Caught the last 30mins.
Closest place to my work is a hun shop.
Travelled back and seen plenty of faces that matched the 90mins coupons in that boozer.
They know they are on the edge of their luck.
Zero optimism just a nervous thank fuck. Why did we have to watch that again grimace.

Usual ugly fuckers but at least I didn't have to look at their burnt fence gnasher grins or listen to a single song from their back catalogue.

Not sure they can even sing anti catholic stuff as much now - they have more "ccaflicks" in the senior squad than we do in over equivalent youth team haha
I'm positive they were singing one of their bigoted songs last night, I posted at the time that they were singing poison.
Was slightly haulf cut so canny mind which one but felt certain, i text my brother who backed me up about it and he text back " aye scum" .
Cannot be 100% but pretty sure it was the scum sick, no **** of ***e song, refuse to put those words up.
Now that is a sectarian song at best and anti catholic 100% how can it not be? The lyrics are clear I once worked at ipox theres no mistaking its sectarianism.
Will FARE report on it?
Allegedly they were there so must've been handed a list ( long one) of chants unacceptable in Europe.
I'm not holding my breath about it and it's too early to text my brother, anybody else hear anything?
🤬f*c* pigs
Anyone see /hear RVNs post match interview?
He basically said that sevco were very good 1st half, the better team ( they were better at the end of the 1st half) but I believe that he was just covering up his own sides failures as they did score a well worked goal but I dont recall them having glaring sitters, but I do mind PSV had a terrible sitter 2 min in de jong.
He was being polite, and said that PSV were better side 2nd half which was true, personally thought the 1st half was 50/50.
Been checking out youtube reactions and I honestly dont know what game astronaut miller, sally and mcinnes were watching.
" a fantastic game of football from two very evenly matched teams " WHAT?
That was as poor a play off as I've seen for a while. Only decent bit of play was 3 passes strung together for their 1st goal but awful defending by PSV to allow cholack/kojak/colfax his name changes depending on who's saying it, to recieve the ball in yards of free space in the box.
Also , they get 3 former players as the analysis team, something we never get.
Sally saying of course we can go there and win dont forget weve went there before and won 4-1 , again whit?
Naw yeez never that was oldco and donkeys ago.
Might as well say Dundee utd can go to the nou camp and win because theyve never lost to Barcelona in the 4 times theyve played each other ( in the fn early 80s) and things have somewhat changed since then. Sally also took the time to say unfortunately he wont be there , but never said why. Other commitments Sally?
Like falling asleep while co-commentating on an english game probably.
Eindhoven BETTER ko these scum
Since I've never watched the scum in the league, unless against us, I'm assuming that the tactics they used last night will be the ones they use against us....unless wee Bonky shits it and changes things to contain us.
The scum pressed well. They forced PSV to go long or knock the ball out of play. This means we will be using Joe Hart a lot as an out ball. So he, and our CBs need to stay focused. As long as we beat this press and players make space in the midfield we should be able to play right through them. Our pace up front will destroy their slow donkey defence.
Force the scum onto the backfoot and take away that long diagonal to Tavpen and Kunt and we take away their main form of attack. Taylor and JJ just need to make sure that ball doesn't get on behind them, and they quickly get back into their positions when we don't have the ball.....

This managing lark is easy 😁😁😁
Since I've never watched the scum in the league, unless against us, I'm assuming that the tactics they used last night will be the ones they use against us....unless wee Bonky shits it and changes things to contain us.
The scum pressed well. They forced PSV to go long or knock the ball out of play. This means we will be using Joe Hart a lot as an out ball. So he, and our CBs need to stay focused. As long as we beat this press and players make space in the midfield we should be able to play right through them. Our pace up front will destroy their slow donkey defence.
Force the scum onto the backfoot and take away that long diagonal to Tavpen and Kunt and we take away their main form of attack. Taylor and JJ just need to make sure that ball doesn't get on behind them, and they quickly get back into their positions when we don't have the ball.....

