“Why I Am Sad This Morning,” David Potter – “It is now time for us to start looking up again”

Winning Captains

Staff member
Neil Lennon came to Celtic with a very weak hand, and Peter Lawwell knew this. He gave Lennon the job but it was always under his terms. He was the orchestrator-in-chief at Celtic, the control freak accountant who reckoned he always knows better than anyone else, including for example Brendan Rodgers.

In him we had a manager who knew how to coach but perhaps struggled with working in Scottish budgets for player recruitment. Instead of addressing that weakness and helping by bringing in someone like John Park (who wouldn't work for Lawwell) Rodgers was undermined for one or two dodgy signings. Peter knew better and was busy DIYing it as the de facto Director of Football signing the likes of Bayo and Shved and dreaming of selling them on to Southampton.

So when Rodgers walked shortly after his last match in charge two years ago today, Lawwell was able to construct his own football department with him in charge. His eyes and ears John Kennedy was promoted to Assistant Manager and Neil Lennon brought back into work after being mutually consented by Hibs after losing the dressing room. Was that all manufactured by Lawwell, to get Rodgers out the door, pick up the compo and get Lennon in without giving Hibs a penny - a GIRUY for the John McGinn standoff going horribly wrong when Hibs found another buyer at the last minute, We'll probably never know.

But Lennon arrived with none of his own backroom staff. Guys who maybe were his tactical experts or coaching staff and instead he was given a team selected by an accountant.
Neil Lennon came to Celtic with a very weak hand, and Peter Lawwell knew this. He gave Lennon the job but it was always under his terms. He was the orchestrator-in-chief at Celtic, the control freak accountant who reckoned he always knows better than anyone else, including for example Brendan Rodgers.

In him we had a manager who knew how to coach but perhaps struggled with working in Scottish budgets for player recruitment. Instead of addressing that weakness and helping by bringing in someone like John Park (who wouldn't work for Lawwell) Rodgers was undermined for one or two dodgy signings. Peter knew better and was busy DIYing it as the de facto Director of Football signing the likes of Bayo and Shved and dreaming of selling them on to Southampton.

So when Rodgers walked shortly after his last match in charge two years ago today, Lawwell was able to construct his own football department with him in charge. His eyes and ears John Kennedy was promoted to Assistant Manager and Neil Lennon brought back into work after being mutually consented by Hibs after losing the dressing room. Was that all manufactured by Lawwell, to get Rodgers out the door, pick up the compo and get Lennon in without giving Hibs a penny - a GIRUY for the John McGinn standoff going horribly wrong when Hibs found another buyer at the last minute, We'll probably never know.

But Lennon arrived with none of his own backroom staff. Guys who maybe were his tactical experts or coaching staff and instead he was given a team selected by an accountant.
Agree with you WC. This is a sad but necessary day for us. And one of my concerns going forward is, that it now appears John Kennedy will be retained in some role, within a new management team. For me this is completely unacceptable. John Kennedy has overstayed his welcome at Celtic Park, for too long now. He needs to go now. He is as culpable as anybody else for the situation we now find ourselves in. He should not have been allowed to step into an interim managers role. He needs to go, now. Immediately.
Is anyone else tired of the eulogising of figures like Lennon and McCann by people like David Potter who have put themselves forward as fan representatives?

McCann didn't save Celtic. As ever it was us, the real fans, who stepped up to the plate. I didn't line my pockets with millions of pounds for the shares I bought but couldn't afford. But Fergus did. I don't believe he was entitled to profit from the club.

Lennon wasn't Celtic through-and-through enough to resign when our season could be saved, when it was clear his presence was toxic to the vast majority of the support. He's gone now, at the end, when it no longer matters.

These people seem to me to care only about themselves. Let's stop pretending they are heroes.

