Part of ground closed on Thursday

BBC radio 5 live- Celtic announce partial ground closure,due to,illicit banners,obscene chant's,setting off flares,and the throwing of objects!!! and there ye go! MSM,going into overdrive!!!!!
The state television broadcaster has shown it's true blue colours, Michael. Objective reporting doesn't sell to middle England or the bigots and in the digital world where folk can access TV without the need for a licence, they have to pay their juicy salaries by playing to the oxygen thieves and pond life.

Empty fucking suits with a moral vacuum instead of a soul.
The state television broadcaster has shown it's true blue colours, Michael. Objective reporting doesn't sell to middle England or the bigots and in the digital world where folk can access TV without the need for a licence, they have to pay their juicy salaries by playing to the oxygen thieves and pond life.

Empty fucking suits with a moral vacuum instead of a soul.
Wonder who told the London BBC,Celtic, Jabba,or a concerned smsm "journalist"!
As usual, it's us, the fan's who have to step up,let's see what the AGM,comes out with on wednesday,before we go tonto, every phuqer and their granny is queuin up tae stick the boot intae us,and our board are appeasin them,could be a defining week!
As usual, it's us, the fan's who have to step up,let's see what the AGM,comes out with on wednesday,before we go tonto, every phuqer and their granny is queuin up tae stick the boot intae us,and our board are appeasin them,could be a defining week!
Trophies are great, Michael. Trophies also cover a multitude of other sins.

The most frustrating part is, is that there isn't anything the board are being asked to do, that they couldn't achieve if they had the will to do so.

Resi12, solid investment in talent, closer links to the ordinary supporter, sensible pricing policies, making those guilty of cheating accountable........

Nothing there that is unreasonable, or beyond the wit of man.

I doubt very much that I share the same political ideals as many of our current board. I doubt we would shop in the same supermarkets or tailors. I'd like to think though, that we share common values as far as the club goes. Perhaps they can prove that this week.

I won't be holding my breath.........
Club acting before UEFA come down hard & I believe they will, for to long a minority of our support misbehaving abroad has resulted the club being fined pyros, the "FUCK UEFA" banner etc. Now I think what the Green Brigade do for foodbanks etc is a credit to them & the Club also benefit, what the GB do for the atmosphere in match day brilliant(except the rebs) I grew up in The Jungle days where most of the singing started & on Euro nights crammed in like sardines. Seated stadia are devoid of atmosphere. But use of pyros,offensive chants & banners at home games in Euro Competitions, is a step to far. So club sending out a warning before UEFA & next disciplinary hearing. Imo

Now the board & The Dead Club shenanigans, The Old Firm nothing to do with the rivalry between us & them, it's a reference to the Club boards making MONEY.
I believe a blind eye been turned by our board over everything, that's allowed them back in business, for one simple reason Money & the fact we can keep our foot on their neck.
Perception,are we pro-active, or re-active,well, we don't feckin know.unlike the scum who regularly do statement o'clock, ban any media who are not on message, our board tell us phuq all,are they playing slowly,slowly catchy mhunkey, or is a can being kicked down the road,all we can do is speculate,however our board have previous for doing phuq all,
the whole of Scotland were delighted to see us dead and buried,then "the bunnet"stepped in,but everybody and their grannies,and, i include our board, were complicit in their survival,perpetuating the survival myth,due to the five way agreement,will the AGM reveal anything,phuqin doubt it, keep forgettin, we're a business now!
By our good friend James Forrest's "Celtic Blog"

Michael, I closely watched the congressional hearings at Trump's Impeachment Inquiry last week.

I think most of us know the background to the inquiry, but what has come out of those public hearings and in the subsequent reportage, is just how many people in the Trump administration knew and were directly involved.

Jesus suffering..........the Republican lead in the cross-examination is now being linked to the Ukranian scandal himself. That's a bit like the judge presiding over a murder case after being named the main suspect and with gunshot residue on his fingertips and blood spatter on his robes.

Remind you of anything that JF might have wrote about it in that piece (fine article by the way, JF)????
Had the Green Brigade set off flares at the Lazio game they would not have had a leg to stand on with the action that would inevitably have come their way - and few would have been able to argue against the argument that they were the authors of their own misfortune.

However they were asked not to use flares by the club at that Lazio game and since that appeal there have been no flares at Celtic Park.

UEFA charges relate to an illicit banner and illicit songs NOT pyros.

Both were as a result of the politically offensive Lazio Fascists. Had we played Cluj or Rennes in that game neither issue would have occurred. Indeed UEFA were busy tweeting about previous banners - which they liked but not the flares.

There were flares in Rome - in the away support - and surely that's where the problem lies.

Did Celtic ask for no flares in Rome by issuing a statement? They did this before the game in Glasgow.
Maybe and it's just maybe cos i don't trust these spineless chnts , that they see the pyros in Rome and are heading off another sanction early just guessing

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