We can all use a laugh

Seeing this photie in the Celtic Star gave me a flash back to the days of walking along London Road to the Celtic end where it met the jungle.

That wasnt pretty either but it was the 80s early 90s.
The big ash hill youd climb it if heading for the other side of the Celtic end, and see " IRA" painted on the roof of the houses 😅

Ah Ken what’s hi like but he’s better now he’s goat his wallies back Fi the Barras

HH 😉
I remember about 15 years ago I was up at my wee pals ( now sadly deceased) house at the old Sandyfield high flats facing the Brazen Head.

I had not long got my first wallies plate 🤫 dont tell anybody.

All steaming drunk and my pal , who had wallies for a while said " are they comfortable enough? You can use them ok?"
I said " aye there ok look " and pulled them out to show how light weight they were compared to his big gumshield and before I knew it , wee Rocco, his over excitable wee Jack Russell has jumped up and grabbed them right out of my hand .

Next thing it was a Benny Hill style chase around the house from living room to hall to bedroom back to living room and start again the wee shoite 😅

By the time I got them back they were all mashed up and twisted.
Moral of the story is, dont take your wallies out , outside the house....ever 😅
I remember about 15 years ago I was up at my wee pals ( now sadly deceased) house at the old Sandyfield high flats facing the Brazen Head.

I had not long got my first wallies plate 🤫 dont tell anybody.

All steaming drunk and my pal , who had wallies for a while said " are they comfortable enough? You can use them ok?"
I said " aye there ok look " and pulled them out to show how light weight they were compared to his big gumshield and before I knew it , wee Rocco, his over excitable wee Jack Russell has jumped up and grabbed them right out of my hand .

Next thing it was a Benny Hill style chase around the house from living room to hall to bedroom back to living room and start again the wee shoite 😅

By the time I got them back they were all mashed up and twisted.
Moral of the story is, dont take your wallies out , outside the house....ever 😅
My Dad liked a good bucket and one night, on his way home from the local hostelry, he had to stop to throw up, he stops by a old boarded up pub, and there's a window sill, where he takes his teeth oot, and lays them on the sill
Throws up, feels better, cleans up a bit then walks home
Next morning "Ah cannae find ma bottom teeth..."
"Well, you must have had them in, did you check your suit pockets ?"
Goes in, comes out..."They're no there...FFS..."
"OK let's retrace your steps, you were full last night, did you stop anywhere...?"
His memory starts to clear..."Eh, aye...I stopped and took my wallies oot, then...I...eh...think I left them on the windae sill..."
I drive down there with him, and we check it out...they're gone, no sign whatsoever...
Who the fuck would lift a set of wallies, lying on an old buildings window sill ?
He never did get a new set, just had his top set (no idea why he didn't pick up both sets) and you couldn't really tell, even when he smiled...
I've had a couple of partial plates, one I lost when I did the 'upchuck' thing, must run in the family eh ?
And the replacement one I took out when playing a game of fitba, and forgot they were in my pocket, only to lose them
Never got another one...true to the family tradition
I'll never get a Colgate commercial

My Dad liked a good bucket and one night, on his way home from the local hostelry, he had to stop to throw up, he stops by a old boarded up pub, and there's a window sill, where he takes his teeth oot, and lays them on the sill
Throws up, feels better, cleans up a bit then walks home
Next morning "Ah cannae find ma bottom teeth..."
"Well, you must have had them in, did you check your suit pockets ?"
Goes in, comes out..."They're no there...FFS..."
"OK let's retrace your steps, you were full last night, did you stop anywhere...?"
His memory starts to clear..."Eh, aye...I stopped and took my wallies oot, then...I...eh...think I left them on the windae sill..."
I drive down there with him, and we check it out...they're gone, no sign whatsoever...
Who the fuck would lift a set of wallies, lying on an old buildings window sill ?
He never did get a new set, just had his top set (no idea why he didn't pick up both sets) and you couldn't really tell, even when he smiled...
I've had a couple of partial plates, one I lost when I did the 'upchuck' thing, must run in the family eh ?
And the replacement one I took out when playing a game of fitba, and forgot they were in my pocket, only to lose them
Never got another one...true to the family tradition
I'll never get a Colgate commercial

Them bottom sets not good for any real pearlies ' one' might have 😛 they put pressure on the real wans still there and...well it's no nice an ye can lose more cos of them, good thinking yer auld man D.
I've started to only use they wans when I'm eating and.....hang on that's enough about my wallies 🤔
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