Nasty Nicola doing her best

Salmond accuses Sturgeon of misleading parliament. Clearly one of them is lying but which one? 🤔
If we get tore into both of them then we'd be guaranteed to nail the liar, agreed? 🤔

Which one is lying ? whichever ones lips are moving
Fuckin orange bastard Teflon billy why don’t you tell us about the company you paid thousands a pounds tae, to trawl the internet and remove any unflattering images like the one with you and that wee scroat watching Celtic lift Yet another trophy what wiz that “look at they fenian bastards “ any journalists worth his salt could nail you tae the fuckin wall in ten minutes and you fuckin know it titchmarsh yer just a sly wee bigoted cunt FACT .... ahhh better 😂😂😂
I remember that
She's a wee poisonous bitch. No rules broken yet it's a big deal? Approved by both the SFA and the Government now trying to backtrack. Her response didn't acknowledge that the new rules were put in place AFTER we were in Dubai. She can fuck right off.
And others misquote then run away in a haughty huff. 😂 😂 😂 😂
I didn’t misquote him
And it seems going by all the posts that I’m in the wrong to feel that calling someone the name bitch is offensive. But the big boys came out to play the day and didn’t you all do well a hand clap for the clap trap that came out here the day. Fkg honestly. 🙁
I didn’t misquote him
And it seems going by all the posts that I’m in the wrong to feel that calling someone the name bitch is offensive. But the big boys came out to play the day and didn’t you all do well a hand clap for the clap trap that came out here the day. Fkg honestly. 🙁
Rose i didn't see you responding to Sandmans input ? He was let's say a little more robust in his comments regarding Nic. Do you take offense as Hoopy stated earlier when Thatcher was called same by others? So you try to attack me? There's much much worse been said on here and not heard you condemning them. Funny that🤔
I didn’t misquote him
And it seems going by all the posts that I’m in the wrong to feel that calling someone the name bitch is offensive. But the big boys came out to play the day and didn’t you all do well a hand clap for the clap trap that came out here the day. Fkg honestly. 🙁
I'm sure Shammy wasn't referring to you Rose, it'll be one of us bad boys.
And I genuinely don't mean to offend you Rose but I will call out hypocrisy whenever it rears its ugly head. Its either a free for all where anyone can air their views or its not.
Far far worse things are said on an hourly basis on this forum than calling someone a bitch, if you highlighted and confronted all offensive behaviour I would respect that and support you, but to expect preferential treatment towards one person above all others simply because you respect that person? Sorry cant buy into that.
I didn’t misquote him
And it seems going by all the posts that I’m in the wrong to feel that calling someone the name bitch is offensive. But the big boys came out to play the day and didn’t you all do well a hand clap for the clap trap that came out here the day. Fkg honestly. 🙁
I wasn't meaning you Rose. Some time ago I was verbally shot down by members on here for saying that I couldn't give a toss about BoJo having Covid. That resulted in someone telling me how wicked I was to wish Boris dead. So I was misquoted by the folk who are now calling Nic a bitch, evil cow etc. Hypocrisy abounds on here Rose and I'm sorry if you thought I was talking to you.
I believe in freedom of speech and if I don't like a post I just scroll past. HH. 🍀
Rose i didn't see you responding to Sandmans input ? He was let's say a little more robust in his comments regarding Nic. Do you take offense as Hoopy stated earlier when Thatcher was called same by others? So you try to attack me? There's much much worse been said on here and not heard you condemning them. Funny that🤔
Stevie, so you have taken offence at me because you thought I was singling you out well that’s a bit ironic considering your comments and singling out of Nicola Sturgeon in a personal attack on her character.

I have never sought on this forum to attack any member here and I have enjoyed and agreed with many of your posts.
I was actually standing up for what I seen as an outright attack on NS using sexist language in a derogatory way. you question why I didn’t pick up on Sandman well that was because I was focussed on the derogatory term ‘bitch’. I understand that people have free choice of who they like or dislike but I am dismayed when sexist derogatory language is used by them.

I apologise if you feel I singled you out but my main aim was to highlight the language used and not you individually or personally.
I'm sure Shammy wasn't referring to you Rose, it'll be one of us bad boys.
And I genuinely don't mean to offend you Rose but I will call out hypocrisy whenever it rears its ugly head. Its either a free for all where anyone can air their views or its not.
Far far worse things are said on an hourly basis on this forum than calling someone a bitch, if you highlighted and confronted all offensive behaviour I would respect that and support you, but to expect preferential treatment towards one person above all others simply because you respect that person? Sorry cant buy into that.
Oh dear Hoopy!
Well that’s good if you know what and who Shammy was referring to and so that’s you in your first sentence on the front foot so to speak.

and in the next you are in one breath that you ‘genuinely’ don’t want to offend me and then go on to call me a hypocrite.

your argument is that this forum is a ‘free for all’ for people to ‘air’ their views. You also assume that Im expecting preferential treatment towards one person above all others is simply way off the mark.

