A transfer, clickbait, football news of any kind & in general just whats on your mind thread

Warms the heart to read what Tomoki Iwata has to say about his ambitions and chances of breaking into this Celtic side ❤️
So humble and far better than he's letting on, wouldn't be here otherwise.
No surprises the pitches here are different some can't be called a pitch.

“My motivation to sign for Celtic is to play in the Champions League,” Tomoki Iwata via @OneFootball.

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I see Nisbet beat Mooy for the January Player of the Month - I guess his 6 goals for Hibs means you can argue he was more deserving. But the Tynecastle Tramp, Jobbie Neilson, winning the Manager of the Month? What a fecking joke!
Were we anywhere but Scotland there'd be an outcry about Neilson winning that.

OK he's done a decent job for hearts in January but that jobs been bettered by Beale and Ange.

That tells us it's not really a manager of the month award it's a ' we think you done ok with the options at your disposal award' both Celtic and sevco have gone January unbeaten and Celtic have increased the gap, should be no contest if it was based in reality but it's not
The European Super League topic is not going away. Does everyone else think that it is almost inevitable at some point in the next decade or so?

The latest vague nonsense is for up to 80 teams, each guaranteed a minimum of 14 matches per season (8 mini leagues of 8 playing home and away seems the most obvious fit to me), but they would continue to play in their domestic leagues.

I'd assume that at least Celtic (and probably the new club near by) will have been contacted and asked their opinion on this matter.

"The European Super League backers have revealed today that they want to launch a new version of the project that crashed two years ago: a multi-division competition of 60 to 80 teams with no permanent members, and a minimum of 14 games per club, per season.

The announcement was made in various European newspapers by A22, the Madrid-based sister company of the Super League (ESL), and timed to coincide with a new push from the three remaining rebels Real Madrid, Barcelona and Juventus to continue their battle with UEFA.

A22 claim that the new project is a result of detailed conversations with clubs around Europe on the financial problems facing them. For the past few months A22 and the ESL have focused their attacks on the wealth of the Premier League, its dominance of the transfer market and the effect that has on other European leagues with less lucrative television deals.

There are no details yet on how the original 60 to 80 teams would be constituted or how they would drop out of the proposed competition to make way for new clubs. The original ESL, in April 2021, was pilloried for offering permanent membership to its founding clubs of which six were from the Premier League: the two Manchester clubs, Liverpool, Chelsea, Arsenal and Tottenham Hotspur.

The format of the proposed new Super League has been kept a secret by Real, Barcelona and Juventus, but even now there are still questions about how it might work – were it ever given the legal room to operate. A22, as well as its major backers like Real president Florentino Perez, has claimed in the past that there would be greater solidarity payments for clubs who do not participate in European competitions."
The European Super League topic is not going away. Does everyone else think that it is almost inevitable at some point in the next decade or so?

The latest vague nonsense is for up to 80 teams, each guaranteed a minimum of 14 matches per season (8 mini leagues of 8 playing home and away seems the most obvious fit to me), but they would continue to play in their domestic leagues.

I'd assume that at least Celtic (and probably the new club near by) will have been contacted and asked their opinion on this matter.

"The European Super League backers have revealed today that they want to launch a new version of the project that crashed two years ago: a multi-division competition of 60 to 80 teams with no permanent members, and a minimum of 14 games per club, per season.

The announcement was made in various European newspapers by A22, the Madrid-based sister company of the Super League (ESL), and timed to coincide with a new push from the three remaining rebels Real Madrid, Barcelona and Juventus to continue their battle with UEFA.

A22 claim that the new project is a result of detailed conversations with clubs around Europe on the financial problems facing them. For the past few months A22 and the ESL have focused their attacks on the wealth of the Premier League, its dominance of the transfer market and the effect that has on other European leagues with less lucrative television deals.

There are no details yet on how the original 60 to 80 teams would be constituted or how they would drop out of the proposed competition to make way for new clubs. The original ESL, in April 2021, was pilloried for offering permanent membership to its founding clubs of which six were from the Premier League: the two Manchester clubs, Liverpool, Chelsea, Arsenal and Tottenham Hotspur.

