A transfer, clickbait, football news of any kind & in general just whats on your mind thread

This really pisses me off BB.
Ok it's not my team and I may feel differently were it was.

St Johnstone, 6pts and 5pts clear of relegation and play off football respectively.

Results haven't been going their way recently no argument there but they have /had a unique commodity in Scottish football outwith Glasgow's East end and that's a winning manager.

It's a poor decision at the wrong time 6 games to go should've let him see if he could keep them up which I think he would've done.

What exactly are saints ambitions?
Is it top 6?
If it is they must back the manager not sack him and target next season as they try to survive this one.

Getting rid of double winning Davidson could end up being saints worst call ever , must be going back to the McLean , Ferguson , utd v Aberdeen era to find another of that stature.

Poor way to treat a living legend as well.
He’s being lined up as the next hun manager, has won more trophies than the last 5 hun managers put together, has been “tapped up” was asked on the fly to resign so the Huns didn’t need to pay compensation, because they can’t afford any 🤣🤣🤣🤣

I might have made that all up…….but it sounds about right 🤣🤣🤣🤣
When slippy ruined Villa as one of the English clubs I quite like to see doing well, I've been keeping tabs on them since Unai Emery ( real football manager) took over there.

Villa always had a good squad and now the benefits of an experienced manager is working.

They have played more than Brighton(1) an Liverpool (2) beneath them, still that's an incredible turnaround to be 3pts off spurs in 5th place champions league isn’t out of the question either .

Bloody Arsenal bust my line second time in row they've played 1st on my line and drawn , 3-3 vs Soton last night. 2-2 Vs West Ham and not on my line but before that threw away a commanding 2-0 lead at Anfield.

I honestly believed that Arsenal had handled the wobble a few months ago but no, there's a second wobble.

Arsenal 5 pts ahead City 2 games in hand , West Ham (h) and Brighton (a),Haaland fresh from no international tournaments and looking awesome seems the bookies were right , not once did the bookies have Arsenal favourites even when 9pts in front, gonny be some run in
Was outside having a smoke so my phone got it but I wasn't there to hear it. Hopefully this keeps me safe from enslavement among the 5G New World Order Phone Clone Army..........REDRUM REDRUM Kauto Star Annie Power.
Whit happened tae the governments, warning alarm that was supposed to go aff at 3pm on yir mobile, me and the mrs never got anything, did anyone get it…..or is it broke?
We turned our phones off then turned them on 25 minutes later still got the bloody cyber attack which I believe it is , just counting how many 4and 5g phones are operational cos they couldn't possibly alert the population through radio or television that's too easy
Wee bit of Big Ange football history

Wee bit of Big Ange football history

View attachment 22491
Clearly there were no decent players there for the first 61 years of the last century!

A wee bit like Celtic's greatest ever side voted for at the same time - there were no players from before the Lions, so the likes of McGrory, Patsy Gallagher, McNair, James Kelly, McMenemy, Delaney, Tully, Jim Young, Loney, Jimmy hay and the Mighty Quinn were all ignored!
"I'm just super happy here. I love being part of this group and part of this club. I'm very proud of everything i've done but I don't intend on being in the game until my body tells me not to. I love being fit and i've got a young family that I love going home to and love doing things with them. I'm at a beautiful part of my career, I've got one more year and it's not something I think about or something I think needs to be a conversation. I just want to play at the weekends and want to so my best because I know these weekends are going to run out eventually and I just want to enjoy them whilst I can." - Joe Hart.

Clearly there were no decent players there for the first 61 years of the last century!

A wee bit like Celtic's greatest ever side voted for at the same time - there were no players from before the Lions, so the likes of McGrory, Patsy Gallagher, McNair, James Kelly, McMenemy, Delaney, Tully, Jim Young, Loney, Jimmy hay and the Mighty Quinn were all ignored!
True but knowledgeable Celtic supporters such as yourself are aware of this .

You can only judge what you've witnessed imho so I'm not qualified to be judging or rating jinky for example unfortunately, I can marvel at what I see on video and as good as it is its not the same as seeing it in the flesh with your own two eyes