Shammy has explained in detail about who and what she was referring to and I will respond to that.

in response to your other comments they are full of assumptions and in my humble opinion way off the subject matter.
You state “Far Worse” things are said on this forum on an hourly basis. Well I don’t think in my opinion that is factual as the written words and their effects are based on the response of the reader. The use of the term ‘bitch’ is sexist derogatory language fact.

In context to your argument that I’m not calling out all offensive behaviour and I’m therefore not worthy of your respect or support. I wasn’t asking for either of these.

What I was trying to point out was that I was focussed on the language used and not particularly on the person or member here using it. It was to highlight imo the mistake in using this type of language to attack another person’s character.

im not asking or requesting you to “buy” anything.

I’m not expecting any kind of “preferential treatment” for anyone just because I respect that person that’s you making assumptions again.

My focus as already stated is the use of and especially our written language and its effects on the reader. I think we always and should try and remember who our audience is. I do not believe it’s ‘a free for all’ as you state otherwise we would have no need for the Report button and the guys who monitor content.

I would like to say that I feel sorry that my original post was seen as and can be gathered by the responses yesterday as an attack on a member of this forum that was never the intention which I think I have explained.

the circiling of the wagons was interesting 🤨.
Oh dear Hoopy!
Well that’s good if you know what and who Shammy was referring to and so that’s you in your first sentence on the front foot so to speak.

and in the next you are in one breath that you ‘genuinely’ don’t want to offend me and then go on to call me a hypocrite.

your argument is that this forum is a ‘free for all’ for people to ‘air’ their views. You also assume that Im expecting preferential treatment towards one person above all others is simply way off the mark.

Shammy has explained in detail about who and what she was referring to and I will respond to that.

in response to your other comments they are full of assumptions and in my humble opinion way off the subject matter.
You state “Far Worse” things are said on this forum on an hourly basis. Well I don’t think in my opinion that is factual as the written words and their effects are based on the response of the reader. The use of the term ‘bitch’ is sexist derogatory language fact.

In context to your argument that I’m not calling out all offensive behaviour and I’m therefore not worthy of your respect or support. I wasn’t asking for either of these.

What I was trying to point out was that I was focussed on the language used and not particularly on the person or member here using it. It was to highlight imo the mistake in using this type of language to attack another person’s character.

im not asking or requesting you to “buy” anything.

I’m not expecting any kind of “preferential treatment” for anyone just because I respect that person that’s you making assumptions again.

My focus as already stated is the use of and especially our written language and its effects on the reader. I think we always and should try and remember who our audience is. I do not believe it’s ‘a free for all’ as you state otherwise we would have no need for the Report button and the guys who monitor content.

I would like to say that I feel sorry that my original post was seen as and can be gathered by the responses yesterday as an attack on a member of this forum that was never the intention which I think I have explained.

the circiling of the wagons was interesting 🤨.
Very eloquently put Celtic Rose HH
I wasn't meaning you Rose. Some time ago I was verbally shot down by members on here for saying that I couldn't give a toss about BoJo having Covid. That resulted in someone telling me how wicked I was to wish Boris dead. So I was misquoted by the folk who are now calling Nic a bitch, evil cow etc. Hypocrisy abounds on here Rose and I'm sorry if you thought I was talking to you.
I believe in freedom of speech and if I don't like a post I just scroll past. HH. 🍀
Thanks Shammy for explaining all that to me as I was genuinely worried that maybe you thought I was stirring up trouble.

this is an excellent forum and I don’t want to give up on it as it’s my main source of what’s happening at Celtic and it also helps with all the old stories and my own memories too HH
Thanks Shammy for explaining all that to me as I was genuinely worried that maybe you thought I was stirring up trouble.

this is an excellent forum and I don’t want to give up on it as it’s my main source of what’s happening at Celtic and it also helps with all the old stories and my own memories too HH
Dont ever give it up CR you're as much a valued member as anyone , there are arguments, heated disagreements galore on here all the time. I also think that folk are frustrated with the whole 'another lockdown' no pubs, nowhere to go and the current state of affairs we find our club in at this time certainly isnt helping either HH
Dont ever give it up CR you're as much a valued member as anyone , there are arguments, heated disagreements galore on here all the time. I also think that folk are frustrated with the whole 'another lockdown' no pubs, nowhere to go and the current state of affairs we find our club in at this time certainly isnt helping either HH
You are spot on Winter as it’s been terrible for everyone but there is light at the end of the tunnel thankfully.💚