Tommy Robinson Exposes The BBC

Aye, it's called the Beano.

Fucking hell the Beano hasn't gone all right wing too has it? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

In next month's edition of The Beano - Dennis the Menace & Gnasher chase some immigrants while Minnie the Minx and Rodger the Dodger go head to head for the leadership of UKIP! We've also got an in depth interview with Biffo the Bear on why he joined the EDL! :LOL:

I joke but nothing would surprise me when it comes to the UK in 2019.
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No fan of the BBC but hope they show the other side of the laughing so tough he-man

On another media connected point
British media and its global charitable concerns, especially currently re Venezuela are so genuine!

Think its amazing how so much of the 100% natural care about the poor starving people of Venezuela still manages to shine through the selective news beamed into minds through the state broadcaster.
I particularly loved the selected but non named and disguised and voice changed but BBC claimed army veteran telling us the truth, and the crowds we are shown are not at all selective on one side of the story.

Ok it's the same state broadcaster that it was recently revealed from credible sources (former employees) that when it came to Ireland and their troubles! - it the BBC , basically relied totally on british army and intelligence sources for the news to beam into british and global minds for thirty years.

The care like the 'news' is so genuine!

Even if it is the very same state that does not want any actual Refugees from war devestated Syria, devestated thanks in no small part to western arms industry, the one product the same state excels at!

The same state that has so many foodbanks, worsening poverty for the poorest and a very divided society of it's own to be concerned with, genuinely!

Ok maybe it does not add up and they via the state controllers are only interested in the resources under the ground in selective areas of the earth! but not the actual people!
its still care.
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What is more important? The TRUTH or having a bigoted dogmatic view of a subject that you have formed based on proven lies?

I took that opening part of your argument. Quite strange that every single thing you put forward is a subjective and extremely biased argument and therefore NOT Truth is the slightest. Subjective truth relies on the a unique twisted version of truth and it can only deceive people who want to be deceived or blockheads.

If you look at TR objectively in order to get to the real truth then you suddenly find the mask does not come close to the true face underneath.

This is exactly what the Hun does, the Nazi does, the racist does and its exactly what you do.

There is no truth in your version of truth. Its tainted with your weird unique perspective which has absolutely no ability to discern the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

If you have a jigsaw and you have one piece of the jigsaw, then you don't have the whole jigsaw. If the entire jigsaw covered the whole truth and is a 50000 piece jigsaw then you have nothing near the truth.

If someone else has 25000 pieces of the truth jigsaw then he has a much better objective outlook of the truth.

But you have 1 piece of the jigsaw and its been chewed by a Rottweiler and whatever was on that piece is no longer discernible.

But somehow like all huns who have a chewed piece, you have the gall to think he chewed up busted piece of the jigsaw of truth is the whole truth. And its your mission to help people see how important and special your mission actually feels.

The absolute truth might be clearer if you had 50000 pieces of the jigsaw and had successfully fitted them altogether and then by a special grace could see the meaning of the truth absolute.

But 1 chewed and busted piece isnt worth afeck Thai tim. Your version of truth is insanity broadmoor style

I hope your no Burma Billy in disguise.

Anyway here is a piece of the jigsaw that most people don't know. A tale from ww2. This piece of truth isnt the whole truth of ww2 but its an unchewed piece of undamaged truth.

If you are Burma Billy go check it out and I wish you a speedy recovery from your Hunnish Twisted chewd what about this then!
hahaha Blockhead

You've got to laugh , haven't you ?
An expose of Fake News starring a guy with a fake name posted by a another guy who believes in a Flat Earth !!!
Thai Tim should be writing scripts for Donald Trump ! Hang on ...maybe he is ?
One day this may happen, biut would not hold my breath with these clowns.
This is an opportunity for you to see how the BBC have lied about Tommy Robinson. If you watch the video you might start to understand that Tommy Robinson is a true working class hero that has been totally misrepresented by the BBC and the media. If you don't want to watch the video and prefer to be hoodwinked by the BBC, fine! That's up to you.
Fuck off ya prick
What is more important? The TRUTH or having a bigoted dogmatic view of a subject that you have formed based on proven lies? The video exposes the BBC and Panorama to be elitist liars, willing to blackmail and pay vulnerable people to make up dirt on Tommy. If you don't want to know the TRUTH then that's fine. Tommy Robinson is NOT extreme right wing. That is a term the British establishment have successfully labelled him with. He was a political prisoner because the British establishment want to destroy him. I thought Celtic supporters were for the truth and the downtrodden. You don't know it but you are castigating a man that is virtuous and honorable. If you want to know the REAL Tommy Robinson why not watch this 3 part documentary. Whether you agree with his politics or not, history will show, (hopefully), that Tommy Robinson is anything but racist, stands up for protection of homosexuals and woman's rights, has balls of steel fighting against the establishment - a true working class hero!

