We can all use a laugh

Your stuck in a room wi a tiger, an alligator and a Sevco fan. Your gun only has 2 bullets.
What do you do?
Shoot the hun twice.

Morelos’s wife went to the Polis, “help help, my husband has been hitting me” she screamed.
Calm down hen, says the sarge, just hold a post in each hand and he’ll never hit u again..
Your stuck in a room wi a tiger, an alligator and a Sevco fan. Your gun only has 2 bullets.
What do you do?
Shoot the hun twice.

Morelos’s wife went to the Polis, “help help, my husband has been hitting me” she screamed.
Calm down hen, says the sarge, just hold a post in each hand and he’ll never hit u again..
Canni have that type of joke on here newbie 🤣
Welcome 👍
wee Diego ..funny as fuck
My favourite player of all time
His laces aren't even tied up
When I coached the boys team years ago, we went on a three day road trip, kuxury coach, hotel, the whole bit, big experience for them
I put as compilation DVD in the buses DVD machine
The noise on the bus got very quiet as they all stopped and were amazed at this clip
Plus, Diego was a TIM

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