A line in the sand for Celtic. SFA cite Broony for ‘not acting in the best interests of Association football’

Auldheid getting angry see sentinel celts. No like him, things gonna happen you celts. Support, tell our club no more poop.
Be angry don't go to home games. money money worked in the past. re: Ronnie Delia, but it was ok when BR used same ta tactics, but he was he superstar.
You know if this was to escalate SG might just pack and leave citing Scottish Football as the problem and in doing so his failures and his comments are ignored, Celtic to confront this will flush out the snakes. This can only be pushed by the SFA if there has been a media push to have it carried out and not one commentator on all stations have called Broonie out as been a villian, all have commented on his gamesmanship, so take this with a pinch of salt and lets get behind the real reason to confront this and whilst there lets confront the incidents and the issues in the City Centre and the incidents in the European tie were people going to and others enjoying been to matches were severely injured. lets see what the reaction is to parades inciting hatred coming up past chapels, followed by, the empty trophy cabinet syndrome mindset, fuelled with booze. Get real Scotland and stop living in a 1690 bubble.
Well said Boab, HH
New song we canny celebrate, we canny celebrate.
SFA have decided Scotland’s bestest ever Team will no longer have to tolerate they fen eh
Catholic supporters celebrating every year
Animair will stoap immejietly says brother em
Chairman Alice McRae and Billy Bob Petriefied.
The SFA the masons that keep on cheating
Nothing will change till Celtic grow a pair
And say enough is enough.
We need a bunnet NOW.
If we take them on we win.
If we don’t we as a club are now condoning

HH ☘️
JamSam,we, the Fans are CELTIC, if the Board don't win big time on this issue then we should hound them out. We are fed up with this sham of a Board. HH
A trumped up charge if ever I heard one. Lets get the lawyers in on this one. No way should we take this.

Only in Scotland, is laughing at opponents and opposition fans - a hanging offence
Talk about short memories
When they beat Celtic 1-0 last year at Ibrox, they taunted our players and fans, Broony and Co, took it on the chin and walked off the park
Bring on the ear cupping
Aye, right "not acting in the best interests of association football" Our captain was assaulted, had to endure 800 orcs singing a song about his dead sister.

Don't annoy The Peepul, seriously a decent lawyer will rip their sham apart. The SFA should be charged for failing Scottish Football, nowt but a bunch of free loading bastards. Bob Kelly, Fergus McCann have already taken this mob on, it's your turn Dermot Desmond MAKE IT 3-IN-A-ROW


Neil Lennon on Sky News, the only true thing slippy g said was his team played the best team country. The charge against Scott Brown is trumped up and deflection of sevcos indiscipline. He was also astounded Kent appealed and astounded he only got two game ban.
Be interesting to see how the low intelligence Sevconians respond to the truth tellers.
Well said Neil Lennon
I watched a fan video on you-tube, Halliday was enraged because some Celtic fans were singing his name.
So in theory, it would have been in the best interests of association football if Broony went toe-to-toe with the lightweights and knocked the hun oot them?

The SFA cannot define what is in the best interests of association football, especially when they endorse a publicly-named tax evader to oversee the national team.

The same SFA whose chief operative sanctioned systematic cheating in the 5-way-agreement and where a previous leading operative deliberately failed to process a legitimate player registration.

The mess they have made of Scottish football is not only an affront, but is the antithesis of acting in the best interests of Scottish football.

FFS Celtic.........bury this set of mobsters along with the huns. For the sake of association football if for nothing else.

Now, after this, ANYTHING can be deemed a 'slight' by the Scottish Farcical Association
If they (SFA) reprimand Broony in any way, Celtic should go to EUFA, as the governing board and have these incompetent lodge members, taken to task
The SFA is a joke
Gerrard, is a clown
At Ibrox 5 minutes, and he was giving it "The SFA are biased against Rangers" singing from the HUN hymn sheet
Use this to get the Bhoys up for the next game against the undead
The sooner Scotland is rid of them, the better
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from the scotsman-
Celtic captain Scott Brown escapes action as St Mirren striker cited
WTF! how can you "escape" when there's no case to answer!
on another note,uri geller claims responsibility for flooding in the commons, shite! everybody knows it was Scott Brown!
phuq msm!
BFDJ its not the incident with kent thats the issue its what Brown said to him and thatwas DJ , i cannot say on air, i will tell you during the break off air.
Yawn...look at squirell over there.
View attachment 2279
from the scotsman-
Celtic captain Scott Brown escapes action as St Mirren striker cited
WTF! how can you "escape" when there's no case to answer!
on another note,uri geller claims responsibility for flooding in the commons, shite! everybody knows it was Scott Brown!
phuq msm!

Walking our dog this morning, guy gave a me a dirty look, think it was Scott Brown
Call the polis
Celtic should tell the SFA that if Brown gets any ban them they will not participate in next season's Scottish cup and tell them the players wish to be excused from the national team and could also tell them that the players will be instructed to leave the park at Into a if there is any sectarian songs directed at Lennon or the players. The SFA have been moving the goalposts for years with their cheating ways it is now time to bite back end of rant