Alex Thomson. Balance required

We're assuming the content of his piece. He was seen entering Celtic Park. The child abuse story is old hat, been blasted by the SMSM Huns, is ongoing legally - nothing much there for him to dig up or sensationalise further. Be a surprise for someone with his credibility to re-hash red-top pieces or pander to frothing zombies.

I'll guess he's up about the Sky racism bollocks and the Celtic complaint to offcom about the subtitling. That drew more attention down south recently than the child/football abuse story which is rife among many English clubs. If it is that, then fuck him - he's flogging a dead horse and there's little interest to be gained for a story about another football club with historical issues regarding paedo coaches.
We're assuming the content of his piece. He was seen entering Celtic Park. The child abuse story is old hat, been blasted by the SMSM Huns, is ongoing legally - nothing much there for him to dig up or sensationalise further. Be a surprise for someone with his credibility to re-hash red-top pieces or pander to frothing zombies.

I'll guess he's up about the Sky racism bollocks and the Celtic complaint to offcom about the subtitling. That drew more attention down south recently than the child/football abuse story which is rife among many English clubs. If it is that, then fuck him - he's flogging a dead horse and there's little interest to be gained for a story about another football club with historical issues regarding paedo coaches.
Would like to have your optimism sandman, but an experienced investigative journalist just to come up over that naw no having it mate sorry.
I hope all the victims get the correct justice and all the perpetrators regardless of what club they were at get what they are due...Issues like this should never be used for point scoring and one upmanship..if Celtic are the club that it happened at then fine, everything should be out in the open and the correct action taken... if its the huns then the same....Ive seen people on the internet going "aye but what about them" etc and this is just plain wrong!.... My criticism of Thompson here is the way in which he has sensationalised it all with that is just plain wrong..."watch this space" WTF??
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I hope all the victims get the correct justice and all the perpetrators regardless of what club they were at get what they are due...Issues like this should never be used for point scoring and one upmanship..if Celtic are the club that it happened then fine, everything should be out in the open and the correct action taken... if its the huns then the same....Ive seen people on the internet going "aye but what about them" etc and this is just plain wrong!.... My criticism of Thompson here is the way in which he is sensationalised it all with that tweet is just plain wrong though..."watch this space" WTF??
Spot on and I have to say I was a bit surprised at the way that was done too. Not what you'd expect from Thomson or Ch4 in general. I hope it isn't the sign of a sensationalist approach to this.
We're assuming the content of his piece. He was seen entering Celtic Park. The child abuse story is old hat, been blasted by the SMSM Huns, is ongoing legally - nothing much there for him to dig up or sensationalise further. Be a surprise for someone with his credibility to re-hash red-top pieces or pander to frothing zombies.

I'll guess he's up about the Sky racism bollocks and the Celtic complaint to offcom about the subtitling. That drew more attention down south recently than the child/football abuse story which is rife among many English clubs. If it is that, then fuck him - he's flogging a dead horse and there's little interest to be gained for a story about another football club with historical issues regarding paedo coaches.

The tweet relates to child abuse in Scottish football, unfortunately. Not a presumption, unfortunately. That is what he is working on. The article above and the message I sent to him yesterday was to remind him that this has been an scandal that has left many clubs with questions to answer and recompense to be sorted, not just Celtic.
Let's face it Torbet and his perverts used the.celtic name for there perversion are celtice f.c. culpable remains to be seen but let's face it in this ambulance chasing lawyer society and Thompsons are one of the biggest there was always going to be some sort compensation claims,yet I have not seen one claim made against the perpetrators?
smell an establishment collective in the air
Thompson isn't an establishment hack. I would rather this was dealt with properly and we don't shy away from what needs to be done to make amends for it. If indeed we need to. We have lived through the utter shame brought by the Church most of us were born into, who disgracefully aided and abetted the perpetrators rather than the victims, which I think they will never live down. Nor should they be allowed to. We don't close ranks around wrong doing, that only makes it worse. Just ask Ratzinger how it worked out for him. Not well unless you have had your head in the sand. The problem with a head in the sand approach is someone always digs it up. Whatever needs to be done has to be. Balance can only be achieved if it exists. Avoiding looking for it only appears to show a reluctance to find the truth. Nobody at Celtic now is culpable of whatever happened back in those times. In fact there is no evidence anyone from that time did either. The evidence will show that, is my hope. Those who hate us use this, they don't give a fuck about any alleged victim and shows you their character. Celtic did not run Celtic Bhoys club. That seems to have been forgotten. Maybe an investigation will show that and expose the campaign against us, is a deliberate attempt by our press to try and lump us in with the Catholic Church, who did have responsibility and to their eternal shame,chose to protect itself instead of the flock it had control over. Whatever comes out, it will be infinitely worse if we refuse to be involved in finding the truth of what really happened and put the blame where it should be, with the bastards running that separate organisation hopefully.
The only people suffering in all this is the victims, the lawyers look to be using the media to gain leverage in a payout ,smsm will gladly fill there pages and as for the low life scum who use it to point score ,,,to them it's a victory ,,a game no sympathy for the victims at all

