
Despite initiatives like 'Operation warp speed'trying to rush through a vaccine,scientists still don't fully understand this disease,they are worried, like SP says, about the long term effects on the young,they are now finding out you can be infected more than once,
A pattern is emerging,where lifting restrictions, result in an almost immediate rise in infection rates,and sadly,deaths.
This virus could be with us for years!
There was a notion that the 'Black Death' swept around the world,but,it was around for fifty odd years,wiping out 1/3 of the world's population.
Swally! 🍺 🥳
Nature always finds a way, Michael.

There's no doubt that the planet is overpopulated by our species and we are draining every natural resource we can to maximise profits.

Our species are living longer and that poses a problem. It is with absolute certainty that our political leaders have no regard for a billion or two lives on a planetary scale, but they can't be heard to be saying that out loud.

Many of us are in the latter part of our respective cycles, but I fear that 'brave new world' that awaits our young ones.
Despite initiatives like 'Operation warp speed'trying to rush through a vaccine,scientists still don't fully understand this disease,they are worried, like SP says, about the long term effects on the young,they are now finding out you can be infected more than once,
A pattern is emerging,where lifting restrictions, result in an almost immediate rise in infection rates,and sadly,deaths.
This virus could be with us for years!
There was a notion that the 'Black Death' swept around the world,but,it was around for fifty odd years,wiping out 1/3 of the world's population.
Swally! 🍺 🥳
Nothing changed from day 1 , because it doesn't manifest outwardly the ingormany think every is okay dokey...IT'S not! Rips ma knitting at some people's attitude and apathy...welcome to your fellow man!
Nature always finds a way, Michael.

There's no doubt that the planet is overpopulated by our species and we are draining every natural resource we can to maximise profits.

Our species are living longer and that poses a problem. It is with absolute certainty that our political leaders have no regard for a billion or two lives on a planetary scale, but they can't be heard to be saying that out loud.

Many of us are in the latter part of our respective cycles, but I fear that 'brave new world' that awaits our young ones.
I read a lot of books, horror, thrillers mostly, you’d be amazed at how many of the zombie 🧟books people get infected with a rushed through vaccine for something or other, one things for sure, I won’t be trying the vaccine first🤣
I've worked oot my survival plan in the event of the zombie apocalypse, BB..........Tree Cities, just like they wee bear people in Star Wars. I've yet to meet the zombie that can count to 1 (they go from zero - 55........stupid fuckers), never mind climb a tree.

Tree cities are the future!

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