The format of the proposed new Super League has been kept a secret by Real, Barcelona and Juventus, but even now there are still questions about how it might work – were it ever given the legal room to operate. A22, as well as its major backers like Real president Florentino Perez, has claimed in the past that there would be greater solidarity payments for clubs who do not participate in European competitions."
Old saying
Money talks and the shits will walk.
May have changed that for todays woke agenda😉
Yes and if the moneys right can see us and the scum walk away (Boardrooms) but can see the fans of all clubs who declare being shouted down by there own and fans of the other clubs who don’t make the cut. 80 teams that’s the start but pretty quickly they’ll whittle it down to the Originals
We should have nothing to do with this imo
Money isn’t everything, Principals Morals and just doing the right thing it’s why this great club was founded to feed the poor of the parish. Not the Wallets of Desmonds

HH 🍀🙏🍀
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The European Super League topic is not going away. Does everyone else think that it is almost inevitable at some point in the next decade or so?

The latest vague nonsense is for up to 80 teams, each guaranteed a minimum of 14 matches per season (8 mini leagues of 8 playing home and away seems the most obvious fit to me), but they would continue to play in their domestic leagues.

I'd assume that at least Celtic (and probably the new club near by) will have been contacted and asked their opinion on this matter.

"The European Super League backers have revealed today that they want to launch a new version of the project that crashed two years ago: a multi-division competition of 60 to 80 teams with no permanent members, and a minimum of 14 games per club, per season.

The announcement was made in various European newspapers by A22, the Madrid-based sister company of the Super League (ESL), and timed to coincide with a new push from the three remaining rebels Real Madrid, Barcelona and Juventus to continue their battle with UEFA.

A22 claim that the new project is a result of detailed conversations with clubs around Europe on the financial problems facing them. For the past few months A22 and the ESL have focused their attacks on the wealth of the Premier League, its dominance of the transfer market and the effect that has on other European leagues with less lucrative television deals.

There are no details yet on how the original 60 to 80 teams would be constituted or how they would drop out of the proposed competition to make way for new clubs. The original ESL, in April 2021, was pilloried for offering permanent membership to its founding clubs of which six were from the Premier League: the two Manchester clubs, Liverpool, Chelsea, Arsenal and Tottenham Hotspur.

The format of the proposed new Super League has been kept a secret by Real, Barcelona and Juventus, but even now there are still questions about how it might work – were it ever given the legal room to operate. A22, as well as its major backers like Real president Florentino Perez, has claimed in the past that there would be greater solidarity payments for clubs who do not participate in European competitions."
Yes £400 million for the whole of Europe
The EPL gives £100 more than that right now just to English clubs.
So not as good as it sounds and love the fact that SKY are calling it out as bad for Football. The same organisation that’s lowballing Scottish football every time we have a new contract we end up worse off
The People of Scotland pay Sky a fortune every year and our return from them is a pittance.

HH 🍀
I think all of this concern for clubs, democracy and redistribution of income expressed by the proposers of this venture, is nothing more than a ruse to build up momentum for getting support. But if established will very quickly revert to type and establish a status quo, whereby they will be the major influencers and beneficiaries in any new structure. We have seen how the Champions league has been grossly distorted over time, solely in the interests of the more powerful leagues and wealthy clubs. Why would this be any different? The clubs proposing it, and those they are attempting to attract to it are now primarily dominated by financial concerns, less so by football. I would not have a problem with exploring its potential but would be very cautious of committing to it until a lot of issues be clarified, particularly its democracy, governance, club financial muscle and control. We have enough bad experiences of this in our own league. But in all honesty, I think it is a dead duck of a proposal. UEFA will never tolerate it happening. And they hold all the power.
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See one of the three wise men has raised his head again Ferguson thinks that the Mooch got to Ange with his LUCKY comment that’s desperate having failed to sell him down south now trying another the same old crap mean while the Miller is back on the Brew while the pieman is looking for work around the villages looking for a idoit for thier summer fair,perhaps the Celtic support could give a rendation of LUCKY LUCKY LUCKY AS THEY PICK UP THE CUP
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They are trying to unsettle us. They think Ange will behave like the sevvie pig Beale. Convince a load o players to sign for you and move to London. Then, Fuck off at the first opportunity leaving the guys you just convinced to sign for QPR in the lurch not knowing if the new manager will want them or play them.
Do the sevvie media really think Ange will act like that? Bring in guys from halfway across the globe then bolt at the first opportunity leaving behind guys who moved their families here? They severely misjudge the character of Big Ange if they think he will do a “Beale”.
This go under the radar or just me who's seeing it late?
Creep .

Radcliffe admit making ‘significant misstep’ as David Goodwillie leaves after debut hat-trick via @OneFootball.

It wiz oan sky twa days ago
How can any club in these Social media times not know what they’re getting.
His time in the UK is over it should be over everywhere. No place for rapists 😡

HH 🖖