Res 12 - Have We Been Betrayed?

15. In the course of discussions Resolutioners were told by Celtic that the representatives of other football clubs who make up the membership of the SFA, have no appetite to refer the charges to the Court of Arbitration for Sport and have expressed no interest in ensuring that the breaches of the SFA and UEFA rules alleged within the charges brought by the SFA after investigation, are considered by any judicial forum with the appropriate jurisdiction, or in ensuring that the rules of the SFA and UEFA are seen to be complied with and if necessary enforced.

This is very telling, in simple terms this is a rigged game that clubs are happy with so get over it ,

As Imatim stated the 5 way agreement protects the huns they have already used this threat on the SFA and the sfa caved ,no wonder all their players red cards got rescinded

This cannot be allowed to fall by the wayside if it does then people there's no point buying a season ticket if the games rigged and as a support we should also take a closer look at these clubs who have no appetite for truth ,but don't mind taking our money

Just read point 4, Celtic at the moment it seems are doing fuck all. Heres hoping enough decent men step forward if not then it's time as fans with cash, to boycott all merchandise and boycott any produce that puts money into their pockets. This is a shareholder decision to force the issue, also if enough good shareholders step forward then they can inform/indicate to the board when rotation comes round they will be voted out.

4. In the course of that same correspondence, UEFA provided information to the Resolutioner’s Legal Agents which seemed to contradict information previously provided by The SFA and advised that if these same issues were raised with them by Celtic FC as a member club of UEFA then these would be investigated, but that UEFA could not or would not instigate such an investigation if the matters were raised by shareholders alone. UEFA were not approached by Celtic.
Just read point 4, Celtic at the moment it seems are doing fuck all. Heres hoping enough decent men step forward if not then it's time as fans with cash, to boycott all merchandise and boycott any produce that puts money into their pockets. This is a shareholder decision to force the issue, also if enough good shareholders step forward then they can inform/indicate to the board when rotation comes round they will be voted out.

4. In the course of that same correspondence, UEFA provided information to the Resolutioner’s Legal Agents which seemed to contradict information previously provided by The SFA and advised that if these same issues were raised with them by Celtic FC as a member club of UEFA then these would be investigated, but that UEFA could not or would not instigate such an investigation if the matters were raised by shareholders alone. UEFA were not approached by Celtic.

I think the major shareholders act in unison Boab.....there’s no way us other shareholders can vote them out.....the AGM is going to be very interesting

I think the major shareholders act in unison Boab.....there’s no way us other shareholders can vote them out.....the AGM is going to be very interesting
If you spend at least £20 to £100 on merchandising then stop spending it on merchandising, if you go to the game don't visit the shop, the catering, the program, the celtic view, the strip etc.
Shareholders who are motivated by one thing are easy to convince and will change their mind when it is made clear to them what they will be deprived of going forward, they have no morals, so take away their first love.
From Auldheid - cut &paste from Sentinel Celts


Mario Bertoloni
A good question and one The Board can answer when they explain why it is not in the interests of The Company to do as The Res to reinstate Res12 asks ie take the issue away from SFA to UEFA or the police.
One of the outcomes of shareholders having the reinstatement Res tabled is that what was placed on the agenda along with Celtic’s response, is now out there for all Celtic supporters, not just shareholders to see and discuss.
Indeed The Celtic Star have begun that process and via the links here you can read the Res in full and the response.
What Res12 hoped to achieve indeed was encouraged to achieve by Celtics CEO was SFA reform.
That that aim has instead been lost in the passage of time, because info provided has not been used to that end, apparently because it is not in the Companies interest to take the issue away from the SFA, begs the question when did pursuing it stop being in Celtic’ s interests?
The AGM will give Celtic the opportunity to explain that and answer your question.
I think the board, have been warned to get this tae f**k or face sanction either from SFA,UEFA or both & collectively the board huv shit themselves

This is one possibility because one of the events covered in the Compliance Officer charges is not acting with good faith in the monitoring submissions in particular the 30 June 2011.

