Another honest mistake

Jinky were are all on edge. Believe me we will win this league beat Hearts beat the huns it's over no worries. We'll keep her lit☘️☘️
It's a terrible thing that before you can think about what players might be on have we any new injuries what tactics the manager might use ,just the normal things that any other football fan in the world has ,but before we get to that the normal side of the game we all love we've got this demon to contend with, who's referring, who's on var is the head of referring in Scotland going out with a bang, will he and the people officiating our games in years to come be giving after dinner talks about how the 23-24 season ended in a glorious victory for the new club because of a dubious penalty or 2 or a sending of or 2 .in a normal football country no supporters would be thinking these sorts of things but in Scotland its a fact and nothing being done to change it .just look at we've got, one of the referees gets texts from family members saying give us a penalty today when he's about to go and referee a game at ibrox, you've got another one who trains some kids for an ibrox academy school then another who goes for a pint in a well known rangers bar after a Derby match, in what other league or country would this be happening in ,they can't fool us with the findings of some penalty that picks out selective incidents and basically says look its fair thiers been mistakes but it happens to every club. That's crap and they know its crap.if they d take a look at the findings that Alan morrison found and had a debate with him on air tv or radio or the net I'd love to see that ,but it's to near the truth for that to happen, sure the msm are avoiding it like the plague. I hope your right ally and we go on to lift the title but these problems will still be thier the following morning because that's the way it is.
That’s what I thought too. It’s as if they know something damaging to the MiBs/SFA is in the pipeline and they are getting their defence in early.


The SFA are saying nothing to see here. We have had VAR continuously independently reviewed and no bias exists.

They know Celtic by numbers has the physical and statistical irrefutable evidence of a clear bias against Celtic.

They’re hiding behind a review that’s neither independent nor unbiased.

We need to keep highlighting the cheating and corruption…
Anyone any idea how we are still getting overrun way posts from video celts and james forest??a can’t seem to find any fresh posts???15 out of 18 that show on my screen are guff…and the ones from the proper noise are from November- October??

James Forrest is a moderator on here I believe. So I'm thinking his site , Video Celts and the Celtic Noise have a common allegiance of some kind.

Ask WC he will know, or mibbies someone else knows for sure...
So the Independent Masonic Review Panel highlight that VAR made a mistake in favour of Celtic and against sevco by not making the MIB review the AJ "deliberate handball", EVEN THOUGH IT COULD NOT HAVE BEEN AWARDED AS A PENALTY COS THE SEVCO PLAYER WAS BLOODY OFFSIDE!!!

Which must mean VAR never made a mistake in the Turnbull stonewall penalty incident in the same day. The MIB decision was offside but he blew his whistle AFTER the foul. So the only conclusion is that this was not an error by VAR simply because they never even reviewed the penalty incident!

So the Independent Masonic Review Panel highlight that VAR made a mistake in favour of Celtic and against sevco by not making the MIB review the AJ "deliberate handball", EVEN THOUGH IT COULD NOT HAVE BEEN AWARDED AS A PENALTY COS THE SEVCO PLAYER WAS BLOODY OFFSIDE!!!

Which must mean VAR never made a mistake in the Turnbull stonewall penalty incident in the same day. The MIB decision was offside but he blew his whistle AFTER the foul. So the only conclusion is that this was not an error by VAR simply because they never even reviewed the penalty incident!

Mibbies we did and mibbies yir diddies wididni
Right next yin ti post gets 2 lines fur being pro referees

Embdy see the SFA aren't giving the old MiBs from the '90's and that their usual buckshee tickets for the final? They're raging 😂.

Call me paranoid but I reckon they don't want dozens of camera phones catching them all going tonto after the obligatory tavpen 🧐

Not good optics ye ken?

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