Get to fuck ya racist prick
What is more important? The TRUTH or having a bigoted dogmatic view of a subject that you have formed based on proven lies?

I took that opening part of your argument. Quite strange that every single thing you put forward is a subjective and extremely biased argument and therefore NOT Truth is the slightest. Subjective truth relies on the a unique twisted version of truth and it can only deceive people who want to be deceived or blockheads.

If you look at TR objectively in order to get to the real truth then you suddenly find the mask does not come close to the true face underneath.

This is exactly what the Hun does, the Nazi does, the racist does and its exactly what you do.

There is no truth in your version of truth. Its tainted with your weird unique perspective which has absolutely no ability to discern the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

If you have a jigsaw and you have one piece of the jigsaw, then you don't have the whole jigsaw. If the entire jigsaw covered the whole truth and is a 50000 piece jigsaw then you have nothing near the truth.

If someone else has 25000 pieces of the truth jigsaw then he has a much better objective outlook of the truth.

But you have 1 piece of the jigsaw and its been chewed by a Rottweiler and whatever was on that piece is no longer discernible.

But somehow like all huns who have a chewed piece, you have the gall to think he chewed up busted piece of the jigsaw of truth is the whole truth. And its your mission to help people see how important and special your mission actually feels.

The absolute truth might be clearer if you had 50000 pieces of the jigsaw and had successfully fitted them altogether and then by a special grace could see the meaning of the truth absolute.

But 1 chewed and busted piece isnt worth afeck Thai tim. Your version of truth is insanity broadmoor style

I hope your no Burma Billy in disguise.

Anyway here is a piece of the jigsaw that most people don't know. A tale from ww2. This piece of truth isnt the whole truth of ww2 but its an unchewed piece of undamaged truth.

If you are Burma Billy go check it out and I wish you a speedy recovery from your Hunnish Twisted chewd what about this then!
I'm sorry mate don't understand where you're going here, why would you let the dog chew a piece of your jigsaw,?? Is that not just careless???
Just for the record, since I have been personally attacked and abused once again, let me state unequivocally that I am a strong supporter for Palestine, the Israelis are guilty of war crimes and the way they treat Palestinians is the true definition of fascism. I absolutely deplore the actions of the state of Israel and I am anti Zionist which does not make me anti-Semite although I have been accused.

Regarding Tommy Robinson I posted a very interesting video for the sole reason that perhaps are being duped into believing TR is a fascist, Nazi, extreme right wing or whatever label the British establishment have successfully labelled him with. Even if you hate TR, if you watch the video you surely have to admire his bravery and clever way he turned the BBC Panorama fake news bullshit on to themselves exposing them for what they truly are, a propaganda machine used by the state. At the end of the video Tommy explains how you can save yourself over 150 quid by legitimately not paying the BBC license.

Now as for the bullshit propaganda that I believe has clouded your judgement regarding TR:

Tommy has many close friends from various ethnic backgrounds. Instead of keeping your mind closed. if you took time to watch the video, you will see these black-skinned friends are interviewed laughing at the suggestion that their friend Tommy is "racist".

