Hate crimes and the Rangers supporting policeman at Ibrox on Sunday

I'd be surprised if we didn't mate.
When he doesn't give them it all their own way it might disappear from sight.
He'll be under scrutiny by his own probably more than us as we know what to expect.
If he doesn't give them it all their way then the sh*t will really hit the fan , he might even get blackballed to St Mary's ludge on Dumbarton Road if he doesn't.
I couldn't give a hoot about the new hate crime law. It's absurdity pales into insignificance when you see Westminster trying to make homeless people criminals, and fining them especially if they happen to be smelly 🤬🤬🤬

I can see the logic behind the hate crime bill but ffs how can homelessness be a crime and who the fuck decides if you're smelly?

Anyone offering to become a homeless sommelier?

We complain and laugh at the States about Trump and the war criminal Biden but the old Etonians at Westminster are off their fucking trollies and I don't care if I get the jail for saying so.
Three square meals a day and I wouldn't have to be afraid of the next electricity bill, it'll be like a bloody retreat!
Come back to this to give it serious consideration ( was watching spurs game at time shammy).
It's a fkn disgrace that such legislation can even be considered. There would be no homelessness if the govt looked after its citizens better.
This and previous governments have taken pride in welcoming immigrants , legal or not, and whilst I'm not saying they shouldn't look after those who've ( mostly fled here from war torn areas) areas that we've played a part in destroying for profit, if the government and its predecessors can house immigrants then why can't they house its own citizens.
People don't choose to be homeless, that would be insane or desperate with no other option.

If as is being suggested Sunak , himself an immigrant, finds that 40 or more of his own party are going to vote against this bill then it has to be his downfall.
There should be a vote of no confidence in him , which there isn't anyway.
He is like the ' motivator' in a telesales office , " next to get a lead gets a ....whatever , a cigarette break" type of fool , the one every workplace has, that person everyone sighs collectively when they enter the room.

To punish the already heavily punished is more than a disgrace its an atrocity and abuse of power.
Tweaking a 200 year old draconian law and adding more punishment than before is astonishing for want of umpteen better words. How on earth can you fine a homeless person £2,500 ?
If such a homeless person had £2,500 they bloody well wouldn't be homeless, and the other tweak , prison time ?
That's likely better for many of the poor souls who are sleeping rough and many would rather be in prison than on the street as ridiculous as it sounds at least they'll get fed and have shelter and it's also likely safer for them as well.
Words fail me , this little rodent trying to act tough , he wouldn't last a sunny day on the street without getting robbed or beaten just for the sake of his smug fn attitude.

“I think the most important thing is we help people off the streets. That’s why we’re putting £200m a year into this. No, people should not be arrested if they smell,” - Gillian Keegan , Education Secretary.

That it is a matter of record the British education secretary has said this is an embarrassment to the UK.
I'd best not lay down pished In summer on a park bench then or I'll wake up in Aitkenhead Road ffs.
Apparently the Vagrancy act goes back to Napoleonic times and was supposed to be scrapped in '21.
There is nothing this and previous governments, no doubt governments to follow won't do to fk over the most vulnerable in society. Its a fkn outrage pardon my French but there's no other way to describe it, 2&½grand?

Perhaps if they were to put some of the money they earned building and selling bombs, fighter aircraft and miscellaneous weaponry to the Saudis so they could bomb an already 3rd world country in Yemen back to the stone age , like 1% of that would go a long way to solving this problem.