This managing lark is easy 😁😁😁
Assuming tavpen and kent are still fit when the time comes to play us because if they pick up a knock theyve no depth to replace them.
If colak takes a knock then sakala would have to be who they turn to , as I dont believe morelos can play 45 minutes never mind 90plus.
Giofanny was quite clear when asked was he tempted to bring buffaloe on, his answer was rapid and simply "no".
He obviously saw the shock in the interviewers face and then added no because colak was doing well and staying the distance but how long can he do that for? Plus we will make him run like never before.
Unless they get players in the door in the next 13days they will come unstuck Haribo is a huge loss , they dont know when hagi will return or they're not saying.
Meanwhile weve got pretty much all the bases covered and Ange is hoping for another 2 players in.
I could see them throwing caution to the wind away to hibs where team selection is concerned in order to get through PSV dangerous game , to try and save colak for Holland.
They will definately be parking the bus in holland giofanny practically said as much in his post match interview as they will with us, because a draw against us will be seen as a win in their eyes but I just dont believe that they have the personnel to compete in the league, league cup, and CL or EL
I feel a wee bit better about the outcome of this tie than I did with the last one; even though they were 2 goals down to begin with. However, it's not finished for them yet. I'll hold off having my ' quiet ' celebration until it's done and dusted. Absolutely want them kicked out ! I want the spectre of THAT penalty miss to haunt them for a good while longer ! The importance of them getting gubbed simply can't be underestimated.
This is the reason why I think that they are starting to have a meltdown.

Having just played in terrible conditions last night they have 3 days off before a barrage of 5 games beginning on Saturday 20th (a) v Hibs
Wednesday 24th (a) v PSV Eindhoven
Saturday 27th (h) v Ross County
Tuesday 30th (h) v Q.O.S
Saturday 3rd (a) v Champions Celtic
That's a pretty hectic schedule with max 3 days rest in between 5 games in the next 14 days only 2 at home.

Compared to us
Sunday 21st (h) v Hearts
Sunday 28th (a) v Dundee United
Wednesday 31st ( a) v Ross County
Saturday 3rd (h) v Runners-up-rangers

That's 4 games in 13 days , 2 at home.
More time for us to recuperate, full week between hearts and utd.
They will have 1 day extra to recuperate before paradise but will have played ( 6 games in 18 days inc last night)

They're dropping league points and hopefully into the EL draw .
Even if they got 4 players in before midnight 31st those players must fit in and hit the ground running and so far only colak has done that for them, Matondo to a lesser extent.
This is why suddenly on bbcradiosevco last night we had Tom English first to say Celtic are favourites for the title, followed by silence and then cronies agreeing with him.
Probably whilst looking at those fixtures and depleted squad.
It's one thing a player returning from injury, another getting up to match speed, as demonstrated by buffalo
The futures excitingly bright
Decked out in green and white
When have that cleek ever said we are favourites for the title after 3 league games played? Never!
That was nothing more than an attempt at deflecting the pressure away from the tributeers. A poor one at that.
Even when they first won promotion to the top flight they were all full of how they were going to win the title at the first attempt.
A few mighty hunskelpings in quick succession losing by 4 ,5, 4 then 5 again they cooled their jets enough to finish 3rd.
Next season they were going to win the title again, followed by some more hefty hunskelkpings.
Their cheerleaders have never conceded anything even when 13pts behind and on the back of defeats to hearts Hamilton hearts were still shouting they could win it but sack slippy then lockdown.
It's the bare faced attempt at deception ( we're all well familiar with) but so early in the season its laughable, though true theyd never admit it.
Snydes phone in should be a laugh later,
it will be interesting to hear the Celtic callers reminding them all they believe as we do 😎🙂
Just saw the huns 2nd... I’ve seen the ball boys collect trickier than that.
Surely their fkn luck has to run out sometime 😡
Nah BB kelly hit the nail on the head last night when he said something like " they're luck will never ever run out" reverse psychology....works everytime or never works at all.
Given that you're the 1888th person to say the same thing it's about time we try Kelly's way and say it out loud " THEYRE LUCK WILL NEVER EVER RUN OUT"
#jinx curse upon them
Maybe add in a few extras like " I wish I was as lucky as you, if I was as lucky as you I bet I'd never get stuck behind a tractor on a country lane that's 50 miles long and theres nowhere for the tractor to go except forwards " , " I bet you're that lucky that never ever ever happens to you or anyone you know that means anything to you , like your wife/sister or your sister/wife" 🤞🏻 # double whammy jinx
Assuming tavpen and kent are still fit when the time comes to play us because if they pick up a knock theyve no depth to replace them.
If colak takes a knock then sakala would have to be who they turn to , as I dont believe morelos can play 45 minutes never mind 90plus.
Giofanny was quite clear when asked was he tempted to bring buffaloe on, his answer was rapid and simply "no".
He obviously saw the shock in the interviewers face and then added no because colak was doing well and staying the distance but how long can he do that for? Plus we will make him run like never before.
Unless they get players in the door in the next 13days they will come unstuck Haribo is a huge loss , they dont know when hagi will return or they're not saying.
Meanwhile weve got pretty much all the bases covered and Ange is hoping for another 2 players in.
Seen enough of the scum already this season to make the claim that they are already in the position we were in the 10iar season.
Will forever more claim that was done in order to help save servo scum (SS) survive, but what is going to be the excuses coming from the scum?
Easy enough comparisons can already be made with shite signings and players just going through the motions until they can get the fuck out of that shithole but next to nothing to come back into the kip in return of value still as the debts are possibly still way to big.
A shambles of a club and always have been and PSV stand to be just as bad if they can't see off such utter shit in their own back yard still.
Even Sky sports was trying to promote that muck as a brilliant game, no surprise in that, but the standard on show for CL where the elite of Europe want to play in, well neither are worthy of making that claim yet PSV have possibly more potential still as the scum have fuck all imo.
Since I've never watched the scum in the league, unless against us, I'm assuming that the tactics they used last night will be the ones they use against us....unless wee Bonky shits it and changes things to contain us.
The scum pressed well. They forced PSV to go long or knock the ball out of play. This means we will be using Joe Hart a lot as an out ball. So he, and our CBs need to stay focused. As long as we beat this press and players make space in the midfield we should be able to play right through them. Our pace up front will destroy their slow donkey defence.
Force the scum onto the backfoot and take away that long diagonal to Tavpen and Kunt and we take away their main form of attack. Taylor and JJ just need to make sure that ball doesn't get on behind them, and they quickly get back into their positions when we don't have the ball.....