“Why I Am Sad This Morning,” David Potter – “It is now time for us to start looking up again”​

So far this morning I've been sad to see so many people stating that they are sad to see, NFL's departure that he was a true celtic man, it may make sense to be kind to him after all he gave many years of service to the club and he had to put up with a veritable shit load of crap from the scum at ibrokes, but please can we not look at this through rose tinted glasses, he is a wind-up watch in a digital age, and though I may agree the abuse he suffered was atrocious, this does not excuse his suitability as our mgr. He should not have been given the job in the first place. And that decision lies firmly at the door of PL.
So can we not do NFL anymore of a disservice by coming out with this legend crap. His mgt style is out of date. Celtic legends do not hang on when it's obvious that thier time is up "Broonie" so can we move onto the next stage in our clubs history HH.

“Why I Am Sad This Morning,” David Potter – “It is now time for us to start looking up again”​

On the nose here David, pretty much sums up most of my thoughts, I would imagine that for the most part Celtic fans had a mixture of joy and sadness when the news was confirmed. He will in time be remembered as a Celtic great and most of us would gladly shake his hand in thanks for his service to our club.

Now regarding the next appointment, I'm fine with John Kennedy as long as it is temporary, I had long thought that Neil had been asked to stay until the summer to allow a smooth change over, but as we all know certain players have let the club down in one way or the other, I have a feeling Stevie Clark is the preferred option in the boardroom, but with Shaun Maloney being about lately I wonder if the Martinez story has some mileage in it. If it is Eddie Howe I would imagine he would already be in place and this is why Kennedy is there till seasons end.

No matter who it is a clear out is needed and a better pathway for fringe players to become first teamers.
Is anyone else tired of the eulogising of figures like Lennon and McCann by people like David Potter who have put themselves forward as fan representatives?

McCann didn't save Celtic. As ever it was us, the real fans, who stepped up to the plate. I didn't line my pockets with millions of pounds for the shares I bought but couldn't afford. But Fergus did. I don't believe he was entitled to profit from the club.

Lennon wasn't Celtic through-and-through enough to resign when our season could be saved, when it was clear his presence was toxic to the vast majority of the support. He's gone now, at the end, when it no longer matters.

These people seem to me to care only about themselves. Let's stop pretending they are heroes.
Thats a surprising amount of bollocks for one post.
Is anyone else tired of the eulogising of figures like Lennon and McCann by people like David Potter who have put themselves forward as fan representatives?

McCann didn't save Celtic. As ever it was us, the real fans, who stepped up to the plate. I didn't line my pockets with millions of pounds for the shares I bought but couldn't afford. But Fergus did. I don't believe he was entitled to profit from the club.

Lennon wasn't Celtic through-and-through enough to resign when our season could be saved, when it was clear his presence was toxic to the vast majority of the support. He's gone now, at the end, when it no longer matters.

These people seem to me to care only about themselves. Let's stop pretending they are heroes.
If it wasn’t fir McCann you would be watching a new club. He was the only show in town. He came in and told people what he would do from the start and followed it through. He never made money out of Celtic he made money in the value of his shares. To do this he increased the value of the club and the value of a share. So every supporter who owned a share in the club saw theirs increase in value as well
That’s business and what he walked away with he created for himself
There’s a comforting truth
If it wasn’t fir McCann you would be watching a new club. He was the only show in town. He came in and told people what he would do from the start and followed it through. He never made money out of Celtic he made money in the value of his shares. To do this he increased the value of the club and the value of a share. So every supporter who owned a share in the club saw theirs increase in value as well
That’s business and what he walked away with he created for himself
There’s a comforting truth

Made In Ireland

Is anyone else tired of the eulogising of figures like Lennon and McCann by people like David Potter who have put themselves forward as fan representatives?

McCann didn't save Celtic. As ever it was us, the real fans, who stepped up to the plate. I didn't line my pockets with millions of pounds for the shares I bought but couldn't afford. But Fergus did. I don't believe he was entitled to profit from the club.

Lennon wasn't Celtic through-and-through enough to resign when our season could be saved, when it was clear his presence was toxic to the vast majority of the support. He's gone now, at the end, when it no longer matters.

These people seem to me to care only about themselves. Let's stop pretending they are heroes.
Who that on the horse?

