males who also owned land, usually stolen from indians, had right to vote and therefore classed as protected by the constitution aka (watp).

Before Texas was a state in roughly 1848, it had been a republic from 1836 rebellion against Mexican overlordship by US planters who wanted their slave rights intact.

Mexicans claimed the land through the white guy sees the land and claims it rule of law, despite being home to many divergent indian communities. Mexico didn't allow slavery at time planters arrived.

As US expanded and Slavery was getting vetoed throughout world due to works of abolishionist movements coupled with the conflicts betwen slave states and free states in america it was difficult for rich US white protestant landowners to extend their land grabs and keep their rights on new lands with slaves laws.

The available lands to grab were vast but contentiously claimed by peoples that White power didnt recognise as having rights.

Texas was huge and had huge increase in land value potential to imperialists. But although it wasn't densely populated and technically overruled by Mexico, a non slave country, it was populated by the growing US land grabbers with their slaves. rebellion against Mexico came when enough imperialist planters landed. And then came the increase in land value ideas as well as better security against mexico and indians fighting for what they claimed was theirs, and becoming state in US was sought.

Wonder if Palestinians are classed like indians on their own lands in USA. horded murdered and then called the bad yins for fighting for their rights then removed for real citizens to earn from their lands only to be horded and removed again and again as empire for real citizens is enforced with expansion.
America and Israel have a fair bit in common. (Norn Iron too?) Both countries founded by violent immigrants who claimed God gave them someone else’s land. If you de-humanise your victim it makes it a wee bit easier to annihilate them and take their land. Israel and its supporters in America even claimed that the Holy Land was without people, “A land without people for a people without a land” was their catchphrase. 6 million Palestinians were airbrushed from history with that statement, Israel has set about slowly but surely making that statement come true.
Another interesting thing to note, Hitler based his race laws on American race laws.
Do not under any circumstances put up photos of beheaded babies !!!!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

There was no photos or videos of beheaded babies and i knew it before i asked. The babies story was black propaganda by the Israelis to dehumanise the Palestinians.

It's also becoming more more likely that the Israelis killed more of their own civilians than the Palestinians did. Our msm, the same people who reported the babies story, have been concealing what really went on. The Israelis shot their own fleeing from the rave. The Israelis sprayed the homes of their own civilians with machine gunfire, fired tank shells into the houses of their own civilans and fired on the same with Apache helicopters. That is not a conspiracy. That is truth as told by Israeli eyewitnesses.
There was no photos or videos of beheaded babies and i knew it before i asked. The babies story was black propaganda by the Israelis to dehumanise the Palestinians.

It's also becoming more more likely that the Israelis killed more of their own civilians than the Palestinians did. Our msm, the same people who reported the babies story, have been concealing what really went on. The Israelis shot their own fleeing from the rave. The Israelis sprayed the homes of their own civilians with machine gunfire, fired tank shells into the houses of their own civilans and fired on the same with Apache helicopters. That is not a conspiracy. That is truth as told by Israeli eyewitnesses.
Plenty of pictures of dead babies and children now, thanks to the indiscriminate bombing carried out by Israel