1,400 underage girls from Rotherham were gang raped by Pakistani grooming gangs. Dig a little deeper and its easy to see this is not an isolated case. All over England Pakistani Muslims are systematically grooming (gang raping and murdering) girls as young as 10 YEARS OLD. The problem is HUGE. Its not just one or two isolated cases. These gangs ply the girls with drugs and alcohol. They are protected by the police because of political correctness. The policy of the police is not to upset the Muslim community. The establishment have a plan to fill Europe with people from the 3rd world in order to break down society, deliberately causing havoc and social instability. How do they get away with it? They feed ignorant people the rhetoric that anyone complaining or drawing attention to these mass gang rapes as "racist" "fascist" "extreme right wing". In Rotherham, when fathers went to Muslim houses where their under aged daughters were being gang raped, the police arrested the fathers and left the girls to continually be systematically and brutally raped and tortured. This is documented fact. When it was reported an 11 year girl was being raped by a gang of Muslim men, the police turned up and arrested the girl for being drunk, then released her back to her Muslim abusers. This is documented fact. If you watch the video you will see this is not made up.

There is much more to this story than you have been told. For over 10 years Tommy tried hard to draw attention to these rape gangs but he was ignored and labelled a racist. Tommy makes a clear distinction between Muslim people and Islam (an ideology). The Islamic ideology Tommy tries to expose believes in murdering homosexuals, abusing under age girls, treating woman as 3rd class rubbish and murdering anyone who wants to leave their Islamic faith. Many ordinary Muslims live in fear of these radicals and ironically support Tommy who is exposing their oppressors.

After Tommy created the EDL to expose the gang rapes and the EU's open borders policy, REAL right wing fascists joined. It is recorded that Tommy tried to get rid of this element, so at an EDL protest, he took to the stage together with a Muslim guy and together they held hands and raised them in the air. He announced that if anyone saw a problem with that image they were in the wrong place. Tommy outed these right wing fascists to the police and physically fought them He is totally against right wing fascist behavior. If you listen to the George Soros bought mainstream media you will think the opposite. If you refuse to watch the videos I have linked on this thread you will continue to be ignorant of the true fact that Tommy Robinson is a true working class hero who's crime is dare to criticize the barbaric actions of Islamic Radicals. Hope not Hate is a George Soros funded organisation, set up to create social misunderstanding and confusion. I have no more to say on this matter. You can either treat the subject as if it's the huns v us or look into it with an open mind. If you watch the videos perhaps your views will remain the same. I doubt they would but there again, real bigots don't want to look at facts, do they?
Just for the record, since I have been personally attacked and abused once again, let me state unequivocally that I am a strong supporter for Palestine, the Israelis are guilty of war crimes and the way they treat Palestinians is the true definition of fascism. I absolutely deplore the actions of the state of Israel and I am anti Zionist which does not make me anti-Semite although I have been accused.

Regarding Tommy Robinson I posted a very interesting video for the sole reason that perhaps are being duped into believing TR is a fascist, Nazi, extreme right wing or whatever label the British establishment have successfully labelled him with. Even if you hate TR, if you watch the video you surely have to admire his bravery and clever way he turned the BBC Panorama fake news bullshit on to themselves exposing them for what they truly are, a propaganda machine used by the state. At the end of the video Tommy explains how you can save yourself over 150 quid by legitimately not paying the BBC license.

Now as for the bullshit propaganda that I believe has clouded your judgement regarding TR:

Tommy has many close friends from various ethnic backgrounds. Instead of keeping your mind closed. if you took time to watch the video, you will see these black-skinned friends are interviewed laughing at the suggestion that their friend Tommy is "racist".

1,400 underage girls from Rotherham were gang raped by Pakistani grooming gangs. Dig a little deeper and its easy to see this is not an isolated case. All over England Pakistani Muslims are systematically grooming (gang raping and murdering) girls as young as 10 YEARS OLD. The problem is HUGE. Its not just one or two isolated cases. These gangs ply the girls with drugs and alcohol. They are protected by the police because of political correctness. The policy of the police is not to upset the Muslim community. The establishment have a plan to fill Europe with people from the 3rd world in order to break down society, deliberately causing havoc and social instability. How do they get away with it? They feed ignorant people the rhetoric that anyone complaining or drawing attention to these mass gang rapes as "racist" "fascist" "extreme right wing". In Rotherham, when fathers went to Muslim houses where their under aged daughters were being gang raped, the police arrested the fathers and left the girls to continually be systematically and brutally raped and tortured. This is documented fact. When it was reported an 11 year girl was being raped by a gang of Muslim men, the police turned up and arrested the girl for being drunk, then released her back to her Muslim abusers. This is documented fact. If you watch the video you will see this is not made up.

