Postecoglou... Yes or No? A Poll.

For or Against this guy?

  • For

    Votes: 36 52.2%
  • Against.

    Votes: 33 47.8%

  • Total voters
For those who prefer 'facts' rather than spin...

I've read that and it's the first time in a long time that I've read James Forrests blog. All it's done is remind me why I quit reading his shite in the first place. He's a fucking moanie hooer if ever I heard one. The only blog that I know that after readin it, it would have ye goin out to the shed hokin for a rope and a rafter.
I'm no cheerleader for this lad, but we have 2 weeks to pre season and no sign of any alternatives. That's the boards fault, not his. When the rat joined us, what was his track record? I think and I may well be wrong, he had gained promotion to the premier league with Swansea and fuck all else. You could say he nearly won the league with Liverpool, but as the oul saying goes "nearly never bucked the goat".
They're not exactly queuing up. It's a case of suck it and see.
James Forrest is doing what we all should do, questioning what we are told, rather than accept it willingly or, worse still, simply shrug our shoulders and say "it could be worse" or "let's see how it goes".

He deserves a lot of credit, even if you don't agree with all of his views. I wish he'd spearhead a campaign for change.

I've read that and it's the first time in a long time that I've read James Forrests blog. All it's done is remind me why I quit reading his shite in the first place. He's a fucking moanie hooer if ever I heard one. The only blog that I know that after readin it, it would have ye goin out to the shed hokin for a rope and a rafter.
I'm no cheerleader for this lad, but we have 2 weeks to pre season and no sign of any alternatives. That's the boards fault, not his. When the rat joined us, what was his track record? I think and I may well be wrong, he had gained promotion to the premier league with Swansea and fuck all else. You could say he nearly won the league with Liverpool, but as the oul saying goes "nearly never bucked the goat".
They're not exactly queuing up. It's a case of suck it and see.
Maybe so Deadner, but it doesn't excuse us for being in the current position we are in.
Always was going to be doubts surrounding howe and weather he really fancied the job or not, so have been totally misled all along without any back up plan and a lack of interest in ever having one.
Add on the embarrassing situation of not knowing if he can even accept the role if offered.
Is it any wonder we're as angry as we are when it's arguably one of the most incompetent acts, I can recall a football club under taking
James Forrest is doing what we all should do, questioning what we are told, rather than accept it willingly or, worse still, simply shrug our shoulders and say "it could be worse" or "let's see how it goes".

He deserves a lot of credit, even if you don't agree with all of his views. I wish he'd spearhead a campaign for change.

What are his alternatives? He doesn't offer any. I agree with you that the board should be chased down the road as should a lot of the coaching staff. All James Forrest ever seems to do is bitch and moan. But what are his solutions to the fuckin mess we're in?
I would rather Ralf rangnick over anyone else, but it's obvious we're not even attempting to aim for that level. So what the fuck can we do only accept what we're gettin.
Whinging and moaning is gonna do fuck all.
Having seen how his previous club Brisbaine, and the Australian teams played with attacking flair and total shite defence looks like we're in for another more of the same same? If we do hire him I sure as fuck hope he's learned how to get his teams to defend better than previously. If he has well you never know at least he normally leaves a player on the post at corners.
What are his alternatives? He doesn't offer any. I agree with you that the board should be chased down the road as should a lot of the coaching staff. All James Forrest ever seems to do is bitch and moan. But what are his solutions to the fuckin mess we're in?
I would rather Ralf rangnick over anyone else, but it's obvious we're not even attempting to aim for that level. So what the fuck can we do only accept what we're gettin.
Whinging and moaning is gonna do fuck all.
In fairness Deadner, he was only putting a more realistic spin upon some of the shite claiming he is meant to be some type of wonder appointment.
You are right, such decisions are taken out of our hands, but that don't mean we have to be happy about them.
The board have put us in this position with nothing but incompetent managing of the club.
Also very unfair on aussie guy to be placed in such a position and now hope he can think fuck this for a carry on.
Fail to see how this can be a success not unless he really is the wizard of oz as he will need all of his magical powers to turn this ongoing shitshow around
Maybe so Deadner, but it doesn't excuse us for being in the current position we are in.
Always was going to be doubts surrounding howe and weather he really fancied the job or not, so have been totally misled all along without any back up plan and a lack of interest in ever having one.
Add on the embarrassing situation of not knowing if he can even accept the role if offered.
Is it any wonder we're as angry as we are when it's arguably one of the most incompetent acts, I can recall a football club under taking
As I've said on here before John, I've coached/managed Gaelic football at many levels. What I've found over the years is that the higher you go the standard of coaches get worse. It's absolutely shocking infact.
I always thought that as I was moving up in age that I would learn more from the coaches at a higher level, but what I actually discovered was that the most of them are up their own holes.
This is the same at committee level. They are what I call "the make it up as we go along brigade". Absolute bullshitters.
This is why I'm not shocked about this shambles thats going on at celtic. As supporters we expect the ones running the show to be good at their jobs, but nine times outta ten they're makin it up as they go along.
As I've said on here before John, I've coached/managed Gaelic football at many levels. What I've found over the years is that the higher you go the standard of coaches get worse. It's absolutely shocking infact.
I always thought that as I was moving up in age that I would learn more from the coaches at a higher level, but what I actually discovered was that the most of them are up their own holes.
This is the same at committee level. They are what I call "the make it up as we go along brigade". Absolute bullshitters.
This is why I'm not shocked about this shambles thats going on at celtic. As supporters we expect the ones running the show to be good at their jobs, but nine times outta ten they're makin it up as they go along.
I've seen that myself in the gaelic world and the same possibility exists in football. Players can tend to get to a stage nowadays that they think they know it all.
You would know that if the players don't buy into your vision on how the team set up should be, then you won't get to much in return.
Football now is like a game of football chess with everyone involved knowing there role in the team, to maximise the potential of the team, which builds confidence then consistency, all the ingredients for becoming a good all around team.
We all seen a total lack of professionalism last season which you could say stemmed from the training field, of course with other factors.
So how can we really expect change when we still seem to have a board room that seems adamant that changes are not really in the offering to us supporters
Give it to him. Let's see what he's made of.
Why not ? at least he’s won a few things, think us in Scotland for some reason don’t rate football in Japan or Australia why not Someone tell me is it that piss poor.
Or are we in Scotland far superior let’s be honest we are no the EPL, or even the championship in England thoughts anyone
saw this on another site
it's like there taunting us

:unsure: 55,,wtf

People passing judgement on the guy who know fuckall about him really ,same old negative pish day after day,can understand people being concerned but some of the shite i read about us being doomed is laughable .I ll worry at xmas if we re a mile behind the huns ,until then i ll back whoever gets the job.
Have to say after my initial private meltdown on Friday, i have to agree with you TS
I ain't gonni lie and say i was gutted about Howe, i was from lenny leaving hopeful and a fairly vocal supporter all things considered, thats gone now
I would love them t go out and get someone whose going to bring back the thunder to the noise, but it aint looking likely and there's fuck all i can say or do about it

I've read quite a bit about him, all of it from people that have a depth of knowledge of him, none of it emotional or click-bait Celtic bloggers and not from ex huns

The guys no dummy, has a style of play thats modern, seems to do well at times and has had very good words from Pep and the snake among a few. We don't know, we'll never know until he his here and rather than depress myself for no reason, i'll give him the benefit of the doubt, he's not even appointed never mind took a training session, so i'll save the doom speak like you till its warranted. Maybe, just maybe we'll be pulling a kangaroo out the hat.

Still to listen to this fully, but seems a guy with more knowledge than anybody you'll read in this country