Sunak like Obama has been one massive disappointment. I'm going to stop Shammy before I turn into a pumpkin 🎃, before I do though...
People are blindly allowing the freedoms of the public to be eroded by continuously voting tory and Labour in England and Wales and whilst in Scotland things are better they are only <> this much better.
Homeless people are being turned into criminals for nothing more than losing their job, homes and families there is literally nothing more that can be taken from them, prison for many will save their life and also increase costs on looking after them.
We can build centers to house illegal immigrants but we can't do this for our own people. We can however afford to give tens of millions , more, to France and Rwanda for absolutely nothing that is going to help anyone, that is a scam if ever there was one , Dick Turpin would be proud of this example of daylight robbery.
I always try hard not to carry hate inside my heart but these fukwits?
How I'd like to see them fall and I don't just mean lose their position I mean really fall , from Tower Bridge or the Shard wouldn't be punishment enough ( allegedly) , scum scum horrible bastards I hope karma is waiting patiently for these self important.....no word truly describes my contempt for the lot of them.
The green party will get my vote , not because I think they'll do any better but can they really do any worse?
Oh fs don't answer that one .
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What Biden introduced ' Transgender visibility day ' and knowing of the intensely Christian beliefs that many of the American states peoples hold very dear to their hearts , I hope will be the final nail in his political career.
Not only is he a dithering fool that requires the sound of an ice cream van to tell him its time for bed but the timing of this new 'TVD' which sounds like some type of ailment to me, cannot have gone down well with even the most hard-core Biden supporter.
He's like the Pherengi ' high negus' in star trek who's sadly lost the plot as he's losing his memory.
If the hard core Christian vote hasn't been lost completely its surely been badly damaged overnight.
I cannot imagine many Church goers had a happy Easter on hearing that news at that time.
It's nothing more than a blatant attempt at grabbing the marginalised vote.
I'm quite certain now that he's about to find out exactly how marginalised that group are.
There was no need for it , its a slap in the face to his core constituents and I'd be really surprised if , Christian or not they allow him to get away with it.
All hypothetical and allegedly of course, but things are so crazy right now I'd not be surprised in the slightest if Trump becomes the first sitting president residing in office from D.C Jail.
Putin and Xi must be absolutely pishing themselves with laughter at the state of North America and Europe right now.
With regards to there being no Celtic supporters at the derby on Sunday and 50,000 absolute bigots , some 100% bigoted and some that don't work for the polis.
You just know for a fact they will disregard any warnings about the new legislation and the polis will not report any sectarian bile.
Also pretty unlikely any Celtic supporter will report it either but its pretty much a certainty in my mind that come the CP derby there will be reports made a plenty to the relevant bigoted authorities
Say what you want about the English government....but at least down here, if I go to watch my daughter take part in a Judo competition, and she's paired with a bulky boy with a pony tail and a set of balls, who identifies as a girl, I can stop my daughter getting beat up by that boy by declaring that I refuse to sit there and watch my girl get beat up by a boy who's mental illness, supporting by an ever increasingly unhinged population, without the fear of being arrested. In Scotland, you will have to watch your young girls losing everything they've worked hard far, in their chosing sport, to boys. If you don't accept that up there, you're going to jail.
Your population will get fat and lazy because pointing out that being fat is not good for you will be seen as body shaming.
You lot need to get the SNP to fuck. And god help you if you get independence because, at the moment, the only thing stopping you turning into a one party state North Korean like dictatorship, is the people you hate, sitting in Westminster.
Say what you want about the English government....but at least down here, if I go to watch my daughter take part in a Judo competition, and she's paired with a bulky boy with a pony tail and a set of balls, who identifies as a girl, I can stop my daughter getting beat up by that boy by declaring that I refuse to sit there and watch my girl get beat up by a boy who's mental illness, supporting by an ever increasingly unhinged population, without the fear of being arrested. In Scotland, you will have to watch your young girls losing everything they've worked hard far, in their chosing sport, to boys. If you don't accept that up there, you're going to jail.
Your population will get fat and lazy because pointing out that being fat is not good for you will be seen as body shaming.
You lot need to get the SNP to fuck. And god help you if you get independence because, at the moment, the only thing stopping you turning into a one party state North Korean like dictatorship, is the people you hate, sitting in Westminster.
I used to be an snp voter and mad about independence but now I wouldn’t vote for them if they paid me and independence I’m not that interested anymore (you don’t a fully independent country anymore anyway) snp have been a joke for years I don’t like them for work reasons but now all this has made me have massive dislike for them….not voting for any party now and all this gender carry on is a joke and the world has just went mad IMO
McCoist now saying he’s going away with the kids for a couple of days. He usually commentates on SKY at this match. I had read, before he had opened his big mouth that he was on duty for this one. Plus on the radio this morning he was supposed to have said that it was time to move on. Boyd says the same when he’s under pressure.
I used to be an snp voter and mad about independence but now I wouldn’t vote for them if they paid me and independence I’m not that interested anymore (you don’t a fully independent country anymore anyway) snp have been a joke for years I don’t like them for work reasons but now all this has made me have massive dislike for them….not voting for any party now and all this gender carry on is a joke and the world has just went mad IMO
Been thinking the exact same way tommy
Say what you want about the English government....but at least down here, if I go to watch my daughter take part in a Judo competition, and she's paired with a bulky boy with a pony tail and a set of balls, who identifies as a girl, I can stop my daughter getting beat up by that boy by declaring that I refuse to sit there and watch my girl get beat up by a boy who's mental illness, supporting by an ever increasingly unhinged population, without the fear of being arrested. In Scotland, you will have to watch your young girls losing everything they've worked hard far, in their chosing sport, to boys. If you don't accept that up there, you're going to jail.
Your population will get fat and lazy because pointing out that being fat is not good for you will be seen as body shaming.
You lot need to get the SNP to fuck. And god help you if you get independence because, at the moment, the only thing stopping you turning into a one party state North Korean like dictatorship, is the people you hate, sitting in Westminster.
Agree with that lubo only problem is that its still raw in the memories of the people, being fukd over by the tories, Labour, lib dems had a chance and fuked the people over as well. They will never regain power in Scotland imo.
I mind the whole of Scotland voting Labour bar the islands ( lib dem) and it meant nothing as the tories won in England and Wales , so time and again Scotland voted Labour and the tories won.
Think the voters in Scotland would rather try to affect change from within the SNP than go back to their votes being meaningless.
Many see England and Wales as a one party state anyway regardless of whether its tory or Labour as they're seen as one and the same up here. Many in England see it that way as well.
While the lib dems will suck up to either down south or here to get the slightest foothold. The recent losses at the Rutherglen by election is seen as nothing more than a protest vote, like many by elections. Lib dems had their good chance when they pledged to cut student fees only to do a u turn in order to get a position on the Labour government, the 1st devolved Parliament here and people don't forget that. The snp will continue to lose by elections but they will win here regardless in the generals
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Too many people in Scotland see a vote for Labour as too risky in the generals , because Labour and tories are one and the same, the by elections are different and the people see it as their way of keeping the SNP on their toes and keeping them in line.
With councils now having more power than before its how folk keep them in check or at least how they see themselves keeping them in check.
There's no appetite for another indy referendum in Scotland, perhaps in pockets there is.
Ironically those who want independence from Westminster are the same who want to join the European Union so hardly independence but a far better option than Westminster and the constant sleaze we're subjected to from Westminster.
This view isn't only a Scottish one, the English refer to Manchester as the North which alienates the true North of tyneside, wearside etc and Boris fkd them over good and proper , I'd be surprised , shell-shocked if the tories can keep those seats or ever regain them again. They were promised the world and got nothing.
Scotland, even the islands and some Highland constituencies have fell for that enough times it would take a miracle to fool them again.
It's really a case of if anyones going to fk things up in Scotland it will be the Scots who do it and not some interwoven tory/labour/reform parties who cannot even recognise their own geography never mind deliver on fake manifesto promises. The SNP have done some good here and they've done some really bad here as well but the one thing they have going for them is that they recognise the fact that be it Glasgow, Shetland, Orkney or Dundee it's Scotland all of it , the borders is the south and the central belt isn't the North. That's barely halfway geographically. Things like that are a big thing in Scotland and it's something Westminster doesn't understand.

