What will time/history show/remember Rodgers for

How will Rodgers be remembered?

He will go down in history as the man who lead us to 7 trophies which resulted in 2 historical back to back trebles and an incredible 69 game unbeaten run but who on the cusp of being remembered as one of Celtic folklore's greatest ever heroes inexplicably trashed his legacy and reputation for unfathomable reasons!

No matter what this man goes on to achieve in the future he will be forever haunted by making the decision to leave when he did and the way he conducted himself when he done it.

It's a genuine shame he chose to go out like that.
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How will Rodgers be remembered?

He will go down in history as the man who lead us to 7 trophies which resulted in 2 historical back to back trebles and an incredible 69 game unbeaten run but who on the cusp of being remembered as one of Celtic folklore's greatest ever heroes inexplicably trashed his legacy and reputation for unfathomable reasons!

No matter what this man goes on to achieve in the future he will be forever haunted by making the decision to leave when he did and the way he conducted himself when he done it.

It's a genuine shame he chose to go out like that.
What gainith a man who sells his soul,??? The more we talk about him the more alive we keep him time to let go I think
For me he did a great job domestically, but still believe that in Europe it was underwhelming.

I didn’t feel over confident in any tie we played.

I don’t like making comparisons/being bitchy etc but when you look at the teams Martin O’Neill faced(home and abroad) - even Tommy Burns going up against Laudrup and Gascoigne etc, I definitely think Rodgers had it easy in comparison.

The wage bill is also huge, - the highest it’s been since Sutton and Larsson.

Bottom line - I think there’s plenty of managers all over Europe who have done as good a job as Rodgers. Marco Rose being one.

I’m looking forward to seeing how he does at Leicester.

He’s not as shrewd as he thinks he is - without a doubt I think he was expecting to leave us with Peter Lawwell taking all the flak.

He knew the fans weren’t happy about the Dembele sale/John McGinn etc. He’s basically said - i’ll Just skip of to Leicester, the Celtic fans will understand. He’s such an egomaniac he’s thought he was above any criticism at all - in his mind, he’s been doing Celtic a favour for nearly 3 years.

For me he’s just a tiny bit of our history.
He did well for us. To say he didn’t is bollocks. Would there be that much of a backlash if he wasn’t good? Would there fuck. Let’s get real, he raised the bar, won 7 trophy's on the trot and some of the greatest wins over the sevco’s.

If he had fixed the defence then Europe would have been better, but even then we got out of groups after Christmas.

He left in a shitty way, but let’s not let spite erase the facts.

He’s gone, he wanted to leave, he did it in a shit way, but that doesn’t erase what we have achieved.

We may never know how things were with him and the board, but after the summer fiasco we can guess.

I’m not a fan of scapegoating, I think the board are also in the dock. I think the question should be, even though it ended badly, would those who now say they despise him, never have wanted him to come?

Naw, didn’t think so.

He wanted to go and if anybody does, then I say go. But I would never delude myself that I wish he hadn’t come. We are better for him being here. That’s what I will remember. With a bit of bottle shown by the board I believe he would still be here.

Let’s look forward and hope lessons have been learned about what we need to do to become a team in Europe teams don’t have to patronise us we are a hard draw.

If we do that then the whole excercise for me at least will have been worthwhile. Over to you Peter and Dermot and hopefully Lenny.

Great post, Verdict. He will have a place in our history some day...but it will never be more than a small fraction of what it could have been had he stayed till season's end. Ditching Celtic in the middle of making history is inexcusable. And if he had waited another 28 months and accomplished 10iar he could have gone to any other team in the world save one and kept his immortality.

If we win our third straight treble he will be off the hook a bit, as his actions will have proved not to have jeopardized our season and it will highlight that he left us in good enough shape to win it all.

If he stays pretty much away from poaching our players this year, a bit more of the anger will dissipate........one for a good price would be reasonable..........but if he takes two or more it will heat up further.

If he keeps his mouth shut it will help. Comments about how sorry he is or how much he loves Celtic will only inflame more anger.

All this will help him fade away..........