There is much more to this story than you have been told. For over 10 years Tommy tried hard to draw attention to these rape gangs but he was ignored and labelled a racist. Tommy makes a clear distinction between Muslim people and Islam (an ideology). The Islamic ideology Tommy tries to expose believes in murdering homosexuals, abusing under age girls, treating woman as 3rd class rubbish and murdering anyone who wants to leave their Islamic faith. Many ordinary Muslims live in fear of these radicals and ironically support Tommy who is exposing their oppressors.

After Tommy created the EDL to expose the gang rapes and the EU's open borders policy, REAL right wing fascists joined. It is recorded that Tommy tried to get rid of this element, so at an EDL protest, he took to the stage together with a Muslim guy and together they held hands and raised them in the air. He announced that if anyone saw a problem with that image they were in the wrong place. Tommy outed these right wing fascists to the police and physically fought them He is totally against right wing fascist behavior. If you listen to the George Soros bought mainstream media you will think the opposite. If you refuse to watch the videos I have linked on this thread you will continue to be ignorant of the true fact that Tommy Robinson is a true working class hero who's crime is dare to criticize the barbaric actions of Islamic Radicals. Hope not Hate is a George Soros funded organisation, set up to create social misunderstanding and confusion. I have no more to say on this matter. You can either treat the subject as if it's the huns v us or look into it with an open mind. If you watch the videos perhaps your views will remain the same. I doubt they would but there again, real bigots don't want to look at facts, do they?
I have looked at your hero with an open mind but came to the conclusion that he’s no better than the people he complains about.So you say Tommy created EDL to expose gang rapes? How come there was members caught with disgusting images? Look up Richard Price,TR backed this guy and there were others.Absolutle hypocrisy and if you think this guys o.k then your sick in the head.If you think the guys a working class hero would you attend an EDL March with him and his nounces?.HH
I have looked at your hero with an open mind but came to the conclusion that he’s no better than the people he complains about.So you say Tommy created EDL to expose gang rapes? How come there was members caught with disgusting images? Look up Richard Price,TR backed this guy and there were others.Absolutle hypocrisy and if you think this guys o.k then your sick in the head.If you think the guys a working class hero would you attend an EDL March with him and his nounces?.HH
You obviously didn't look into it much. Tommy reported the guys to the police then disbanded the EDL because of them. A bit like saying all Celtic supporters are bad because one or two throw coins? Easy to see you haven't really looked into it have you! ;)
You obviously didn't look into it much. Tommy reported the guys to the police then disbanded the EDL because of them. A bit like saying all Celtic supporters are bad because one or two throw coins? Easy to see you haven't really looked into it have you! ;)
I obviously did,I think you’ll find he left because he was concerned about far right extremism.The EDL hasn’t been disbanded.So was he outside the courts protesting when his buddies were up on charges of watching child pornography and other disgusting acts? Please don’t wink at me,trying to be smart when you’ve not done your research.HH
I obviously did,I think you’ll find he left because he was concerned about far right extremism.The EDL hasn’t been disbanded.So was he outside the courts protesting when his buddies were up on charges of watching child pornography and other disgusting acts? Please don’t wink at me,trying to be smart when you’ve not done your research.HH
Yes he left because he was concerned about far right extremism. As I said, he physically fought them and exposed them to the police. So have taken the time to watch the video I linked to or does your information only come from sources trying to demonize him? I have listened to what Tommy has to say, have you? If you have I bet it's only snippets taken out of context with the sole purpose of misrepresentation, which is exactly what the BBC Panorama program has been exposed doing. Let me ask you, would you be offended if I implied you were a nounce based on the fact a couple of Celtic supporter were caught looking at under age porn? You ought to be! Tommy's life has been turned upside down and misrepresented for what? Exposing Muslim grooming gangs of THOUSANDS of underage girls, then you have the audacity to state Tommy is no better than these beasts! I said already I have no more to say on this matter and I will say again, you can either treat this subject as if it's the huns v us or look into it with an open mind. If you watch the videos perhaps your views will remain the same. I doubt they would but there again, real bigots don't want to look at facts, do they?
Hey TT,
We know the BBC represents the Union establishment, more and more people are critical.of it and it's contents and methods etc.
