All the sounds coming out of Celtic Park are very positive.

New manager and new CEO making all the right noises but like Postecoglou stated himself it's all just words right now so let's wait and see if they can both deliver on what they say.

I'll say one thing for the new gaffer...he doesn't just talk for the sake of it and when he does he seems to be a straight talker who steers clear of the empty platitudes, bullshit spin and blowing smoke up people's arses so that's 1 in the pro column for me.

A couple of things said at the pressers did concern me though...the answers provided by McKay on Lawell's continuing involvement, the DoF position, the detail on the wider structural changes to the football dept, the manager having the final say on players and how the new CEO intends to deal with the SFA etc. seemed pretty sketchy as did Postecoglou's answer to the Kennedy/Strachan situation.
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New manager and new CEO making all the right noises but like Postecoglou stated himself it's all just words right now so let's wait and see if they can both deliver on what they say.

I'll say one thing for the new gaffer...he doesn't just talk for the sake of it and when he does he seems to be a straight talker who steers clear of the empty platitudes, bullshit spin and blowing smoke up people's arses so that's 1 in the pro column for me.

A couple of things said at the pressers did concern me though...the answers provided by McKay on Lawell's continuing involvement, the DoF position, the detail on the wider structural changes to the football dept, the manager having the final say on players and how the new CEO intends to deal with the SFA etc. seemed pretty sketchy as did Postecoglou's answer to the Kennedy/Strachan situation.
I suppose we all want all our questions answered in the 1 presser and that's not going to happen. Bang on though about Ange hes not trying to appease and we'll just have to wait and see. Gives a good vibe but vibes arent enough same for McKay
I suppose we all want all our questions answered in the 1 presser and that's not going to happen. Bang on though about Ange hes not trying to appease and we'll just have to wait and see. Gives a good vibe but vibes arent enough same for McKay

I don't expect either of them to have definitive answers to every question in their first presser, both are barely in the door so expecting them to have all the answers at this stage would be a nonsense...what concerned me was the sketchy nature of the answers given on things that should be pretty clear cut or well down the road to being resolved already...

What exactly (if any) will Peter Lawell's position/role be at the club after he steps down as CEO?

Are we appointing a DoF or not?

Does the manager have the final say on signings?

Will the new manager be bringing in his own people or will John Kennedy and Gavin Strachan remain in place?

What structural changes do we have in mind for the overall football operation at the club?

How does the new CEO intend to address the ongoing issues concerning the SFA's poor and questionable governance of the Scottish game?

All pretty straightforward questions that should already have clear answers by now but the responses we got to them seemed sketchy and cryptic at best and that's a concern!
I think it was great to see him come through his first presser with the pro hun media unscathed from their early attempts to undermine him. I also think the Celtic fans conference really helped him to get a good understanding of what he can expect from the media the sfa and the refereeing. "That wasn't your friends upstairs but we are your friends and we back you 100% "was also good for him to hear.
In terms of Dom yes for sure Ange is his man and that bodes well for both if we see the turnaround we are all hoping for. However he is still dealing with the same Celtic board and Dermott so it remains to be seen if he does modernise the 3 areas he continually highlights communication business and footballing operations. He has a good Rep in Rugby as is clear from his results. Much to be done but we are off the mark and whilst not blown away definitely feel encouraged. HH
I don't expect either of them to have definitive answers to every question in their first presser, both are barely in the door so expecting them to have all the answers at this stage would be a nonsense...what concerned me was the sketchy nature of the answers given on things that should be pretty clear cut or well down the road to being resolved already...

What exactly (if any) will Peter Lawell's position/role be at the club after he steps down as CEO?

Are we appointing a DoF or not?

Does the manager have the final say on signings?

Will the new manager be bringing in his own people or will John Kennedy and Gavin Strachan remain in place?

What structural changes do we have in mind for the overall football operation at the club?

How does the new CEO intend to address the ongoing issues concerning the SFA's poor and questionable governance of the Scottish game?

All pretty straightforward questions that should already have clear answers by now but the responses we got to them seemed sketchy and cryptic at best and that's a concern!
I think it was pretty clear Ange will have final say on any signings. As for JK and ipad boy he's gonna assess them and take it from there. My instinct tells me he's already got his own backroom staff in mind.
I think it was pretty clear Ange will have final say on any signings. As for JK and ipad boy he's gonna assess them and take it from there. My instinct tells me he's already got his own backroom staff in mind.

Don't think it was clear at all regarding the manager having final say on signings Stevie. McKay's answer was 'Ange will play a pivotal role in those decisions'. Playing a 'pivotal role'? That alludes to him maybe having a big say but NOT the final say...which he definitely should have as it's him who has to build a team from those signings and it's his head on the block if they can't cut it.

As for his own backroom staff, while not expecting specific names you'd expect that a decision about whether the new manager will be bringing in his own people and where JK and GS fit into that set-up would've been made by now.

We've already seen where the manager not being in control of player recruitment and not having his own people around him leads and the answers McKay gave doesn't do anything to calm my concerns that we're about to repeat the mistakes of the past and tie one hand behind the back of the new manager before he's even started.
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Don't think it was clear at all regarding the manager having final say on signings Stevie. McKay's answer was 'Ange will play a pivotal role in those decisions'. Playing a 'pivotal role'? That alludes to him maybe having a big say but NOT the final say...which he definitely should have as it's him who has to build a team from those signings and it's his head on the block if they can't cut it.