But if 10iar is not attained, he will wear that curse forever..............Regardless of the fact that Lawwell will be equally responsible for that by not being willing to spend on high end defenders and thus betraying that we arent serious about cementing a place in Europe...

We should have had a team to put 10iar from here given the advantages we gained from the Huns comedy show over the last decade. I will hold Rodgers and Lawwell equally in contempt if we dont complete AT LEAST ten in a row
If we win our third straight treble he will be off the hook a bit

If he keeps his mouth shut it will help.

But if 10iar is not attained, he will wear that curse forever..............

If he does all above I still wish him no success, he is a Charlatan and has no friends in my home
Like most areas of history, how BR will be perceived in future is going to be largely determined by whoever is responsible for writing it.

I believe it's one of the reasons why clubs (especially big clubs) like Celtic always need to have an alternative view to the one being propagated by the media and that which is being proposed from within the club.

I believe that, compared to many of our rivals, our support has always been forthright in searching for reason and accountability. We have criticised, protested and even boycotted when the situation demands it.

I'm not sure that there will be any ramifications in the long-term for BR. When his star is on the wane and his CV needs another boost, he may try to force a return and play to sentiment. I don't think there will be many buyers for his brand of bullshit, even when he tries to convince us that he'll give his life for the club.

History will show us that BR won 7 trophies as manager. History will not show much more of a legacy. BR brought on some players and improved them through coaching. He failed to address key areas in the team and we suffered as a consequence. His PR skills were excellent, but that didn't win us any matches. The scouting network appears flawed and needs an immediate overhaul, but he does get credit for taking a stand on how we play throughout all levels of the club. Some of our younger players will have learned the importance of possession and this will stand them in good stead.

TV1 has submitted a series of posts since last Tuesday which have explained many things brilliantly, he has also highlighted how some folk (like myself) have to peek behind the curtain every now and then and not unilaterally toe the party line.

History will be kinder to BR than the future will, it largely depends on how we progress from here. There are big decisions yet to be made regarding our future and TV1 is also right in asserting that we have to focus on the here and now, get behind the team and dismantle our enemies by collecting even more silverware.

We struggled, but survived, after genuine legends of Our Club departed Celtic Park. It's only the end of an era, not the end of the world.
I think we would all agree that Rogers was/is an intelligent guy. That when he came in there was a sparkle in his eye and we all believed, or maybe that’s going too far, but certainly most, thought that with him at the helm, as a club, we would do everything to move up a couple of notches. I know I did.

My question is simple, what happened to make that sparkle dim? What were the mitigating circumstances that contrived to make him accept a team he would undoubtedly advise against any of our better players moving to?

The maelstrom that erupted as a consequence is understandable, but, let us not let it obscure the underlying reasons that led to it happening. When anger subsides, a cool, rational assessment of why it happened needs to be undertaken. He has been called a rat, well let’s not forget rats are highly intelligent creatures and they leave a sinking ship. Did a lack of support from the board to actually make us a team worthy of dining at the top table, rather than talk about it, as Lawell did endlessly, have an impact?

Let’s look at what happened these last three years. Put a hundred of us in a room and ask each one, what do we need to do to move up? How many would offer a response that didn’t include improving our defence? I would bet not many.

Then let us travel back in time to the summer. We had won the treble for a remarkable two years on the bounce, but we all knew we didn’t reach the heights we had in the invincible year. We had lost three players of real quality in Dembelle, Armstrong and wee Paddy. The two players we sold brought in £26m.

Across the city we watched Sevco go all in, with every couch, every jaikit hanging unworn in the wardrobe being rummaged to find every last coin to fund derailing us.

We qualify for the CL and the money made ends them. £40m just to qualify, £13.5m TV pot and another £12m in ticket packages and what did we do? Fuck all. Why did we fail? Sloppy goals lost yet again by a defence even worse than finishing the season.

AEK where there to be taken. Inaction and dithering combined with Boyata refusing to play because he wanted away and we are out on our arses, £60m gone. £60m that should have been secured. Don’t blame Rogers for that. He submitted players of quality that he knew, we all did, were required.

