Will the people ever fight back?

I’ve always said it should be mandatory to vote at elections, but with one difference, on the ballot paper there’s should be a none of the above candidates, if that option wins, you have another vote with none of those candidates or parties allowed to take part, that would shake up the establishment 👍
Oh and another thing, there should be NO career politicians, two terms then your life barred from standing again….
Not the worst idea
I’ve always said it should be mandatory to vote at elections, but with one difference, on the ballot paper there’s should be a none of the above candidates, if that option wins, you have another vote with none of those candidates or parties allowed to take part, that would shake up the establishment 👍
Oh and another thing, there should be NO career politicians, two terms then your life barred from standing again….
No one really wants to vote any of these 3 parties as weve seen they're all full of the brown stuff.
Theres a vacuum in politics for another option ( but I'm not talking about it) 🤐

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