This managing lark is easy 😁😁😁
Actually watched the scum 4 times already this season lubos, and the main reason in doing so was to get a better indication upon these claims about these so called magic potions the scum could have been using at the back end of last season, especially with the cup semi in mind and no drug testing in place within Scottish football still, which I found amazing in this day and age.
The most noticeable ones were Shirley, thug Jack and his partner the lumpofshit.
Now Shirley has left the building, lumpofshit an even bigger carthorse than usual, and thug Jack now behind one of the Dad's army brigade in trying to get a starting position.
Throw in the oversized EL donkeyo who still looks nowhere close to losing the ample surplus of fat.
Goldshit in proving why nobody was interested in the big dope whose radar in passing is more suitable for murryfield and can no longer get his carcass off the ground to head a ball from set plays at both ends of the pitch now.
The banjo fuck couldn't even beat an egg let alone a player to cross a ball and even his shite shooting at goal nowhere to be seen either.
All this on show at the start of the season and yet far more energy levels at the back end of last season with the amount of games played?????
Actually watched the scum 4 times already this season lubos, and the main reason in doing so was to get a better indication upon these claims about these so called magic potions the scum could have been using at the back end of last season, especially with the cup semi in mind and no drug testing in place within Scottish football still, which I found amazing in this day and age.
The most noticeable ones were Shirley, thug Jack and his partner the lumpofshit.
Now Shirley has left the building, lumpofshit an even bigger carthorse than usual, and thug Jack now behind one of the Dad's army brigade in trying to get a starting position.
Throw in the oversized EL donkeyo who still looks nowhere close to losing the ample surplus of fat.
Goldshit in proving why nobody was interested in the big dope whose radar in passing is more suitable for murryfield and can no longer get his carcass off the ground to head a ball from set plays at both ends of the pitch now.
The banjo fuck couldn't even beat an egg let alone a player to cross a ball and even his shite shooting at goal nowhere to be seen either.
All this on show at the start of the season and yet far more energy levels at the back end of last season with the amount of games played?????
John, i get a wee feeling that you dont like like der hun.🤣🤣🤣🤣
Tam English getting tore into Kunt, not at the same level as Jota and Abada, doesn't deserve to be in the team! 😹
Steven Thompson disagrees! 😹😹😹
This is the reason why I think that they are starting to have a meltdown.