Edit: the fkd up gender bs isn't only the SNP it's voted for rightly or wrongly, very wrongly imo and many others by all the parties in Scotland and the people will only stand for it for so long , as the SNP lose by elections that will hopefully sink in and change from within our own borders will happen. That's what I believe the people here believe rightly or wrongly but the people have suffered fools for governments long enough that Scotland has never been so politically motivated .
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Too many people in Scotland see a vote for Labour as too risky in the generals , because Labour and tories are one and the same, the by elections are different and the people see it as their way of keeping the SNP on their toes and keeping them in line.
With councils now having more power than before its how folk keep them in check or at least how they see themselves keeping them in check.
There's no appetite for another indy referendum in Scotland, perhaps in pockets there is.
Ironically those who want independence from Westminster are the same who want to join the European Union so hardly independence but a far better option than Westminster and the constant sleaze we're subjected to from Westminster.
This view isn't only a Scottish one, the English refer to Manchester as the North which alienates the true North of tyneside, wearside etc and Boris fkd them over good and proper , I'd be surprised , shell-shocked if the tories can keep those seats or ever regain them again. They were promised the world and got nothing.
Scotland, even the islands and some Highland constituencies have fell for that enough times it would take a miracle to fool them again.
It's really a case of if anyones going to fk things up in Scotland it will be the Scots who do it and not some interwoven tory/labour/reform parties who cannot even recognise their own geography never mind deliver on fake manifesto promises. The SNP have done some good here and they've done some really bad here as well but the one thing they have going for them is that they recognise the fact that be it Glasgow, Shetland, Orkney or Dundee it's Scotland all of it , the borders is the south and the central belt isn't the North. That's barely halfway geographically. Things like that are a big thing in Scotland and it's something Westminster doesn't understand.

