What do you all think of the Royal Family?

If you ran a water pipe through Africa so they could produce agriculture there would be no starving population as there would be no drought. Man ignored droughts creates wealth by giving loans to keep slaves in debt, its the man made economy. The church and Monarchy have no wealth as wealth is mere material, the real authority that rules is power, power to control people through the fear of hunger in a world that man poulates less than a third of it, for every birth there is a death, the cycle of life.
President Ronald Reagan underwent surgery at Bethesda Naval Medical Center in Maryland to remove a cancerous polyp in his large intestine. everyboduy can be affected,
American TV channels have the cheek now to direct business sponsorship packages from the approved back handed network approved ... Its on the telly adverts constantly on the live US streams I've noticed
Who is the head of State in NZ and in Australia? I suspect when the Queen dies we will have a debate about whether the time is right to have a Republic.

Isnt that whats wanted over there. I can’t remember the man who was pm over there a couple of years back, he was really outspoken in his wish for a republic ???
Most people in NZ are respectful of the Queen and concede that she has spent her life doing her lifetime 'job' well beyond retirement age to the best of her ability. Not many people started their working life in 1953. This respect means that they are prepared to stay quiet but when she dies then Charles if he is still alive becomes our King. Now that is a different kettle of fish. He does not command the same level of respect.
Most people in NZ are respectful of the Queen and concede that she has spent her life doing her lifetime 'job' well beyond retirement age to the best of her ability. Not many people started their working life in 1953. This respect means that they are prepared to stay quiet but when she dies then Charles if he is still alive becomes our King. Now that is a different kettle of fish. He does not command the same level of respect.

Aye she’s worked her fingers to the bone travelling in luxury dressed in luxury eating luxury. More domestics and stylists than you can shake a stick at and all she has to do is proffer a gloved hand, smile yet still manages to look disinterested as fuck.

Thank God for the Aussie pm i was talking about.

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