Having just played in terrible conditions last night they have 3 days off before a barrage of 5 games beginning on Saturday 20th (a) v Hibs
Wednesday 24th (a) v PSV Eindhoven
Saturday 27th (h) v Ross County
Tuesday 30th (h) v Q.O.S
Saturday 3rd (a) v Champions Celtic
That's a pretty hectic schedule with max 3 days rest in between 5 games in the next 14 days only 2 at home.

Compared to us
Sunday 21st (h) v Hearts
Sunday 28th (a) v Dundee United
Wednesday 31st ( a) v Ross County
Saturday 3rd (h) v Runners-up-rangers

That's 4 games in 13 days , 2 at home.
More time for us to recuperate, full week between hearts and utd.
They will have 1 day extra to recuperate before paradise but will have played ( 6 games in 18 days inc last night)

They're dropping league points and hopefully into the EL draw .
Even if they got 4 players in before midnight 31st those players must fit in and hit the ground running and so far only colak has done that for them, Matondo to a lesser extent.
This is why suddenly on bbcradiosevco last night we had Tom English first to say Celtic are favourites for the title, followed by silence and then cronies agreeing with him.
Probably whilst looking at those fixtures and depleted squad.
It's one thing a player returning from injury, another getting up to match speed, as demonstrated by buffalo
The futures excitingly bright
Decked out in green and white
The silence was a wee check wi the producer to see if he was allowed to say that…
Actually watched the scum 4 times already this season lubos, and the main reason in doing so was to get a better indication upon these claims about these so called magic potions the scum could have been using at the back end of last season, especially with the cup semi in mind and no drug testing in place within Scottish football still, which I found amazing in this day and age.
The most noticeable ones were Shirley, thug Jack and his partner the lumpofshit.
Now Shirley has left the building, lumpofshit an even bigger carthorse than usual, and thug Jack now behind one of the Dad's army brigade in trying to get a starting position.
Throw in the oversized EL donkeyo who still looks nowhere close to losing the ample surplus of fat.
Goldshit in proving why nobody was interested in the big dope whose radar in passing is more suitable for murryfield and can no longer get his carcass off the ground to head a ball from set plays at both ends of the pitch now.
The banjo fuck couldn't even beat an egg let alone a player to cross a ball and even his shite shooting at goal nowhere to be seen either.
All this on show at the start of the season and yet far more energy levels at the back end of last season with the amount of games played?????
I agree with your detailed and impartial assessment of the OFFC players. However, I might not be popular on here for saying this, but personally I think their new striker Antonio Čolak will score a fair amount of goals for them this season.

But Čolak never seems to stay at any club for more than 1 or 2 seasons, so if he does get near the top of the goalscoring charts then I suspect he will be a player that the loyal media will be over-hyping next summer as they try to convince everyone that he is worth £30-40m and Barcelona/Man City/PSG/Real Madrid are all desperate for his signature.

But so far, for me the best non-Celtic signing this summer in the SPFL is Joel Nouble at Livingston. He has a big physical presence, but also has a lovely touch and a good eye for goal. It is very early yet, but he has settled quickly and if he continues in this rich vein of form will cause a lot of defences problems over the course of the season and we had better not take him lightly when we play them.
I agree with your detailed and impartial assessment of the OFFC players. However, I might not be popular on here for saying this, but personally I think their new striker Antonio Čolak will score a fair amount of goals for them this season.

But Čolak never seems to stay at any club for more than 1 or 2 seasons, so if he does get near the top of the goalscoring charts then I suspect he will be a player that the loyal media will be over-hyping next summer as they try to convince everyone that he is worth £30-40m and Barcelona/Man City/PSG/Real Madrid are all desperate for his signature.

But so far, for me the best non-Celtic signing this summer in the SPFL is Joel Nouble at Livingston. He has a big physical presence, but also has a lovely touch and a good eye for goal. It is very early yet, but he has settled quickly and if he continnoubues in this rich vein of form will cause a lot of defences problems over the course of the season and we had better not take him lightly when we play them.
That ajeti lookalike with the touch of an elephant with more than a few links missing in his link up play is a very passable impression for ajeti and would even class ajeti as better and the useless fucks are about in the same price bracket also imo.
Bound to get a few goals with the amount of humpped balls into the area but could never score a goal if it wasn't laid out on a plate for him either.
Agreed about nouble as looks a handful for any defence at present, but Livi hardly play good football and can't see him having to much of an impact against ourselves as he will be starved of service and got CB who are well able to handle his physical presence also imo