I hope for all, this is investigated in full public view and those who have suffered are offered the respect they deserve
jist h
Can't be bothered with thomsons tweet. If he has something to report then he should be reporting it and not posting photos of Celtic park with the caption saying "watch this space " Schoolboy stuff
Have tae wait and see,if it was C.A i'm sure there would be leaks,possibly it's the release of CW's book, could be bother wi' Close Bros,Elite, MA, at the moment it's just speculation HH
The only people suffering in all this is the victims, the lawyers look to be using the media to gain leverage in a payout ,smsm will gladly fill there pages and as for the low life scum who use it to point score ,,,to them it's a victory ,,a game no sympathy for the victims at all

I hope for all, this is investigated in full public view and those who have suffered are offered the respect they deserve
HailHail kelly
Thompson isn't an establishment hack. I would rather this was dealt with properly and we don't shy away from what needs to be done to make amends for it. If indeed we need to. We have lived through the utter shame brought by the Church most of us were born into, who disgracefully aided and abetted the perpetrators rather than the victims, which I think they will never live down. Nor should they be allowed to. We don't close ranks around wrong doing, that only makes it worse. Just ask Ratzinger how it worked out for him. Not well unless you have had your head in the sand. The problem with a head in the sand approach is someone always digs it up. Whatever needs to be done has to be. Balance can only be achieved if it exists. Avoiding looking for it only appears to show a reluctance to find the truth. Nobody at Celtic now is culpable of whatever happened back in those times. In fact there is no evidence anyone from that time did either. The evidence will show that, is my hope. Those who hate us use this, they don't give a fuck about any alleged victim and shows you their character. Celtic did not run Celtic Bhoys club. That seems to have been forgotten. Maybe an investigation will show that and expose the campaign against us, is a deliberate attempt by our press to try and lump us in with the Catholic Church, who did have responsibility and to their eternal shame,chose to protect itself instead of the flock it had control over. Whatever comes out, it will be infinitely worse if we refuse to be involved in finding the truth of what really happened and put the blame where it should be, with the bastards running that separate organisation hopefully.
1. Thompson isn't an established hack? Dont understand what you mean by that.

2. I also would like this dealt with properly.

3. We have lived through the utter shame of the church.

This statement needs clarification. On the one hand you claim we live in a country that has misleading MSM with an agenda against the church.

I agree

But that certainly could mean the Church propaganda peddled is selective in its reporting. There are many problems in the church and it is established fact that Masonic and Communist (usually connected) factions infiltrate the church to bring it into disrepute. On top of that predators can use the church for their trust and abuse it.

That does not make the entire church corrupt, so I resent the way you chose to be selective in another attack on the church with misleading invective. You claim to want the truth but chose very selective criteria to back.

Any criminal churchmen should be highlighted and defrocked and hand to secular courts (imo) but the hard bit is detecting them, when you live a countries who are willing to tarnish every bishop with the dung of a few.

4. How did it turn out for Ratzinger? Are you alluding to some fantasy stuff like the horde with this calumny? If not I would like to read your established hack account of the resignation of pope. Again another underhanded (Hunnish conspiracy bollocks perhaps) attack on stuff you claim to have superior knowledge?

5 I would suggest you are regularly digging your head in the sand but extremely bigoted against the church. And thus haven't actually read it without your bigoted specs on.

6. Nobody at Celtic is currently culpable for past crimes???? That again would be a strange assertion from a man who categorically castigates the church with propaganda but thinks abuse committed in past at Celtic is not our problem.

Any abuse past or present that occurred by anyone of trust should be dealt with first by sacking them then criminally prosecuting them and if individuals who were aware about it and chose to do no real investigation (if no real ivestigation took place) should also be handed over to the criminal authorities.

This crap spouted about it being a catholic issue is just as heinous as blaming Celtic for knowing bout stuff.

Its a universal problem that includes every faith and none. Plenty of atheist peadophiles exist btw

They usually fly below radar in positions that they feel can help them evade detection, by doing it at companies/ institutions that will lose big reputation if its got hold of by the propaganda machine that wants to tarnish them.

Now just like the real huns who detest Catholic Church cause of their bigoted misinformation from early age. You too have declared yourself a bigot, again with some very false and misleading invective.

Are you aware thats also a criminal offence to be openly bigoted based on secret knowledge you claim everyone should know about?

How is your attack different from the FF shite?

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