Why does the Vatican have a serpent building?

st Patrick as we all know drove all the snakes out of Ireland, until we found out they have never had any. Still, a good story for the medieval poor sods to make them feel better. Mon the snakes. It's these medieval shite stories that fuelled people's fear and hatred that saw them being killed. And Patrick was Welsh. What a let down.

You take that back! Patrick did indeed drive the snakes out of Ireland. Problem is the cunts came back again in the 1600s and we're still waiting for the second coming of Patrick to deliver us again.
My concern is the Pope is an evil globalist promoting the agenda of the Club of Rome to bring in a One Government New World Order. Part of that agenda is a one world religion and he has recently invited world religious leaders, politicians, athletes, scientists, actors and world influencer's etc. to agree to one religion using education as the primary tool. Prepare for the abandonment of Catholic schools, indeed the removal of any reference to Jesus Christ. This Nun explains it perfectly

you just don't get it.

You are promoting bollocks with snippets of subjective propaganda thats not got anything remotely verifiable unless you have a special power

And although everything you seem to promote is Gobbledegook it contradicts your week before

You want to find kebab sauce in your tomato ketchup you will be certain you found it if its on a youtube video

The truth will set you free tt

if what you find makes you neurotic then its not holy

And if you see unholiness everywhere then you better get your specs checked for dung.

Now lets assume your right on this one

the fact your normally wrong on everything makes it hard to believe

And even if I believed you

Should I leave the church and follow TGM and the cult of flat biscuits?

What is the goal of your outbursts?
how long does it take for a cat to evolve into a door?
About as long as it takes a man in the clouds to create the earth or as long as it takes a serpent worshipping pope to walk around a disc shaped planet.
I'm not religious at all. I dont believe in god...I also dont believe what TT is saying. Does that make me safe from whatever it is that the thread is aiming at....I really hope so 😂
About as long as it takes a man in the clouds to create the earth or as long as it takes a serpent worshipping pope to walk around a disc shaped planet.
I'm not religious at all. I dont believe in god...I also dont believe what TT is saying. Does that make me safe from whatever it is that the thread is aiming at....I really hope so 😂
Yeah, but would you get jiggy with Olive, Lubo.........that is the question?
About as long as it takes a man in the clouds to create the earth or as long as it takes a serpent worshipping pope to walk around a disc shaped planet.
I'm not religious at all. I dont believe in god...I also dont believe what TT is saying. Does that make me safe from whatever it is that the thread is aiming at....I really hope so 😂

And this isn't a comment to belittle what people believe. My grandad goes to church every day. He believes praying to god helped get rid of his cancer, I believe it was chemo and having half his bowel removed. But his faith gave him comfort, hope and strength and to me that's an amazing thing.
My daughters give me hope and strength, working my arse of for them and bringing them up to be decent, bright, kind people is my aim. Worrying about serpents and where I go when I die is way down the list of things on my mind. At the moment my main priority is what time I leave the house in the morning to beat the london rush hour traffic. 😂
About as long as it takes a man in the clouds to create the earth or as long as it takes a serpent worshipping pope to walk around a disc shaped planet.
I'm not religious at all. I dont believe in god...I also dont believe what TT is saying. Does that make me safe from whatever it is that the thread is aiming at....I really hope so 😂
if god is a bloke who hides in clouds with thunderbolts

then im atheist as well

But despite the modern world of facts that are found in weird books without references

Ill stick to reading the saints and what it is they are trying to share

It makes sense if you read what they say.

if it doesn't make sense then maybe its better to find something else

Its a bit like the hun media

they spout shit that has no sources other than selective propaganda

tt seems to do that a lot
Thai Tim what the shit is this about? There are people who get a lot out of organised religion of many different faiths and if you involve human beings in any institution you will get good and bad.

The present Pope made it very plain what he thought of Donald Trump - didn't really strike me as trying to achieve New World Order. If you did want New World Order has there ever been a better leader of the Western World and full time clown to align yourself with? WASP's and the bible belt in the USA are fawning over Trump and manage to turn a blind eye to he fact that he's morally corrupt. So lots of religions are not what they seem - it is about opinions. There were Baptists and other Anglican religions who offered starving Catholics food if they would agree to convert from Catholicism. I think Rev TuTu said something like "We had our gold and the white men came with their bibles, when they left they had our gold and we had their bibles". All religions can be scrutinised. It is not the Pope, Bishop or Priest who own Catholicism - it is the people of the congregation who believe and try to do the right thing every day of their lives. These insignificant people who try to help and support folk all faiths. F*** me - there must be worse people in the world to criticise in 2019.