What Advice Would You Give Neil Lennon

For me it has to be get Leigh Griffiths in the starting line up alongside Eddy.....a free scoring Griff can turn our season around imo.....just do it Lenny...
I cant say Im impressed with his use of the squad or the tactics or the shape far too often.

Even yesterday it was weak tactically against a much less talented, albeit very experienced Hearts side.

As much as I love your contribution to the club Lenny I no longer rate you as a good enough manager to take club forward.

Im glad you won the cup. But my advice Neil is cut out on a high. Let someone else have the reigns. As much as I think your good at many things. I dont think your learning from your mistakes.

You gave club stability at right time. I thank you kindly for all your efforts and tenacity. But a good general knows when its time.


Its time

God bless
Can’t quite sort out in my head what to make of yesterday. Proper Jekyll and Hyde - great first 45 then absolute fucknuggetry for the second half.
And yet.........
Still found a way to get it done - to get over the line. Whatever we may say about the players, Lenny, coaching staff etc - showed a lot of bottle in that respect.
But that can only get you so far - and the overwhelming feeling I have about yesterday is that it’s the closing of a chapter in our history.

That’s why the advice I would give to Lenny is to bow out now - at the top having secured a piece of history that will never be matched. His place as a legend is secured - going on and losing the 10, which going by the way we are playing is becoming more and more likely, wo yo Ld tarnish that somewhat. And that is something he does not deserve - all the shite he has had to put up with over his career - he deserves an unblemished record in the Celtic legends hall of fame.
Nothing I’ve seen even yesterday has convinced me that NFL should be the Manager imo a total clear out is and has been needed from the Hun defeat at home
But he’s got the backing of DD so he stays
Yes well done Quadrafenian Treble History
As first Player and Manager to do it 👏👏👏.
But it’s Time to Go Get a new man in and get into the Huns and watch them collapse again.
We need a Manager with Tactical nous a football Brain
And we Need it Now

HH 🍀
I've yet to meet a hun that wants lenny out. Have you noticed the media bastards are all behind him to. They are attacking our players and fans but not much written about lenny himself. Even that prick tanner is tweeting his support for lenny. Thats a shore fire sign that he needs to go. When the hun media are willing the guy to stay you know things are bad.
Thats what Slippy should have done after they lost at home to Hamilton last season but he didnt
I’m not meaning to be harsh about it. He should go on a high on the shoulders of this achievement. Many of the fans (me included) still love him. He has earned that respect. He should not tarnish this in a stubborn belief he is the guy to fix things. He is not.
After a decent 1st half that became clear once again in the second half. This defense is nothing short of an unmitigated disaster. He clearly has no idea how to fix it. Neither do any if the supposed coaches alongside him.
Now that the 4x3 is over attention will revert to focusing on the 10. He cannot hide behind past achievements blindly stating he can turn things around. Eventually many in the support will turn on him again. I would prefer him to go on a high and avoid this regrettable scenario.
One other point - whilst saying Lenny should go now, on a high, that should also apply to Lawwell as well. As I said about the closing of a chapter, it needs a full fresh start.

Lawwells iron grip on Celtic will only end when he decides. Im sure his bonus comes at the end of the season so we have him until then. He will then sail of to UEFA to pick up more millions. From there he will help the SFA hide their corruption inside the walls of European power. The last thing the European football governing body needs is a FIFA like scandal. Who better to stop a light being shined onto the mess in scottish football than the man who helped create it.
Stay the course Neil....The confidence and relief that win brought yesterday will be monumental.... quadreble is an achievement that will be there forever and unmatched worldwide...10 in a row is only relevant in our country as teams like Bayern and juventus are on the cusp of doing the same...now is not the time to change or quit
Stay the course Neil....The confidence and relief that win brought yesterday will be monumental.... quadreble is an achievement that will be there forever and unmatched worldwide...10 in a row is only relevant in our country as teams like Bayern and juventus are on the cusp of doing the same...now is not the time to change or quit

He doesn't seem to have a plan or a direction that he wants to take the club. We havent improved at all under him. We are making the same mistakes. He is playing the players who are failing. He talks about working on things but nothing is changing under him. Its for those reasons I think he should go. The problem is though, will the board allow any other manager to bring in their own plan?? Our DOF, Mr Lawwell, seems to have control over who comes and goes. Its very hard for a manager to stamp his own ideas on players he doesn't need or want. But a good manager could take what he has and implement changes. BR did it with, what was mostly lenny and ronnys players, to create and invisible treble winning team. Lennon doesn't seem capable of achieving that with this squad of players.
Stay the course Neil....The confidence and relief that win brought yesterday will be monumental.... quadreble is an achievement that will be there forever and unmatched worldwide...10 in a row is only relevant in our country as teams like Bayern and juventus are on the cusp of doing the same...now is not the time to change or quit
Sorry mate. Can’t agree with that assessment. Let’s see what the next game brings. If it’s a repeat of yesterday’s 2nd 45 then that’s the confidence and relief theory shot.
As for the 10 we don’t play in the Bundesliga or Serie A, we can only achieve that in this country. This would be another first and perhaps unequalled ever again achievement. It drives the huns apoplectic to see us pile up these records. FFS 1967 still turns them green over 50 years later. So do I want to see us do this to rub their noses in it?
You fkn bet I do.
Stay the course Neil....The confidence and relief that win brought yesterday will be monumental.... quadreble is an achievement that will be there forever and unmatched worldwide...10 in a row is only relevant in our country as teams like Bayern and juventus are on the cusp of doing the same...now is not the time to change or quit
Sorry Docco but if he Stays the Relevance is that the 10 is gone if not already and we’ll done you if you think there will be any confidence from that performance yesterday. Funny thing when he changed the Midfield we won in 90 minutes Twice
Same cannot be said about yesterday
His Steadfast decision to keep playing the
World class tippy Tappy side to side football has got us 16 points behind Shitco and out of the League Cup to Barca County
Who have sacked there manager.
So by all means keep NFL in charge as the Quality of Football has been Outfuckingstanding. And before you reach for the Laptop to defend Him His Players have consistently Disgraced the Hoops
They don’t want him or his Backroom Team
But that’s just my Opinion.
HH Docco always Positive me I’m done with Lenny
