Have I just read that right ??

Those fuckers must have more equity than the actors union 😂
they have a confetti machine which bypasses actual share price with adhoc private company price allocation

who needs a financial ombudsman when you can just tell your fans the price is right, its a bargain

come and get your confetti

And while they buy it

it will go on

And the hooded claw wont reveal the true scam going on
That is only for this year Torrancetim,,we need to remember they started of the season with a loss of £15.9m which they brought forward from the previous season.
Things can only get better mate,,they definitely need to get into the knockout stages of the Europa League or it could be,,,hello once again 3rd division..

The 5 way agreement stops them gon Tae the 3rd division mate... written up efter the rangers liquidation coz they know they wid dae it alll over again coz they canni compete wae us otherwise....a document that allows them Tae cheat...dump debt n then come back as 3rd rangers...claimin awe the history n trophy's while ever cunt they owe gets bumpt ....it's a fuckin disgrace but that is the reality...
They say this is due to covid from the new club was formed in 2012 they've been in loss every year covid arrived in 2019 thier a basket case who will get bailed out if the sfa bail them out or the scotish government who I think has already given them a lone of 2 and a half million then why shouldn't every club get the same can the 2 institutions give this sort of money out and justify it.because at the end of the day that club is running itself into the ground they don't have a good business model so it will keep happening. So if they die again will they simply come back again as another newco with no debt because it was written off again is this their business model it's beginning to look that way.

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