January Transfer Window Thread

This is disappointing to say the least losing El Hamed will be a blow, no doubt. I can understand it given thatvthe bhoys had covid19 and unable to see his family. The latter shouldn't mean as much as that's got to be par for the course in modern day football with players playing everywhere in the world bar their country of origin. Let's just hope that now he knows he will get his wish we see his best again .HH
This is disappointing to say the least losing El Hamed will be a blow, no doubt. I can understand it given thatvthe bhoys had covid19 and unable to see his family. The latter shouldn't mean as much as that's got to be par for the course in modern day football with players playing everywhere in the world bar their country of origin. Let's just hope that now he knows he will get his wish we see his best again .HH
When I was wee, my Da worked on a Dam in Winnipeg Canada for nearly a year. It was his job, he missed his family too, but, the money was too good to turn down. Football players do indeed play all over the world and that's the deal. I am disappointed he is leaving, with the vaccine by spring things will be a it better. If he goes we need a replacement and not another fucking Boli please.
Had a look at QPR player Osami -Samuel tonight. Looks a decent prospect. Pacy, skillful, decent crosser, hard working, uses the ball well, not selfish. Could be a decent buy. But unlike Peter Lawell I'm not a Director of Football ! Sorry in advance for being sarcy.
Apart from.what we need to win the 10 what is the most important thing is we know players will leave and we need to recruit this window to, for fucking once, be ready for the CL qualifiers which we have fucked up in all but 3 of the past dozen years. We are never ready, we are always weak and we always go out that needs to change. The bosrd can talk all it wants about us should be a CL club. Without quality players bought in time, that's all that will ever be, talk. We have regressed and been handed our arse a round earlier these last year's against pish. That's abject failure. Will it he any different this window? I doubt it , but I will once again hope.
Perfect price. Good defender. He seems keen on a move to celtic. So it probably won't happen!

If he wants to join, then at that price we should be talking to him right fucking now. Seems like a brilliant young guy. Grounded and his ma and da seem great people that have brought him up well.

Him and Julien would be a great partnership.

Let's hope we don't dither like fuck and haggle over ten bob. This is a player who will do a great job for us and then earn us a right few shillings. Over to you pistol.
If he wants to join, then at that price we should be talking to him right fucking now. Seems like a brilliant young guy. Grounded and his ma and da seem great people that have brought him up well.

Him and Julien would be a great partnership.

Let's hope we don't dither like fuck and haggle over ten bob. This is a player who will do a great job for us and then earn us a right few shillings. Over to you pistol.

Worth 3 million? Probably. Worth a punt? Sure. Flavour of the month? Absolutely.

McKenzie's good, not great, but clearly he's looking to go places beyond Glasgow. Not a huge fan of mercenaries.

Unfortunately Larry, football is full of them and celtic are now only a stepping stone. There's not many of our 1st team squad who aren't looking for that "big" move to the Premier league, or even English championship riches. 😔...really does make you appreciate guys like brown and forrest that little bit more
Mercenaries have been used to win Empires throughout time. They use us, we use them. If we are to move up as a European team we need quality. We buy that quality young player to move us forward and sell on at a profit, to buy even better. It's a sybiotic relationship. Both parties move forward. The player always will with someone, I would prefer our share to move us up. It's the world. To not take advantage of that would be as daft as King Canute, telling the sea to go back. It's the reality. Let's deal with reality.
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When I was wee, my Da worked on a Dam in Winnipeg Canada for nearly a year. It was his job, he missed his family too, but, the money was too good to turn down. Football players do indeed play all over the world and that's the deal. I am disappointed he is leaving, with the vaccine by spring things will be a it better. If he goes we need a replacement and not another fucking Boli please.
I'm not convinced that the story we're being fed is the truth. Sure hes had covid19 and I can only guess how scary that would be. Still hes the 4th or 5th Israeli to play for us in the last decade or 2. Berkovic, kayal bitton (whose gone through more than most) himself. Maybe I'm just being paranoid cos I know they're talking about me as a Celtic supporter. We will soon see if he pops up very quickly in a non israeli club.
Caught one of Philly's games earlier in the season,can't mind who they were playing,but he was'nt put under much pressure,though looked assured,mature,good at bringing the ball out,and can ping a pass,if we get him think he would be a fine addition,just hope it's not another Perez,Gutman situation.

What happened to those players?? Still out on loan???
Let's deal with reality.
How about this for reality, commando? While you're being sucked in by agent PR, there are hundreds, possibly thousands of fullbacks just as good, or better, than McKenzie not only on this continent, but in a world that plays the beautiful game. Most of whom, for the most part, can be had for less.

Speaks more to the failings of our scouting rather than the ability of players and their agents.

But McKenzie is OK and will probably fit in. I don't think he's the savior of the backfield you think he is. And as far as Yanks go, I'd prefer to see a homegrown player like Cameron Harper excel and play for years with the Hoops as opposed to someone who will be a footnote or a trivia question years from now.