Now we might not have got the ones he wanted, that’s football, but please don’t try and tell me there weren’t others who could have improved us and helped us knock out a shit AEK.

All this anger at Rogers should not deflect us from the failings of an over cautious board, who seem to operate on caution and hope. Add into that mix £2.3m taken as a bonus by Lawell, more than we spent on players in the January window, even when we knew Boyata and Benkovic would be gone in the summer. Boyata should have sold sold and every penny he brought used to replace him. We now have lost whatever he would have raised, and he’s still going. To me that is a shambolic decision.

As the bullets and shells of derision fall
in the Rogers trench, don’t forget to ask the question, why did he leave? To go to fucking Leicester if he hadn’t felt that the failure of the board to break a tenner wouldn’t continue?

It is my belief that if he had been backed in the summer to strengthen the team and we had qualified for the CL he would still be here to at least the summer. And probably beyond if we had been able to perform better in Europe. That is where his street cred would have risen. He knew that. We all did, because winning leagues and trebles up here has very little currency.

He encouraged players to come here because they would be in the shop window of the CL. It’s the same deal for him. If he knew he wouldn’t be backed to give it a go, then his arse, like all of ours would be handed to us every year.

My anger at his timing is tempered by the why now question. My fear is he was told spending money to improve the team in the summer would be derisory. I may be wrong in that assessment, but by fuck, it’s eating at me, and who among us would be surprised if going cheap was again the order of the day? A phone box could easily accommodate the entire group.

Lawell to me is in the dock as is Desmond. Why bring a guy like Rogers in, see how he improved us and then refuse to invest in a defence that could keep weans oot a close? Well the weans got in the close, we tumbled out of the CL and through trying to save say £15m on assets that could be sold on, we waved ta ta to £60m and are facing a summer where our two best defenders go.

Save me the shrewd leader pish about Lawell, for I just don’t buy it. This situation we are in this week has his fingerprints all over it.

When the dust settles he has questions to answer. The main one being, whatvare you going to do now? Lenny is in and for me he was the only choice. But will he be able to get support to do what needs to be done, if Rogers couldn’t? I am not convinced.

We have stalled. We have allowed Sevco to narrow the gulf, to me that alone is a capital offence. To take a fucking bonus while that happened is beyond belief.

Be angry at Rogers, be dismayed and let down, but always ask what is the real reason he left? I wish it was just he thought Leicester were a great club. But, my sixth sense tells me that’s bollocks. The real reason for me is a board that like to talk big but when it comes to backing up those fine aspirations shite it.

We have the makings of an effective team in Europe. Valencia away proved that. But we need the board to stop talking us up and start moving us up.

A treble treble is a distinct possibility. If we do what needs to be done in the summer and qualify for the CL, we bury Sevco. If the board don’t even try then the hatred and vile currently directed at Rogers should be amplified far beyond that.

It will for me at least. And Lawell May be glad of the diversion, but there are some of us who have him in the crossfire hairs. Step up or leave.
Since a started posting on this site I have said lawell is a self serving shit,and for me his paw prints are all over this Rodgers thing(Brendan’s a piece a shit make no mistake)but a agree something hastened his departure last week,and it wasn’t a mediocre epl team,lawell likes to be king dick that’s why he surrounds himself with yes men like Mowbray!strachan!ronnie!lenny first time around!only because Desmond got irked at the orks behaviour did we get a real deal guy,if it’s left to lawell to find the replacement be prepared for a davie moyes type ,,that’s the future way lawell at the helm......
I think we would all agree that Rogers was/is an intelligent guy. That when he came in there was a sparkle in his eye and we all believed, or maybe that’s going too far, but certainly most, thought that with him at the helm, as a club, we would do everything to move up a couple of notches. I know I did.

My question is simple, what happened to make that sparkle dim? What were the mitigating circumstances that contrived to make him accept a team he would undoubtedly advise against any of our better players moving to?

