Huns not happy today

Morelos and Ramsey both injury doubts for next week. Shame that 😆
What, that fine fit young athlete Ramsey is injured? Och well, he was probably due a day off as it has been a very busy and intensive season for him so far. He's a one man team and puts his all into every game so it's no wonder he needs a wee bit of treatment. It won't be long until he's back fighting fit and tearing up the league in his own inimitable style.

😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
Its because their outrage is as flimsey as a Castore top.
They post about justice for the abused while cheering a wife beater.
They demand Celtic pay millions and are docked points wirhout realising that this is a test case
What ever happens to us happens to all of football.
They can keep banging on about 150 / 55 and being the same club.
That will be their downfall when soneone takes them to court.

The "we've more faces than a town clock" excuse wont wear it next time round.

They think they are unsinkable but there's a rake of icebergs on the horizon.

Cinch / SPFL.
Mike Ashley

All will cost them dearly.
Their "outrage",yeah right,I think we all know that if these horrific offences had taken place at any other club that this "outrage" would be non-existent.Once again their bigotry colours every opinion they have to the point of a maniacal fixation.In saying that,why would they not be given the historical antecedents which are part of this particular manifestation of "The Rangers"?
A phoenix that rises from the ashes while still displaying the same old characteristics?Maybe they are the same......
Aye, let me get this right yesterday was a celebration of their 150yr, Old Ranger 140+10 New Rangers=150. Was the game yesterday against World 11 for Charity? What Charity?

Oh, wife beater Gascoigne that cunt lost any respect or legend status when he leathered his wife at Cameron House, tried too cover it up & some local lassie leaked it tae the papers.
Aye, let me get this right yesterday was a celebration of their 150yr, Old Ranger 140+10 New Rangers=150. Was the game yesterday against World 11 for Charity? What Charity?

Oh, wife beater Gascoigne that cunt lost any respect or legend status when he leathered his wife at Cameron House, tried too cover it up & some local lassie leaked it tae the papers.
It’s actually worse than a local lassie telling the papers mate!!it happened on a Sunday night 3 days before the hun bastards played a champions league game at ibrox,the papers new about it from “the local lassie”and withheld it til the Thursday!!!thats how fucked up this wee shithole of a country works...noo if it was a celtic player??🤷‍♂️
Look at what that scummy Gaza done yesterday, inviting a wee boy on to the field then kicks him, wee fella looks injured/hurt, doesn’t get up, probably crying, if I was his da, I’d have run oan and knocked the dirty wife beating fecker out 😡😡

A horrible bastard of a thing to do to a kid,,but they dumb hunz encourage his behaviour,they deserve each other!!like you said bb a proper da would a cleaned him oot🥊💥
Aye, let me get this right yesterday was a celebration of their 150yr, Old Ranger 140+10 New Rangers=150. Was the game yesterday against World 11 for Charity? What Charity?

Oh, wife beater Gascoigne that cunt lost any respect or legend status when he leathered his wife at Cameron House, tried too cover it up & some local lassie leaked it tae the papers.
Gazza looks and plays like a zombie, gets applauded as a sporting hero

boots weans for laughs

ref in on a corrupt goal

Smiles all round

A day out for the land of make believe peepo.

sums up the new club perfectly
Look at what that scummy Gaza done yesterday, inviting a wee boy on to the field then kicks him, wee fella looks injured/hurt, doesn’t get up, probably crying, if I was his da, I’d have run oan and knocked the dirty wife beating fecker out 😡😡

His Da would be staunch and felt no shame as he watched his child being abused and ridiculed by a fellow bigot and all his fellow bigots would have a right good laugh at the wean ,,,,,,,which is funny the more you watch it
they say a Leopard never changes it’s spots and the events over the weekend goes along way to prove it.I remember back in 1967/68 going to Parkhead to watch the then Celtic team display all the trophies they won that season this was a fantastic display from both players and supporters it was a great reason to celebrate not some sham that turned into a farce again bringing shame to Scottish Football
How anyone can condone the abuse of a child yet throw abuse at others to give them justification in thier actions is beyond the pale SHAME ON THEM AND THIERS
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