Important people in the clubs history are not important?

Is that your message?

You love Celtic with your uncomfortable gibberish.

Other people should be spending their money on your pleasure? Is that a fair analysis of your opinion?

You a ding walloper in disguise perchance?
Neil Lennon came to Celtic with a very weak hand, and Peter Lawwell knew this. He gave Lennon the job but it was always under his terms. He was the orchestrator-in-chief at Celtic, the control freak accountant who reckoned he always knows better than anyone else, including for example Brendan Rodgers.

In him we had a manager who knew how to coach but perhaps struggled with working in Scottish budgets for player recruitment. Instead of addressing that weakness and helping by bringing in someone like John Park (who wouldn't work for Lawwell) Rodgers was undermined for one or two dodgy signings. Peter knew better and was busy DIYing it as the de facto Director of Football signing the likes of Bayo and Shved and dreaming of selling them on to Southampton.

So when Rodgers walked shortly after his last match in charge two years ago today, Lawwell was able to construct his own football department with him in charge. His eyes and ears John Kennedy was promoted to Assistant Manager and Neil Lennon brought back into work after being mutually consented by Hibs after losing the dressing room. Was that all manufactured by Lawwell, to get Rodgers out the door, pick up the compo and get Lennon in without giving Hibs a penny - a GIRUY for the John McGinn standoff going horribly wrong when Hibs found another buyer at the last minute, We'll probably never know.

But Lennon arrived with none of his own backroom staff. Guys who maybe were his tactical experts or coaching staff and instead he was given a team selected by an accountant.
I agree PL has his share of blame in this debacle of a season but there should be some caveats.

Lawwell didn't ignore Turnbull and leave him on the bench for the first few months of the season.

Lawwell didn't stick with Brown when Soro was a more than able replacement this season.

Lawwell didn't set up the zonal marking that's seen us ship goals regularly to weaker sides.

Lawwell isn't the one responsible for not being able to sort the zonal crap out when it was clear to everyone (apart from NL of course) that it wasn't working.

Lawwell didn't continue playing Duffy when he was fucking things up game after game.

Lawwell wasn't responsible for Griff and Ajeti not being match fit by introducing them into games earlier in the season. They were on the bench many times but played no part and then Lennon wonders why they're not match sharp when they ARE called upon?

Incidentally, no one ever questioned NL throwing Duffy in immediately despite not having played in months. No reporter even pulled him up on this contradiction of his match-fit crap.

Yes, Lawwell definitely has a case to answer but this season is Neil Lennon's screw up and no one else's.

Is anyone else tired of the eulogising of figures like Lennon and McCann by people like David Potter who have put themselves forward as fan representatives?

McCann didn't save Celtic. As ever it was us, the real fans, who stepped up to the plate. I didn't line my pockets with millions of pounds for the shares I bought but couldn't afford. But Fergus did. I don't believe he was entitled to profit from the club.

Lennon wasn't Celtic through-and-through enough to resign when our season could be saved, when it was clear his presence was toxic to the vast majority of the support. He's gone now, at the end, when it no longer matters.

These people seem to me to care only about themselves. Let's stop pretending they are heroes.
I respect your right to an opinion CT, but I find nothing to agree with. I too now have the pleasure of owning a minuscule part of our great club; all thanks to The Bunnet. We were 15 mins from the banks forcing foreclosure until Fergus put his hand in his pocket. Let's not kid ourselves, the powers that be in Scotland wouldn't have been as quick to help us as they were with sevco. Also has to be said he lied to nobody, he was always up front about eventually selling out. I for one do not begrudge him a penny. He delivered on every promise he made. His legacy is there for all to see.
I hope as Celtic supporters we can agree to disagree on this one. HH !
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I respect your right to an opinion CT, but I find nothing to agree with. I too now have the pleasure of owning a minuscule part of our great club; all thanks to The Bunnet. We were 15 mins from the banks forcing disclosure until Fergus put his hand in his pocket. Let's not kid ourselves, the powers that be in Scotland wouldn't have been as quick to help us as they were with sevco. Also has to be said he lied to nobody, he was always up front about eventually selling out. I for one do not begrudge him a penny. He delivered on every promise he made. His legacy is there for all to see.
I hope as Celtic supporters we can agree to disagree on this one. HH !
The fact that Fergus left with a healthy profit shouldn't matter a jot.