The maelstrom that erupted as a consequence is understandable, but, let us not let it obscure the underlying reasons that led to it happening. When anger subsides, a cool, rational assessment of why it happened needs to be undertaken. He has been called a rat, well let’s not forget rats are highly intelligent creatures and they leave a sinking ship. Did a lack of support from the board to actually make us a team worthy of dining at the top table, rather than talk about it, as Lawell did endlessly, have an impact?

Let’s look at what happened these last three years. Put a hundred of us in a room and ask each one, what do we need to do to move up? How many would offer a response that didn’t include improving our defence? I would bet not many.

Then let us travel back in time to the summer. We had won the treble for a remarkable two years on the bounce, but we all knew we didn’t reach the heights we had in the invincible year. We had lost three players of real quality in Dembelle, Armstrong and wee Paddy. The two players we sold brought in £26m.

Across the city we watched Sevco go all in, with every couch, every jaikit hanging unworn in the wardrobe being rummaged to find every last coin to fund derailing us.

We qualify for the CL and the money made ends them. £40m just to qualify, £13.5m TV pot and another £12m in ticket packages and what did we do? Fuck all. Why did we fail? Sloppy goals lost yet again by a defence even worse than finishing the season.

AEK where there to be taken. Inaction and dithering combined with Boyata refusing to play because he wanted away and we are out on our arses, £60m gone. £60m that should have been secured. Don’t blame Rogers for that. He submitted players of quality that he knew, we all did, were required.

Now we might not have got the ones he wanted, that’s football, but please don’t try and tell me there weren’t others who could have improved us and helped us knock out a shit AEK.

All this anger at Rogers should not deflect us from the failings of an over cautious board, who seem to operate on caution and hope. Add into that mix £2.3m taken as a bonus by Lawell, more than we spent on players in the January window, even when we knew Boyata and Benkovic would be gone in the summer. Boyata should have sold sold and every penny he brought used to replace him. We now have lost whatever he would have raised, and he’s still going. To me that is a shambolic decision.

As the bullets and shells of derision fall
in the Rogers trench, don’t forget to ask the question, why did he leave? To go to fucking Leicester if he hadn’t felt that the failure of the board to break a tenner wouldn’t continue?

It is my belief that if he had been backed in the summer to strengthen the team and we had qualified for the CL he would still be here to at least the summer. And probably beyond if we had been able to perform better in Europe. That is where his street cred would have risen. He knew that. We all did, because winning leagues and trebles up here has very little currency.

He encouraged players to come here because they would be in the shop window of the CL. It’s the same deal for him. If he knew he wouldn’t be backed to give it a go, then his arse, like all of ours would be handed to us every year.

My anger at his timing is tempered by the why now question. My fear is he was told spending money to improve the team in the summer would be derisory. I may be wrong in that assessment, but by fuck, it’s eating at me, and who among us would be surprised if going cheap was again the order of the day? A phone box could easily accommodate the entire group.

Lawell to me is in the dock as is Desmond. Why bring a guy like Rogers in, see how he improved us and then refuse to invest in a defence that could keep weans oot a close? Well the weans got in the close, we tumbled out of the CL and through trying to save say £15m on assets that could be sold on, we waved ta ta to £60m and are facing a summer where our two best defenders go.

Save me the shrewd leader pish about Lawell, for I just don’t buy it. This situation we are in this week has his fingerprints all over it.

When the dust settles he has questions to answer. The main one being, whatvare you going to do now? Lenny is in and for me he was the only choice. But will he be able to get support to do what needs to be done, if Rogers couldn’t? I am not convinced.

We have stalled. We have allowed Sevco to narrow the gulf, to me that alone is a capital offence. To take a fucking bonus while that happened is beyond belief.

Be angry at Rogers, be dismayed and let down, but always ask what is the real reason he left? I wish it was just he thought Leicester were a great club. But, my sixth sense tells me that’s bollocks. The real reason for me is a board that like to talk big but when it comes to backing up those fine aspirations shite it.

We have the makings of an effective team in Europe. Valencia away proved that. But we need the board to stop talking us up and start moving us up.