Very pro Israel and anti Palestinian for example with lots of other similiar issues..... imply they are lying about Tommy Robinson and his extreme hate filled views doesn't cut much ice here mate.
We have seen and experienced.his vitriol and he is no admirer or friend of Celtic Football Club.and what it values and represents.. that is for sure.
You are entitled to your point of view TT, but in this case your position would be akin to supporting the claims by Big Jock Knew brigade.... sickening and disrespectful of 'the truth' as you claim.
Hey TT,
We know the BBC represents the Union establishment, more and more people are critical.of it and it's contents and methods etc.
Very pro Israel and anti Palestinian for example with lots of other similiar issues..... imply they are lying about Tommy Robinson and his extreme hate filled views doesn't cut much ice here mate.
We have seen and experienced.his vitriol and he is no admirer or friend of Celtic Football Club.and what it values and represents.. that is for sure.
You are entitled to your point of view TT, but in this case your position would be akin to supporting the claims by Big Jock Knew brigade.... sickening and disrespectful of 'the truth' as you claim.
A reasonable well balanced post hoopsman, a lot more balance than the extreme hatred of other posts on this thread which I find ironic! If you watched the videos I linked on here you might find that your quoted "Tommy Robinson and his extreme hate fill views" is only accurate if you are alluding to his hatred of Islam ideology and of those who follow this ideology who are mass raping our young children, stating homosexuals should be killed, hate our western values and openly want to take over the running of our country, subjecting our females to becoming low life inferior objects and any blasphemy of Allah punishable by death. Living in Scotland you are lucky the Muslim community are not yet as radicalized as they are in many parts of England, but if we allow this evil to continue unabated, it is inevitable Scotland will be infected with the same problem too and you may only realize Tommys hate for these child raping beasts was actually justified. I have never heard Tommy speak in depth about Israel and Palestine so I can't comment too much, although I have heard him state that Hamas is a terrorist organisation. To a degree, that is probably correct but Hamas has legitimate cause to fight as Israel is a terrorist state! If the debate was about Israel then I would probably have opposing views to Tommy, but the debate is about highlighting the problems that comes with the New World Order deliberate mass immigration policy and a horrible politically correct accusation that anyone fighting against Islamic ideology must be some kind of demon as we allow the Muslims to rape, torture and murder our children. For that reason I am 100% behind Tommy and believe Tommy was a political prisoner, getting in the way of the NWO policy of a deliberate Muslim invasion into Europe.
Yes he left because he was concerned about far right extremism. As I said, he physically fought them and exposed them to the police. So have taken the time to watch the video I linked to or does your information only come from sources trying to demonize him? I have listened to what Tommy has to say, have you? If you have I bet it's only snippets taken out of context with the sole purpose of misrepresentation, which is exactly what the BBC Panorama program has been exposed doing. Let me ask you, would you be offended if I implied you were a nounce based on the fact a couple of Celtic supporter were caught looking at under age porn? You ought to be! Tommy's life has been turned upside down and misrepresented for what? Exposing Muslim grooming gangs of THOUSANDS of underage girls, then you have the audacity to state Tommy is no better than these beasts! I said already I have no more to say on this matter and I will say again, you can either treat this subject as if it's the huns v us or look into it with an open mind. If you watch the videos perhaps your views will remain the same. I doubt they would but there again, real bigots don't want to look at facts, do they?
So it was Tommy who exposed the Muslim grooming gangs? Were’s the evidence of this? Turning up at they’re court case doesn’t mean he exposed them.Your telling that many lies that your new name is Pinocchio.You says he disbanded the EDL because of the paedo’s but you’v just agreed with me why he really left.The EDL isn’t bisbanded.His number 2 was caught with indecent images because the police came to his house nothing that Tommy done.This isn’t snippets it’s come from quite a few sources.I don’t have any audacity,these people are criminals,yes in a different way but so is your hero.I see your insinuating I’m a bigot because I’m telling the truth,how pathetic.Have a think about this,your basically on a Celtic blog making a criminal out to be a working class hero who started a group consisting of football hooligans to protest against Asian grooming gangs amongst other things but then it turns out some of his buddies are paedo’s.What does that say about you.HH

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