Interestingly this submission was verbally accepted by UEFA according to the SFA Licensing official yet it is now subject to a non compliance charge.

So what were UEFA told by the SFA?

If you go to and check e mail from SFA Keith Sharpe of mid Sept 2011, its tone and the web site comment relating to it, then perhaps UEFA did not want to rock the flagship of their enhanced FFP introduced in Oct 2010 because a club and national association drove a torpedo through it.

Of course the implications of UEFA swerving their own rules would be astonishing for European football, not just Celtic.
Well the shareholders are asking their fellow shareholders the question and hope they take action

Shareholders who agree this is necessary can indicate their support by signing the attached proposal which will be presented to the 2019

More than enough read the Recital and in that basis signed up to the Reinstatement Res which is why it is on the 2019 agenda and will be discussed.

It also means that non shareholders have the opportunity to read in public matters that were between shareholders representatives and the Board and opens up discussion.
From Auldheid - cut &paste from Sentinel Celts


Mario Bertoloni
A good question and one The Board can answer when they explain why it is not in the interests of The Company to do as The Res to reinstate Res12 asks ie take the issue away from SFA to UEFA or the police.
One of the outcomes of shareholders having the reinstatement Res tabled is that what was placed on the agenda along with Celtic’s response, is now out there for all Celtic supporters, not just shareholders to see and discuss.
Indeed The Celtic Star have begun that process and via the links here you can read the Res in full and the response.
What Res12 hoped to achieve indeed was encouraged to achieve by Celtics CEO was SFA reform.
That that aim has instead been lost in the passage of time, because info provided has not been used to that end, apparently because it is not in the Companies interest to take the issue away from the SFA, begs the question when did pursuing it stop being in Celtic’ s interests?
The AGM will give Celtic the opportunity to explain that and answer your question.

Hoi I was going to do that. Lol.

This is one possibility because one of the events covered in the Compliance Officer charges is not acting with good faith in the monitoring submissions in particular the 30 June 2011.

Interestingly this submission was verbally accepted by UEFA according to the SFA Licensing official yet it is now subject to a non compliance charge.

So what were UEFA told by the SFA?

If you go to and check e mail from SFA Keith Sharpe of mid Sept 2011, its tone and the web site comment relating to it, then perhaps UEFA did not want to rock the flagship of their enhanced FFP introduced in Oct 2010 because a club and national association drove a torpedo through it.

Of course the implications of UEFA swerving their own rules would be astonishing for European football, not just Celtic.

Thanks for that.

Can you keep us here on the Noise up to speed as things progress? That would be appreciated.

Cheers and your efforts are greatly appreciated
Haw Auldheid

If you’re looking in, can you add anything to what’s being said. Cheers

My comment from SC covers 2 important points that will requiring answering one way or another.

I think there is enough information now in the public domain to allow informed comment without being led, although happy to try and answer on points raised.
The response was more or less expected and it does nothing to address the points made that persuaded shareholders to sign up.

It is interesting to see the justification is now being examined. Everything changed in May 2018 when charges were placed, but evidence challenging the apparent ommission of the grant period was presented on the eve of the JPDT sitting in June 2018 that eventually saw deferall or maybe not, to CAS.
This caused questions at last AGM from the floor that have not been answered a year on, hence need to reinstate Res12.
Auldheid if your still on

if Celtic were to take this to C.A.S would that mean us losing out on european football as i thought the rules were clubs could not take there associations to C.A.S , could this be a reason for the club not wishing to persue it
or have i read it wrong
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Metro Bank co-founder Vernon Hill has resigned as chairman with immediate effect, as the struggling lender reported a net loss for the third quarter. Hill promised investors the "best is yet to come" just hours before reporting a net loss of £4.9m for the third quarter from £1.2m the previous period. Bowing out earlier than expected, Hill leaves his successor to handle a regulatory investigation into a major accounting gaffe earlier this year, which not only cost the bank customers but also prompted a share price collapse. •
Auldheid if your still on

if Celtic were to take this to C.A.S would that mean us losing out on european football as i thought the rules were clubs could not take there associations to C.A.S , could this be a reason for the club not wishing to persue it
or have i read it wrong
It's not Celtic who are taking anything to CAS.
It is TRFC who appear to be using a clause in the 5 Way Agreement to argue that the SFA Judicial Panel Disciplinary Tribunal surrender authority to adjudicate on any matter relating to Rangers before liquidation.

