To all the haters

I’m disappointed that he’s going. Whilst I wouldn’t begrudge anyone doing what they think is best fir them, money and all that. There have been others that stayed wi the club they loved. Broony ... faithful through and through..... Forest aye and Larsson gave us 7 seasons and could have been gone long before that. I’m sore that he’s gone but there it is. I wish him well but ye cannae buy loyalty. HH
an invincible season and an unprecedented treble treble,while being ran into the ground and getting the shit kicked out of him every week! aye don't go!

He went for the money in my book michael.

Money more important to him and people like him. I’m sorry it has never been higher than other things for me personally.

His op in the summer had nothing to do with injuries from football and every one of our players go up against it every week.

Now that type of cash is a head turner for sure.

But 2 years really would not put a dent in his kitty by more than loyalty or legendary status imho.

However i will say there are people on this forum who can accept we do not all think the same without resorting to gutter sniping.

Your point as is a few others well made whether i disagree or not is immaterial, those wishing to take the moral high ground by gutter sniping at fellow fans should look to people like yerself. Aitch. SP & Greenghirl.

Different opinion to me but graciously and respectfully put across.
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100 % correct Michael,he could have been looked after better by our referees,and as one of the Bhoys said,,Dont know a Celtic fan who does not wish him well..
I think the comments which came out of Parkhead could have been handled better,why was there a need to say,,Kieran wanted to leave,it sounded when I heard this comment that Celtic wanted to make sure they were vindicated..
As you said Michael,,the Great Bhoy has been with us since he was 7,he has given us 15 years of his life man and Bhoy,time tolet go now and wish him all the very best from every true Glasgow Celtic supporter..Good luck Kieran..HH
The great thing about this site is that we can say what we think and hopefully respect each other’s opinion. And it’s difficult with KT most of the comments here have an element of truth about them and I’ve agreed with elements of must of em. And I’m conflicted about ma own feelings on the matter. I don’t want to trash the lad but I wish he’d stayed but he hasnae, wish he’d been more loyal but he isnae. I need a lesson or two from Maria in how te say it like it is. HH
By that logic, Michael, every single talented Celtic player who could play for even mediocre English PL teams ought to leave us :unsure:
To be fair, Sam.......that's pretty much the case in this day and age.

Many of the young imports make no secret of the fact that we're a stepping stone to more financially rewarding environments and it's a heartbreaker, but sadly true.

Even those young lads who are born into the club must be looking at their contemporaries down south and thinking about dipping their beak in the bowl, especially after seeing what Andy Robertson has achieved.

This is a bad day. We have to get it out the system and refocus on the task in hand starting tomorrow.
The great thing about this site is that we can say what we think and hopefully respect each other’s opinion. And it’s difficult with KT most of the comments here have an element of truth about them and I’ve agreed with elements of must of em. And I’m conflicted about ma own feelings on the matter. I don’t want to trash the lad but I wish he’d stayed but he hasnae, wish he’d been more loyal but he isnae. I need a lesson or two from Maria in how te say it like it is. HH
Agreed GG
The great thing about this site is that we can say what we think and hopefully respect each other’s opinion. And it’s difficult with KT most of the comments here have an element of truth about them and I’ve agreed with elements of must of em. And I’m conflicted about ma own feelings on the matter. I don’t want to trash the lad but I wish he’d stayed but he hasnae, wish he’d been more loyal but he isnae. I need a lesson or two from Maria in how te say it like it is. HH

Oh Jeez babe the last thing you need is my mouth... i wouldn’t wish that on you ??.

Your a lady who is very eloquent and has the ability to see both sides, diplomatic and thoughtful GG, you stay as you are my friend for you really are such a lovely ghirl who’s posts i very much enjoy reading. ??
Oh Jeez babe the last thing you need is my mouth... i wouldn’t wish that on you ??.

Your a lady who is very eloquent and has the ability to see both sides, diplomatic and thoughtful GG, you stay as you are my friend for you really are such a lovely ghirl who’s posts i very much enjoy reading. ??
Aw thanks hen but I luv ya passion. You rock this site.
Don’t know about that pal. Feel like some want to slit my throat most days ha! ??
Don’t do that ffs
I respect you and value your opinion even in the short time of knowing u
What I like is u say it how it is and there is nothing wrong with that


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