He did exactly what he said he'd do at a time when we were so far behind the zombies we had no idea where they were!

If we had known for certain back then that he was 100% going to deliver on ALL his promises, is there a fan alive or dead, who would have begrudged him double the amount he walked away with?

If there is then my gast will be as flabbered as it ever has been!
I agree PL has his share of blame in this debacle of a season but there should be some caveats.

Lawwell didn't ignore Turnbull and leave him on the bench for the first few months of the season.

Lawwell didn't stick with Brown when Soro was a more than able replacement this season.

Lawwell didn't set up the zonal marking that's seen us ship goals regularly to weaker sides.

Lawwell isn't the one responsible for not being able to sort the zonal crap out when it was clear to everyone (apart from NL of course) that it wasn't working.

Lawwell didn't continue playing Duffy when he was fucking things up game after game.

Lawwell wasn't responsible for Griff and Ajeti not being match fit by introducing them into games earlier in the season. They were on the bench many times but played no part and then Lennon wonders why they're not match sharp when they ARE called upon?

Incidentally, no one ever questioned NL throwing Duffy in immediately despite not having played in months. No reporter even pulled him up on this contradiction of his match-fit crap.

Yes, Lawwell definitely has a case to answer but this season is Neil Lennon's screw up and no one else's.

‘this season is Neil Lennon's screw up and no one else's.’

what a pile of 💩 you can talk khenny

nothing to do with the 30 odd players in the dressing room and the recruitment

🤔 nah me neither
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On the nose here David, pretty much sums up most of my thoughts, I would imagine that for the most part Celtic fans had a mixture of joy and sadness when the news was confirmed. He will in time be remembered as a Celtic great and most of us would gladly shake his hand in thanks for his service to our club.

Now regarding the next appointment, I'm fine with John Kennedy as long as it is temporary, I had long thought that Neil had been asked to stay until the summer to allow a smooth change over, but as we all know certain players have let the club down in one way or the other, I have a feeling Stevie Clark is the preferred option in the boardroom, but with Shaun Maloney being about lately I wonder if the Martinez story has some mileage in it. If it is Eddie Howe I would imagine he would already be in place and this is why Kennedy is there till seasons end.

No matter who it is a clear out is needed and a better pathway for fringe players to become first teamers.
A very thoughtful and intriguing post. I've pretty much mulled over many of your points in my own head. As for Kennedy, I feel he would be at a disadvantage if he took the job at present. Too many folk seem to have arrived at the verdict before the trial. Don't get me wrong, I too, think the job is way too big for him at present. I think we need a manager with a track record of proven ability. JK in the eyes of many, will always be tainted as being part of the management team which lost the ten.
That's a huge weight for a rookie manager to carry. I hope he goes on and proves himself somewhere else. I'm going to buck the trend here and say I think he will do just that.

As well as the obvious requirements needed for success as a football manager, our next gaffer will definitely have to add a very thick skin. Noo where did Ah put that CV ?
‘this season is Neil Lennon's screw up and no one else's.’

what a pile of 💩 you can talk khenny

nothing to do with the 30 odd players in the dressing room and the recruitment

🤔 nah me neither
The 30 odd players in the dressing room are under his control and were more than capable of mounting a challenge if managed correctly.

There's only one person spouting shite m8 and it's you.

edit to add : I obviously don't talk that much shite seeing as you liked the comment immediately before the one you quoted. 😂😂
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The 30 odd players in the dressing room are under his control and were more than capable of mounting a challenge if managed correctly.

There's only one person spouting shite m8 and it's you.

edit to add : I obviously don't talk that much shite seeing as you liked the comment immediately before the one you quoted. 😂😂
I’m fair if anything khenny 🤣🤣🤣

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