The SFA JPDT halted in July 2018 and has been sitting on the matter ever since.

Celtic's response is that they will wait for the SFA deciding what to do.

The new Res in effect says Celtic cannot rely on the SFA who lost authority to pursue and that the matter should be taken away from SFA and given to UEFA or the police.

Celtic do not want to do this because they believe it's not in Celtic's interest to do so. That needs explaining.

They are simply hiding behind a flawed process to prevent having to deal with the consequences of the findings of any investigation.
Having been involved in 2011 SFA are happy to hide too.
There’s undoubtedly a Prima Facie case here.....there is no time bar applicable due to what clearly looks like fraud being would appear that the secretive 5 way agreement protects the Huns.....and they have already fired a shot across the bow of the SFA daring them to take the matter to CAS for arbitration.....the Huns then obviously believe the 5 way agreement protects them from any formal prosecution.

This begs the questions...

What exactly is contained in this agreement?
Who are the signatories to this agreement?
Who exactly knows what is in this agreement?
Do the Celtic Board know what’s in this Agreement and were they party to It in any way? We should be told.


The Celtic Board have a duty to protect the interests of all the shareholders, stakeholders and the integrity of the Club.....and by not pursuing what appears to be a very strong Prima Facie case against certain officers of the SFA and Rangers me they they may be very well negligent in their duties as directors and custodians of our Club

Potential Action

Failure by the Board to pursue Resolution 12 without adequate reasons for doing so as requested by shareholders.....could potentially result in an action by the relevant shareholders against the Board for not protecting their interests as shareholders.....this to me is a distinct possibility.

I believe this is an action that will be resisted until every other avenue has been exhausted.....I hope the Board are not smug enough to think that this action will never be contemplated.....because I am of the opinion it already has.

It is neither just nor fair for majority shareholder(s) to either ignore or dictate to other stakeholders what will and will not be deemed to be proper and lawful.....especially when there is an extremely strong Prima Facie case for the matter to be actively pursued in the pursuit of integrity and justice.

What price do we as a Support place on honesty and integrity?

I’d be interested in your views.

Hail Hail
There is no record of Celtic being involved in the creation of the 5 Way although the idea they weren't is risible. They would have been derelict in their duties not to have been.

However there is a record of an SP(F) L Board meeting in October 2013 chaired by Eric Riley where Rod McKenzie rehearsed the contents of the 5 Way including the possibility of TRFC going to CAS if SP(F)L pursued payment of the £250k fine imposed by LNS.

That was a month before the 2013 AGM where requisitioners were directed down the route of seeking justice from the SFA.
I'm afraid that in spite of appearances to the contrary Celtic were aware of 5 Way.
It's not Celtic who are taking anything to CAS.
It is TRFC who appear to be using a clause in the 5 Way Agreement to argue that the SFA Judicial Panel Disciplinary Tribunal surrender authority to adjudicate on any matter relating to Rangers before liquidation.

The SFA JPDT halted in July 2018 and has been sitting on the matter ever since.

Celtic's response is that they will wait for the SFA deciding what to do.

The new Res in effect says Celtic cannot rely on the SFA who lost authority to pursue and that the matter should be taken away from SFA and given to UEFA or the police.

Celtic do not want to do this because they believe it's not in Celtic's interest to do so. That needs explaining.

They are simply hiding behind a flawed process to prevent having to deal with the consequences of the findings of any investigation.
Having been involved in 2011 SFA are happy to hide too.
Thanks for getting back and clearing that point up , Hats of to you ,you've kept the fight going and we all wish you good luck

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