Well being

It’s been a weird day lost 2 people in ma family they were both buried today at the same time in different parts of Edinburgh.
One was my sister’s father in law and the one I went to was ma Uncle Bill he got me into Rugby which I was more than decent he was a gentle giant had a trial with Man Utd at the time Danny McGrain was injured and discovered he had Diabetes as did Bill
So that was that for him but he still played on at Football then he discovered Rugby
As I said was a really decent man a good friend.
He had a brilliant turnout and was the first time I heard a crematorium rock with folk music which he loved and was a great singer Wild mountain thyme then the shoals o herring by the Corries and followed lastly by The Flower o Scotland.
Then we headed back to the Rugby club
And one of Bills pals went to the wrong Crematorium which was my sisters Father in law’s he was devestated but took the ribbing well. I couldn’t resist asking him when he was eating his sausage rolls if he was at the right Tea.
It’s when you read some of the posts on here that the memories drift back to happier times hate June lost ma da and September lost ma Mither.
So to all the lucky Noisers who still have their parents enjoy them hug them and if you’re not talking forgive them nothing in life is more importantly than family.
To My Ma And Da thanks. A grateful Son

HH 👏
Thinking of you and yours mate 💚💚
It’s been a weird day lost 2 people in ma family they were both buried today at the same time in different parts of Edinburgh.
One was my sister’s father in law and the one I went to was ma Uncle Bill he got me into Rugby which I was more than decent he was a gentle giant had a trial with Man Utd at the time Danny McGrain was injured and discovered he had Diabetes as did Bill
So that was that for him but he still played on at Football then he discovered Rugby
As I said was a really decent man a good friend.
He had a brilliant turnout and was the first time I heard a crematorium rock with folk music which he loved and was a great singer Wild mountain thyme then the shoals o herring by the Corries and followed lastly by The Flower o Scotland.
Then we headed back to the Rugby club
And one of Bills pals went to the wrong Crematorium which was my sisters Father in law’s he was devestated but took the ribbing well. I couldn’t resist asking him when he was eating his sausage rolls if he was at the right Tea.
It’s when you read some of the posts on here that the memories drift back to happier times hate June lost ma da and September lost ma Mither.
So to all the lucky Noisers who still have their parents enjoy them hug them and if you’re not talking forgive them nothing in life is more importantly than family.
To My Ma And Da thanks. A grateful Son

HH 👏
Sorry to hear that bigman.
My oul fella is in his nineties and fairly decent health. He's an old school irish father. If I tried to give him a hug he'd scatter me. Followed by what the fucks wrong with ye at that shite.
It’s been a weird day lost 2 people in ma family they were both buried today at the same time in different parts of Edinburgh.
One was my sister’s father in law and the one I went to was ma Uncle Bill he got me into Rugby which I was more than decent he was a gentle giant had a trial with Man Utd at the time Danny McGrain was injured and discovered he had Diabetes as did Bill
So that was that for him but he still played on at Football then he discovered Rugby
As I said was a really decent man a good friend.
He had a brilliant turnout and was the first time I heard a crematorium rock with folk music which he loved and was a great singer Wild mountain thyme then the shoals o herring by the Corries and followed lastly by The Flower o Scotland.
Then we headed back to the Rugby club
And one of Bills pals went to the wrong Crematorium which was my sisters Father in law’s he was devestated but took the ribbing well. I couldn’t resist asking him when he was eating his sausage rolls if he was at the right Tea.
It’s when you read some of the posts on here that the memories drift back to happier times hate June lost ma da and September lost ma Mither.
So to all the lucky Noisers who still have their parents enjoy them hug them and if you’re not talking forgive them nothing in life is more importantly than family.
To My Ma And Da thanks. A grateful Son

HH 👏
A tough go for sure Jammy
Condolences to you, and your family
FFS...I stepped on one of Georgia's stuffed toys, and decided to punt it across the livingroom
Bad idea auld yin
Stubbed my big toe, and it's now letting me know, not to do that stupid shit
Tomorrow's walk with Georgia should be 'DELIGHTFUL'
Self inflicted wound
Daft auld bastard
Hope everybody's doing well today, and looking forward to Summer's arrival tomorrow
Marky, saw this, thought of you
Beware the spandex :ROFLMAO:
Just back from my wee holiday in York, met up with some old friends and a great time was had by all, I've got a bit of catching up to do on the noise as the internet was so slow, in the village we were staying in the locals used a runner with a cleft stick 😀.
Dill, I shudder at the thought of spandex its bad enough looking like the Michelin man without wrapping it in clingy shiny material. there again😏
Just back from my wee holiday in York, met up with some old friends and a great time was had by all, I've got a bit of catching up to do on the noise as the internet was so slow, in the village we were staying in the locals used a runner with a cleft stick 😀.
Dill, I shudder at the thought of spandex its bad enough looking like the Michelin man without wrapping it in clingy shiny material. there again😏
Had me smiling there Marky, good on you
My mate has Parkinson's (that's 3 now and they're all Scottish) and yesterday he had prostate Cancer surgery, which went well
He's from Glasgow originally and his sense of humour is still there
He phoned me up a couple of weeks ago, to tell me about him going in for surgery, and his words were "Golden years be fuck !!!"
Best to all going through a 'challenge'

