What does Lenny have to do?

What does lenny have to do??...win the league for me. If he gets us to 8 then let him stay. Then of he gets 9 ?????????? Thought of him lifting the 10 blows my mind!!!! It would cause Scottish football to self combust!!! Just imagine the pain and hurt and absolute anger that would engulf the zombies and the Edinburgh diet huns. It would be amazing...better than if BR had done it. It's just to good to think about!!!!
If he got us to 10 Lubo nobody would remember the other guys name. Suits me
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This is a real problem. PL and Dermit will surely decide what they want for the club. Rogers brought in some great loan players from some big clubs who have helped us play entertaining and winning football. I don't see Lennon being able to do this. On the other hand, I think Lenny would get a more steady team of workers with a bit of flare and with a lot of determination to win the magic "Ten in a row" and also not get humiliated in Europe.
Well before putting my thoughts down on paper I was against Lenny for a permanent contract but now I have decided that while we are still in Scotland it is a big yes from me for Lenny
I doubt he'll win every game, though - God knows, Brendan RoJudas©️ wouldn't if he stayed - so where do we draw the line?

I actually think we will win every game, including at Mordor. It’s the summer and trying to qualify for the CL that is the major worry for me.

One game at a time though, and hopefully, behind the scenes targets are being identified and Indiana Jones is brought in to find that Fucking tin.

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