Watching Scotland tonight

James is always a moderator on here, he must have just paid the site a visit for once. I'd be interested to hear how it was like Life of Brian.
it was the phil the gobshite thread,which has been taken down,which is a free speech questio, possibly,however thing's bein said were gettin out of hand,bit like these nutters!
it was the phil the gobshite thread,which has been taken down,which is a free speech questio, possibly,however thing's bein said were gettin out of hand,bit like these nutters!
u d braggin alky shit stirrer wiv no other life more like.
u moan about bein banned from other Celtic sites o_O bet u were not banned 4 no reason. always some1 else fault wiv online bully peeps like u. can give it but cant take it.
wot u did was slander hope phil sues your slack old ass.
u d braggin alky shit stirrer wiv no other life more like u. u moan about bein banned from other Celtic siteso_O bet u were not banned 4 no reason. always some1 else wiv online bully peeps like u. can give it but cant take it.
wot u did was slander hope phil sues your slack old ass.
And what about you, dicksweat.......

How many aliases did you use on the Cblog?

I'll make an allowance for the fact that you are the dumbest creature to have posted on this site, but I won't make allowances for the fact that you are a disgusting sub-human.

Away back to the septic tank you crawled out of, poopster.

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