A line in the sand for Celtic. SFA cite Broony for ‘not acting in the best interests of Association football’

Had a chat with my work mate today about all this bullshit...his actual words were...
"Scottish people are mad....like they need to create a special word for your kind"

I almost took it personally then I remembered everything that had just told him and realised that I wouldnt have a leg to stand on....I couldn't say "well actually Celtic are different" because how are we?? Our board could have ended all this crap years ago but they chose not to. Instead they have allowed this Frankensteins monster of a club aided by the SFA and media, to spread their poison all over Scotland.
Our board have not on any occasion actually defended our fans or players from the media, SFA or police.
Our inactions have emboldened all of these organisations.
The SFA dish out bans and statements against our club when they want. They allow opposition players to attack our players unpunished.
Sevco blame us for the actions of their animal fans and players....backed by the media.
Police officers attack our fans.
Our board do fuck all.
If they don't take it all the way in their defence of our captain, if them defending our captain vigorously is releasing another "oh dear we are really surprised" statement then I'm done with Scottish football, cos really what is the fucking point.

I know I'm just 1 fan and no one gives a shit but I've genuinely had enough of feeling angry about fucking Scottish football.
You rant on, Lubo, because if the SFA had their way, it wouldn't be 24-0 scorelines we'd be talking about, but 24-point deductions.

I joked about that on the thread discussing the firework being thrown on the pitch....you can bet your life that if the SFA could find any reason at all to dock us points then it will happen.

They will see the GBs statement about normalising pyrotechnics and bring in a rule for next season saying a 20 point deduction for every flair set of in a stadium (small print - green only).
Stop the 10 at any cost.
Had a chat with my work mate today about all this bullshit...his actual words were...
"Scottish people are mad....like they need to create a special word for your kind"

I almost took it personally then I remembered everything that had just told him and realised that I wouldnt have a leg to stand on....I couldn't say "well actually Celtic are different" because how are we?? Our board could have ended all this crap years ago but they chose not to. Instead they have allowed this Frankensteins monster of a club aided by the SFA and media, to spread their poison all over Scotland.
Our board have not on any occasion actually defended our fans or players from the media, SFA or police.
Our inactions have emboldened all of these organisations.
The SFA dish out bans and statements against our club when they want. They allow opposition players to attack our players unpunished.
Sevco blame us for the actions of their animal fans and players....backed by the media.
Police officers attack our fans.
Our board do fuck all.
If they don't take it all the way in their defence of our captain, if them defending our captain vigorously is releasing another "oh dear we are really surprised" statement then I'm done with Scottish football, cos really what is the fucking point.

I know I'm just 1 fan and no one gives a shit but I've genuinely had enough of feeling angry about fucking Scottish football.
Not a rant Lubo just how you and many among us feel. This is the Clubs chance to stand with the Captain,players and the Fans to show us with one voice ENOUGH is Enough.

HH ☘️
I joked about that on the thread discussing the firework being thrown on the pitch....you can bet your life that if the SFA could find any reason at all to dock us points then it will happen.

They will see the GBs statement about normalising pyrotechnics and bring in a rule for next season saying a 20 point deduction for every flair set of in a stadium (small print - green only).
Stop the 10 at any cost.
They're itching, Lubo and they've just proven they'll create new definitions to fuck the Bhoys in any way imaginable.

Next season, there'll be rule changes that will turn the game into Rollerball with extra points for Celtic players being hospitalised!

Take Broony oot and that'll be a 100 point bonus.
They’re unlikely to know the difference between lines I saw them sniffing the road markings in one video.
So doubt they’d be able to cross the line Christ if they read this they may think Crossing
the line is a catholic hymn.
They’re so thick you never know.

HH ☘️?
Aww come on, Jam.......crossing the line?

They dimwits would think that's blessing yourself.!
SFA citing anyone for not acting in best interests of association football.

Ffs can we cite them on that charge?

Sure Res12 proof should sink the mfr’s.

Well i do hope the dumb fucks know the precedent they will be setting that not one player should throw their arms up in celebration if the game finishes at visiting end.

Coz if they do then we should fucking call them all out to kingdom come every time it happens.

Meeley mouthed cheating hun ass jockeys
Well said Maria if the board don't take this all the road then we should all hit them where it hurts- in the pocket Dig wee Fergus out of retirement and let him at them They won't be long in changing their tune ! HH
Just on agree with all comments. Celtic and us just tell them to GTF. Pull them up about allowing a new club being able to get into league when they had no history. If Celtic as a so called company do not do their best for shareholdersl they do not need backing. If they do not back our players etc. boycott home games.