Get the ice pack on.
Sorry don’t mean to change tack here but Canada is on fire from east coast to west coast
The BC town of Tumbler Ridge is under threat and the 2400 residents have been evacuated
It’s heartbreaking to see this happening across our beautiful country
This is Tumbler Ridge right now
We had some light rain today here, but they really need a downpour to help with the firefighting, but with that and the chance of lightning strikes and the wind, it's a terrifying prospect
Bless all those affected, and the heroes who are fighting these fires
The two biggest fires, were supposedly human caused
Shammy, that's awful, and unheard of aroud our area, back in the day, Inverclyde is fortunate to be so wet

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That's a really frightening situation dilligaf I hope things turn for the people of Canada 🍁 I'll say a wee prayer.
That's a really frightening situation dilligaf I hope things turn for the people of Canada 🍁 I'll say a wee prayer.
Cheers Jinky
It's changed somewhat due to Mother Nature sending some heavy rain, but with that, in certain areas, lightning strikes always start more wildfires
Two weeks ago, I was up north and it was sunny and 27 degrees...beautiful...last week, the highway got 2 inches of snow !!
Canada, life is never boring
Cheers Jinky
It's changed somewhat due to Mother Nature sending some heavy rain, but with that, in certain areas, lightning strikes always start more wildfires
Two weeks ago, I was up north and it was sunny and 27 degrees...beautiful...last week, the highway got 2 inches of snow !!
Canada, life is never boring
I know dilligaf I remember not so long ago thier was very bad snow falls where your living it was really bad ,in belfast if we had a fraction of what yous get the place would come to a stand still ,keep er lite dilligaf your a hardy bunch in Canada 🍁.
I know dilligaf I remember not so long ago thier was very bad snow falls where your living it was really bad ,in belfast if we had a fraction of what yous get the place would come to a stand still ,keep er lite dilligaf your a hardy bunch in Canada 🍁.
Yeah we’re used to snow out here but not as bad as other parts
Mind you many drivers are bad enough in the middle of Summer on a dry highway never mind when it snows 😬😬
Had me smiling there Marky, good on you
My mate has Parkinson's (that's 3 now and they're all Scottish) and yesterday he had prostate Cancer surgery, which went well
He's from Glasgow originally and his sense of humour is still there
He phoned me up a couple of weeks ago, to tell me about him going in for surgery, and his words were "Golden years be fuck !!!"
Best to all going through a 'challenge'
Aye ! Golden years my arse , I'm going to get fitted with hearing aids tomorrow ,slowly falling apart here ,when I started my treatments the nurse would hand me a wee thin folder to give to the consultant, she now pushes my notes on a trolley 🤣.
Hospital feels a bit like fishing once they've got their hooks into to you their not letting you go .
Look after that toe my friend ,enjoy the hobble with Georgia 😊
Aye ! Golden years my arse , I'm going to get fitted with hearing aids tomorrow ,slowly falling apart here ,when I started my treatments the nurse would hand me a wee thin folder to give to the consultant, she now pushes my notes on a trolley 🤣.
Hospital feels a bit like fishing once they've got their hooks into to you their not letting you go .
Look after that toe my friend ,enjoy the hobble with Georgia 😊
Love it Marky :LOL::ROFLMAO:
Sense of humour deffo required, when dealing with hospital and our aches and pains
Was at our Granddaughters dance recital yesterday
About a hundred kids in different age groups and doing different dance routines
Last year Liliana was in a dress and hid at the back of the stage, this year she was doing hip hop and was front and centre giving it 'attitude' and Papa was blinded by tears watching her
As all the kids were on stage for their 'bow' and she her group was at the back, she spotted Kerry and I sitting off to the side, and she was smiling and waving at us like mad...I was so proud of her
My mate's surgery went well on Firday but they're doing a scan of his lungs today, as he's having issues with his breathing...I am not religious but I'm saying a wee prayer for his full and speedy recovery
Jimmy's a Glaswegain so he's got the usual stoic, take things head on attitude, along with the sense of humour that Glaswegians are famous for
Anyway, sending my best to you and yours, and to anyone who's dealing with 'stuff'
Update on my illness. Doctor says it was brought on by mental state of mind. Every day I believed was my end date. Days came and went it was the same. Went into depression mode just couldn't get out of it. Doctor prescribed pills and within 2months I was feeling much better. I'm lucky that I didn't need therapy. It was all in my mind. Some on here would say I'm a basket case anyway 😀😀 But always remember to talk to talk too your loved one if anthing is troubling you.