A treble treble is a distinct possibility. If we do what needs to be done in the summer and qualify for the CL, we bury Sevco. If the board don’t even try then the hatred and vile currently directed at Rogers should be amplified far beyond that.

It will for me at least. And Lawell May be glad of the diversion, but there are some of us who have him in the crossfire hairs. Step up or leave.

Great post TV. Do you think there might be room for the idea that the Board, watching Rodgers waste money on the likes of Hendry, Commper (?)et al. and expand the wage bill to 60 mil per annum (Unsustainable in our market) insisted that he look to selling off dead wood whilst trying to expand the team even further considering the comments around that time about the squad being 'bloated'
Maybe the board, in working closely with him every day had already recognised that he was no stranger to pork pies and were less inclined to back him.
Great post TV. Do you think there might be room for the idea that the Board, watching Rodgers waste money on the likes of Hendry, Commper (?)et al. and expand the wage bill to 60 mil per annum (Unsustainable in our market) insisted that he look to selling off dead wood whilst trying to expand the team even further considering the comments around that time about the squad being 'bloated'
Maybe the board, in working closely with him every day had already recognised that he was no stranger to pork pies and were less inclined to back him.

I have said often that the vast majority of the projects where not successful. And in that strategy, the boards really when you look at the model. What I am more concerned with is not projects, but actual quality players where you’re talking about £5-6m.

When we needed two CB’s or at least one, then looking in the £1m market as we did with Comperr and Hendry didn’t work. Don’t get me wrong, there must be great young CB’s out there we may get at that price, but we didn’t manage that.

It’s the key areas that take real money that wasn’t done. We definitely need to thin out the projects. The bottom line for me is we need to spend on quality. Rogers knew he needed that, it didn’t happen and it may never happen. To think there was no reason why he upped sticks to me holds no water.

It just doesn’t make sense. Not being supported with better quality does. There was obviously a dip in the relationship. As you said, Lawell sees himself as the top boy, tries and does sign us players and controls who sees the map that locates the tin.

To me he has become a demigod in his own eyes. He can do no wrong. That’s dangerous and has fucked us up this season. My only hope is he doesn’t do it in the summer again.
Yes agree very much with that statement,hh

I am not interested in Rogers at all now. The focus I am concentrating on are what made him do it. For me it’s too simple to just say he’s a cunt. Why was he a cunt could have repercussions for whoever takes over long term.

As I said, if anybody tries to convince me it was the absolute pull of Leicster then I’m sorry, that doesn’t wash. It’s bit about Rogers. It’s about Celtic and how we runnthe club.

Remember if we will, it was Lawell who talked up us as a club dining at the top table. Well, that’s easier said than done and impossible when you don’t back it up.

Ask yourself this. Did he back that up?

Therein for me lies the crux of recent events. Smoke and fire.

Lawell will be delighted it’s all about Rogers. That is only half the story. Let’s have the whole story, and to me, the summer failure and subsequent fall out is front and centre.
Thought long and hard about this one...

I will forever be grateful for Brendans time at Celtic, highlights for me personally are, in his first 2 seasons I took my youngest son with me to Ibrox four times and standing shoulder to shoulder with him as we wiped the floor with the zombies.
Giving us our pride back at hamdump, and the invincible season are some of the reasons that spring to mind also.

I was asked the season before he arrived who would I want as the next Celtic manager and always said Brendan I was delighted when he arrived, and had hoped he would be here for 10 ..

To say I was gutted at the turn of events last week would be an understatement, however he has made his bed so to speak, I cheered when Watford scored a late winner at the weekend, but from now on, I won't give his team/ teams a passing thought.

So Brendan thanks for the memories, but dont hurry back..
Thought long and hard about this one...

I will forever be grateful for Brendans time at Celtic, highlights for me personally are, in his first 2 seasons I took my youngest son with me to Ibrox four times and standing shoulder to shoulder with him as we wiped the floor with the zombies.
Giving us our pride back at hamdump, and the invincible season are some of the reasons that spring to mind also.

I was asked the season before he arrived who would I want as the next Celtic manager and always said Brendan I was delighted when he arrived, and had hoped he would be here for 10 ..

