Hoops obsession with Salty products


Well-known member
Does our favourite wee Puthy Bhoy
Have a Serious problem with Salt injections
Yes if Tony Blunt chisels Soprano is to be believed.
he even hud bacon and sausage at a Hun getaway just 2 saltless days ago
Huz oor favourite Puthy hud the snip
And trying to hide his bawsurgone.
Goat this Fi a famous Spark ⚡️ oan here
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HH Hoopy
Does our favourite wee Puthy Bhoy
Have a Serious problem with Salt injections
Yes if Tony Blunt chisels Soprano is to be believed.
he even hud bacon and sausage at a Hun getaway just 2 saltless days ago
Huz oor favourite Puthy hud the snip
And trying to hide his bawsurgone.
Goat this Fi a famous Spark ⚡️ oan here
No names were gressed SB2
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HH Hoopy
What a great thread, i was gonni try do a boxing one tonight, but i'll sit this one out
Hoops loves 'salty mayonnaise' i'm sure was his quote
Does our favourite wee Puthy Bhoy
Have a Serious problem with Salt injections
Yes if Tony Blunt chisels Soprano is to be believed.
he even hud bacon and sausage at a Hun getaway just 2 saltless days ago
Huz oor favourite Puthy hud the snip
And trying to hide his bawsurgone.
Goat this Fi a famous Spark ⚡️ oan here
No names were gressed SB2
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HH Hoopy
It was bacon and egg rolls, with extra salt.
The rest is true! 😹
Favourite song Salt of the Earth Rolling Stones
Don’t stroke his chin your not sure if it’s salt or ehm Mayo
But he’s a rogueable Love

HH 🙀
I dont like tattie scones, in fact I dont understand them, they have no place in a roll.
It's a vegetable ffs, youd never ask for a roll in bacon and some celery would you? Same thing if you think about it.
Eh Bacon Luttuce gather and Tommy toes
The healthy Scottish diet Bacon roll

HH 🧂
I dont like tattie scones, in fact I dont understand them, they have no place in a roll.
It's a vegetable ffs, youd never ask for a roll in bacon and some celery would you? Same thing if you think about it.
You don't like tattie scones??? Whit? Are you not right in the heid? You've gone too far, mate. I kind of hope Classiless Clay turns up to sort you out for that sort of patter!
I dont like tattie scones, in fact I dont understand them, they have no place in a roll.
It's a vegetable ffs, youd never ask for a roll in bacon and some celery would you? Same thing if you think about it.
I feel for you m8, tattie scone is the shiz. I don't like stuff greasy greasy, so i do mines in the toaster
A bacon egg n tatty scone roll is a match made in heaven

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