“I felt I was harshly treated at Celtic,” Charlie Nicholas

That used to happen alot years ago stories about players wanting to go but they say they didnt obviously the clubs not gonny admit to punting one of the stars against his will I still don't think 8ts a good enif excuse for the shite he's spoke ever since 🤬 and I wonder why George Graham sent him to the reserves he must have been acting the pure cunt tbf guys a fanny fuck Charlie nick
That used to happen alot years ago stories about players wanting to go but they say they didnt obviously the clubs not gonny admit to punting one of the stars against his will I still don't think 8ts a good enif excuse for the shite he's spoke ever since 🤬 and I wonder why George Graham sent him to the reserves he must have been acting the pure cunt tbf guys a fanny fuck Charlie nick
He was taking the young players at Arsenal out on the piss but what really got him in Gorgeous George's bad books was he was socialising with the directors etc going round their houses...GG weren't having that
I can believe that he was pushed out the door to make a quick buck but I can also believe that he wanted to go so he could hit the nightclubs in London. If he was pushed out the door for a fast buck, why did he return to the same Kelly/White run club (though I recall a midweek game against Aberdeen when Charlie Nicholas was playing for them and things weren't going well and I think he got a bigger cheer than the Celtic players) and, when they were gone, why didn't he take the view that the problem was gone and have something positive to say since then... or hasn't he worked out that the Kellys and Whites have really gone.
All his life, everything had to be about Charlie. This whinging is no different.

He left Celtic for the dazzling lights of London, the money, the champagne lifestyle and fraternising with the glitterati. He made his choice, nobody forced him into it. Problem is, he now wants to engage in revisionism and make himself out to be the injured party. All about Charlie again.

Know what Charlie? Nobody cares one iota. You became irrelevant to Celtic supporters a long time ago. Accept it and get on with your life. Celtic have survived without you.
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If Charlie Nicholas was booted in the hole all along the outside of Celtic park, through the turnstiles, around the field and then back around the outside again; 67 times I still wouldn't consider that harsh treatment. I'd want Tony Ralston doing the booting though.
I met the boy Nicholas many moons ago in a nightclub of course after he scored 2 in a win against the mankys. I asked him how he felt after scoring 2 against them hoping for a triumphant response .....his answer " How do you think I felt " And turned away from me...I knew then he was a fud and I let him know. Some years later I worked in Aberdeen at the time he was playing for them. The arrogant prick still thought he was in London whilst in the granite ...and I remember speaking to Joe Miller at the time who confirmed champagne Charlie was very much still an unprofessional tadger who was all about Charlie. Can't stand the boy he's never grown up and remains a nothing and never a Celtic legend ...never in a 100 years.

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