Wee Huns v Huns

I for one, and there will be a lot of members on here I am sure will agree....Steven Gerrard was a great footballer...he was the Paul McStay of Liverpool...I was very surprised when he took the Huns job...He is for the offski….he is better than the huns set up, and he knows that......And, for the huns….well again JL was correct 'Instant Karma's gonny get ye' and its happenin as we speak...what's all this Moreless not available for disciplinary reasons stuff
I for one, and there will be a lot of members on here I am sure will agree....Steven Gerrard was a great footballer...he was the Paul McStay of Liverpool...I was very surprised when he took the Huns job...He is for the offski….he is better than the huns set up, and he knows that......And, for the huns….well again JL was correct 'Instant Karma's gonny get ye' and its happenin as we speak...what's all this Moreless not available for disciplinary reasons stuff
Story is he was late on return from columbia and thats was it but rumours on twitter he had a stand up with slippy and telt them to ram it
but twitters full of different rumours

goin by that interview he looks like he's for the off
I for one, and there will be a lot of members on here I am sure will agree....Steven Gerrard was a great footballer...he was the Paul McStay of Liverpool...I was very surprised when he took the Huns job...He is for the offski….he is better than the huns set up, and he knows that......And, for the huns….well again JL was correct 'Instant Karma's gonny get ye' and its happenin as we speak...what's all this Moreless not available for disciplinary reasons stuff
Agree L, like you surprised at his decision to come here ,but think it was more ‘teamgerrard’ decision,! This was the’easy’ way into English football ,but all the latest is sevco stepping stone to Liverpool job ,ifthat is the case ,they can forget it ,maybe he,, they, have delusions of grandeur????,.Liverpool job for him,is a long way off,only time will tell ,but uppermostfor us is to get the quadtreble,now that would be a stepping stone ,pity about euro cup for us ,but priority needs first ,hh
I think slippy thought if I can stop celtic winning any more leagues iv done what the last few managers haven't done.but it didn’t work out like that.it's failed what now stevie don't ask dave king he's away he sold you this dream it's over waken up take yourself on a holiday they'll get someone else to go for 55 it's really one but hey they don't listen over thier .
Gerrard's post-match interview tonight was brutal.

He's said some silly things since he took over, probably fed to him by Jabba, and he should have never taken that horrible job at an evil football club, but I found myself feeling sorry for him.
Never feel sorry for him ,he knew exactly what he was getting into !he took this as a way back to England !in management, the crap coming out of that club will stick to him like glue!!!!! We win tomorrow,and it’s on for quad treble,if he thinks about his future, there is only one way to go ,hh
Theirs a song that comes to mind I wish I could put it up for everyone on the noise but I don't know how.it's Ronnie drew and Stockton wing the songs called now I'm easy it's a great song I hope somebody can get it on.the last time I asked something like this micheal duffy done the business come Mon mick help me out here it's a great song.