To say I was gutted at the turn of events last week would be an understatement, however he has made his bed so to speak, I cheered when Watford scored a late winner at the weekend, but from now on, I won't give his team/ teams a passing thought.

So Brendan thanks for the memories, but dont hurry back..
Yep and Danny Mac Celtic legend your place will always be at Celtic, the day you have to beg to have a place in paradise will be the day the fans physically remove from the premises anyone who dares to besmirch your name or stand in your way.
Goal number 3 Danny MacGrain number 2 showing the young guns how to snatch titles on the final day and break Hearts all over Edinburgh. Included in this footage is none other than Judas himself, but he helped win the title before doing the dirty reminf#d you of anyone.

Just read Chris Davies statement this morning, bit weird maybe!!! It is all coming out bit by bit now,still over and done,hh
Yep and Danny Mac Celtic legend your place will always be at Celtic, the day you have to beg to have a place in paradise will be the day the fans physically remove from the premises anyone who dares to besmirch your name or stand in your way.
Goal number 3 Danny MacGrain number 2 showing the young guns how to snatch titles on the final day and break Hearts all over Edinburgh. Included in this footage is none other than Judas himself, but he helped win the title before doing the dirty reminf#d you of anyone.

The video of that great day is an all time favourite. I switched twenty seconds in because I absolutely hate when people put music over the crowd reactions. But, thanks for making me go to you tube to see the unadulterated one.

That day I didn’t go and was in the pub. My two younger brothers did and can be clearly seen in the pitch invasion.

Back to the pub, we were playing darts and having a few beers. On the sound down telly. at full time. a ticker tape went across the screen,

Scottish League champions..then a C came first. There was an eruption from those of us who were Tim’s and the sound was put up and we all danced about as the pre sevconians left muttering get it up yees.

I always regretted not going that day.
The video of that great day is an all time favourite. I switched twenty seconds in because I absolutely hate when people put music over the crowd reactions. But, thanks for making me go to you tube to see the unadulterated one.

That day I didn’t go and was in the pub. My two younger brothers did and can be clearly seen in the pitch invasion.

Back to the pub, we were playing darts and having a few beers. On the sound down telly. at full time. a ticker tape went across the screen,

Scottish League champions..then a C came first. There was an eruption from those of us who were Tim’s and the sound was put up and we all danced about as the pre sevconians left muttering get it up yees.

I always regretted not going that day.
The goal with McGrain involved is one of the best moves i have seen in a long time in a game with so much at stake as well so much happening in it.
Been reading some of the old stuff because it is 25 years of the bunnet, but going back in time led me to the demise of the huns because they never had a bunnet and i found the launguage used in the papers at the time 2012 to be of real quality and showed the hurt felt. Jim traynor should be jailed for the myth as it is clear in this article what Roddie the proddy Forsyth thought of the huns and he was one of them. Below honest journalism and whataboutery.

By Roddy Forsyth
10:30PM BST 14 Sep 2012
The Ibrox manager, whose club – in its previous incarnation as Rangers FC (bet that hurts still) is being investigated to establish if EBTs were used to make player payments which were not admitted to the Scottish football authorities – declared himself puzzled by the ruling.
“You would have to ask them [the SPL] how it works but it does baffle me ever so slightly,” he said yesterday. “At the same time, that’s another decision that doesn’t surprise me.
“I don’t know how it works. My reading of the situation is that the SPL have accepted that EBT because the money was paid to the player after he left the club.
“What has that got to do with his performances while he’s at the club? Nothing. You would agree that’s a strange one.”
The SPL on Friday declined to discuss Juninho but The Daily Telegraph can clarify that the matter at issue is not the EBT but the question of the timing of the payment and that, since it was made when he was no longer registered as a Celtic player, it does not merit further investigation.
The obvious question which might be asked is why any club would make an ex-gratia payment to a former player if it had not been stipulated in his original contract of employment, but The Daily Telegraph understands that no paperwork has been identified that would constitute a breach of the rules.

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