Edit: the fkd up gender bs isn't only the SNP it's voted for rightly or wrongly, very wrongly imo and many others by all the parties in Scotland and the people will only stand for it for so long , as the SNP lose by elections that will hopefully sink in and change from within our own borders will happen. That's what I believe the people here believe rightly or wrongly but the people have suffered fools for governments long enough that Scotland has never been so politically motivated .
Hi Winter, As always I enjoyed your input this morning while having a wee break from my enforced carer duties. While life has very much curtailed the amount of free time I have to indulge myself in the things that are important to me, I feel I have to take issue with you on a point you make in your post a above.

You may or may not know, Winter, but I'm both active in the Yes movement, and a supporter of, and active for, the SNP.
This activism involves knocking doors and speaking to folk; In truth, there are people who are indeed disappointed with SNP; however, when we have a blether about the situation, it becomes very clear that, if anything, there is more appetite for independence, not less.

At the present time folk are getting caught up in the feeding frenzy of negativity provided by the unionist media, which, of course, means almost all of It. Spoken and print.

As I say, Winter, my time isn't my own at the moment, so, all I can do is ask you compare the policies of the Tory party with that of Labour. Doesn't really matter about the minor differences that exist, because they are indeed, only minor.

So, therefore, neither does it matter which one you choose. They are one and the same.
Hi Winter, As always I enjoyed your input this morning while having a wee break from my enforced carer duties. While life has very much curtailed the amount of free time I have to indulge myself in the things that are important to me, I feel I have to take issue with you on a point you make in your post a above.

You may or may not know, Winter, but I'm both active in the Yes movement, and a supporter of, and active for, the SNP.
This activism involves knocking doors and speaking to folk; In truth, there are people who are indeed disappointed with SNP; however, when we have a blether about the situation, it becomes very clear that, if anything, there is more appetite for independence, not less.

At the present time folk are getting caught up in the feeding frenzy of negativity provided by the unionist media, which, of course, means almost all of It. Spoken and print.

As I say, Winter, my time isn't my own at the moment, so, all I can do is ask you compare the policies of the Tory party with that of Labour. Doesn't really matter about the minor differences that exist, because they are indeed, only minor.

So, therefore, neither does it matter which one you choose. They are one and the same.
Stopped voting years ago Frank. I leave that to the younger ones. It's going to affect them more than me. If what the polls are saying is correct then the tories won't win. Landslide for Labour . There all as bad as each other.
Stopped voting years ago Frank. I leave that to the younger ones. It's going to affect them more than me. If what the polls are saying is correct then the tories won't win. Landslide for Labour . There all as bad as each other.
Hi Ally, I find it strange that folk choose not to vote. At the same time, I absolutely respect it.
Here's the thing, though, I would rather chew the political fat with someone I'm diametrically opposed to than with someone who doesn't vote.
As I say, Ally, each to their own.
Hi Ally, I find it strange that folk choose not to vote. At the same time, I absolutely respect it.
Here's the thing, though, I would rather chew the political fat with someone I'm diametrically opposed to than with someone who doesn't vote.
As I say, Ally, each to their own.
I just feel Frank that I have lived my life, it's now up to those with more mileage in them than me. As you say each to their own.
Just under 4,000 hate crimes under the new legislation have been reported since Monday with Police Scotland saying they will look into and record everyone... And they have set up a new group of police officers to look at them all.

2 things come to mind, they are gonna be really busy come Sunday... And now we will see a rise in lots of other petty crimes as they dont have the resources to investigate them all....

Maybe the weans can play fitba in the street again eh.....