
It reminds me of Thatcher with the Falklands - whipping up the Nationalist crap as her support was waning. I remember walking into a boozer back then and they had Spitfire and Lancaster bomber airfix models on the gantry and union jacks hanging everywhere - it was like all these eejits turning the clocks back to 1940's... Trump is betting on the great US of A supporting his 'kick ass attitude'. I note that the Iranian General is now being described as a terrorist and not a legitimate General of a country who are rightly saying this is a war crime. If Iran took a US General out with a drone when he was in Canada - it would nuke time and outrage.... Puppet Master Netanyahu and Puppet Johnson were the first to come out in support Trump's actions - 3 people corrupt of any morality all riding on a wave of right wing politics. It's as depressing as the reported interest in Ki Seung Yung ☹