All the sounds coming out of Celtic Park are very positive.

Derry Bhoy

Well-known member
After todays press conference it all seems very positve. Ange and Dom seems to be getting to grips with things at Celtic Park and both are very enthuastic about the future. People will say they can talk the talk but hopefully they will walk the walk.
Already their seems to be a more open attitude with supporters and that will be much appricated after the last set up. The only thing that I have worries about is the board they havnt gone away you know.
Once Dom gets his feet firmly under the table he hopefully will look at the current members of the board and freshen it up, and get rid of the dead wood that has been there for too long.
As Celtic supporters we will give the new regime our full support and hopefully they will deliver for the supporters.
After todays press conference it all seems very positve. Ange and Dom seems to be getting to grips with things at Celtic Park and both are very enthuastic about the future. People will say they can talk the talk but hopefully they will walk the walk.
Already their seems to be a more open attitude with supporters and that will be much appricated after the last set up. The only thing that I have worries about is the board they havnt gone away you know.
Once Dom gets his feet firmly under the table he hopefully will look at the current members of the board and freshen it up, and get rid of the dead wood that has been there for too long.
As Celtic supporters we will give the new regime our full support and hopefully they will deliver for the supporters.
Agreed DB
Very well worthy exercise today, and certainly changed doubters like myself.
Feel confident that the club is in good hands, as Ange and Dom came across very well indeed.
Seem to have a long term strategy in place already, what the short term brings is anyone's guess.
Just got the feeling we may be looking for players now with the desire to play for the club, more so than 2 season wonders that want to move on for top dollar.
Might take longer to attract that type of player, but the results should hopefully benifit us more so in the long run
Looking at it today am guessing Ange was Doms pick , so as both are starting at the same time i'd guess both will have each others back , they said allthe right thinga and the coming weeks will be telling
one thing missing was the usual soundbites of a new manager so looking forward to the weeks to come
We can only hope ange and dom are on the same wave length and it's a fresh's like walking into a dark tunnel you don't know what's in front of you.I just hope ange will turn out to be a hidden gem he seen the Australian celtic supporters he gets it the whole celtic family thing. Ange is Australian Greek throw in the scots and irish that's some pot of stew .so here's hoping a new Dawn has come.
If this lad can coach half as good as they say he can I think we're onto something massive. We've opened up the Asian and Australian market.
I'm beginning to believe that this dom lad is a shrewd operator. He also spoke about how he's been in contact already with clubs who have a good academy set up. Long may it continue.
If this lad can coach half as good as they say he can I think we're onto something massive. We've opened up the Asian and Australian market.
I'm beginning to believe that this dom lad is a shrewd operator. He also spoke about how he's been in contact already with clubs who have a good academy set up. Long may it continue.
He was head of the commercial team at Scottish rugby
Doubled their income in his time
My big take out regards Dom from yesterday was the fact he said he spent lots of time in Southern Hemisphere and knew all about ange. Makes sense if your involved in rugby that your learning from them.
Always wondered where they came up with ange. Just couldn’t join the dots. Now we know it seems to be his candidate which tells me the board have backed his first big decision.
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He was head of the commercial team at Scottish rugby
Doubled their income in his time
My big take out regards Dom from yesterday was the fact he said he spent lots of time in Southern Hemisphere and knew all about ange. Makes sense if your involved in rugby that your learning from them.
Always wondered where they came up with ange. Just couldn’t join the dots. Now we know it seems to be his candidate which tells me the board have backed his first big decision.
A few other things he said too like when HE first contacted ange. Which means this is all his doing. Also he said ange didn't hesitate once he was offered the job. Unlike howe who fucked about for 3 months. Big difference.
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