As for his own backroom staff, while not expecting specific names you'd expect that a decision about whether the new manager will be bringing in his own people and where JK and GS fit into that set-up would've been made by now.
I think as far as backroom team goes, there's a massive difference between him and lennon. Lennon let Kennedy and strachan run training. Which was very evident when Kennedy assumed control. Nothin changed whatsoever.
Ange on the other hand said he is very hands on when it comes to training. So Kennedy and strachan will have to toe the line and if they're not up to it he'll just get rid of them. Already a huge improvement on last year without a ball being kicked.
Maybe shadow, they are taking the approach of giving everyone a fair chance to show they are worthy of having a place at the club.
Change will take time and will also need to be done over a phased process imo.
Wouldn't say Ange will have any say upon the finances of the club, which would include players wages.
I hope there is a restructuring upon the wages we offer, as there still seems to be plenty of room to pay bigger wages which can attract players for the long term more so than only having them for the short term.
I don't expect either of them to have definitive answers to every question in their first presser, both are barely in the door so expecting them to have all the answers at this stage would be a nonsense...what concerned me was the sketchy nature of the answers given on things that should be pretty clear cut or well down the road to being resolved already...

What exactly (if any) will Peter Lawell's position/role be at the club after he steps down as CEO?

Are we appointing a DoF or not?

Does the manager have the final say on signings?

Will the new manager be bringing in his own people or will John Kennedy and Gavin Strachan remain in place?

What structural changes do we have in mind for the overall football operation at the club?

How does the new CEO intend to address the ongoing issues concerning the SFA's poor and questionable governance of the Scottish game?

All pretty straightforward questions that should already have clear answers by now but the responses we got to them seemed sketchy and cryptic at best and that's a concern!
Said the same thing about the DOF/tech director position I thought that was very quickly swept aside. Disappointed it wasnt picked up on but it was a first presser others to come wont be " best press conference ever" material
New manager and new CEO making all the right noises but like Postecoglou stated himself it's all just words right now so let's wait and see if they can both deliver on what they say.

I'll say one thing for the new gaffer...he doesn't just talk for the sake of it and when he does he seems to be a straight talker who steers clear of the empty platitudes, bullshit spin and blowing smoke up people's arses so that's 1 in the pro column for me.

A couple of things said at the pressers did concern me though...the answers provided by McKay on Lawell's continuing involvement, the DoF position, the detail on the wider structural changes to the football dept, the manager having the final say on players and how the new CEO intends to deal with the SFA etc. seemed pretty sketchy as did Postecoglou's answer to the Kennedy/Strachan situation.
Like yourself S2, I'm not going to allow myself to get carried away on a tide of OTT hype. Let me say straight off I like what I'm hearing and reading about our new gaffer. Also, when he speaks he sounds like the kind of bloke who commands respect. So yes, I feel a certain amount of enthusiasm about the journey ahead of us. As you say though, Ange himself says it's just all words.

I'll back our new boss 100% for sure. What concerns me is the level of expectation which is rampant amongst what seems to be a fairly large number of us. Please believe me, I want so very much to be wrong about this, but I just don't see any instant cure for the debacle of last season.

We face what is almost a complete rebuild from back to front. Is it realistic to expect him to achieve that in a short space of time ? I really don't think so.

I read an article in todays Herald in which our new CEO stated the decision on ALL backroom staff will be for Ange to make. If he doesn't fancy ANY of the present backroom staff he can choose to change things and bring in his own men. That should be interesting.

His football philosophy and his values in life run pretty much in tandem with most Celtic supporters. I really do want him to succeed. I'm bursting for the new season to start, but I'm keeping my own expectations to a realistic level. HH
I think as far as backroom team goes, there's a massive difference between him and lennon. Lennon let Kennedy and strachan run training. Which was very evident when Kennedy assumed control. Nothin changed whatsoever.
Ange on the other hand said he is very hands on when it comes to training. So Kennedy and strachan will have to toe the line and if they're not up to it he'll just get rid of them. Already a huge improvement on last year without a ball being kicked.

My concern is that Kennedy and Strachan (just like what happened with Lenny) are being foisted on him and he doesn't feel he's in a strong enough position to say no.

Manager's need people they know and trust around them, people who they have confidence in to have their back and they can confide in when issues arise with players, board members, staff etc. and these 2 (especially Kennedy) are too close to certain players and the hierarchy for that trust to exist or be built imo.

Without his own people around him Postecoglou could become very isolated very quickly if things become a bit bumpy and that's a scenario nobody wants.
My concern is that Kennedy and Strachan (just like what happened with Lenny) are being foisted on him and he doesn't feel he's in a strong enough position to say no.

Manager's need people they know and trust around them, people who they have confidence in to have their back and they can confide in when issues arise with players, board members, staff etc. and these 2 (especially Kennedy) are too close to certain players and the hierarchy for that trust to exist or be built imo.

Without his own people around him Postecoglou could become very isolated very quickly if things become a bit bumpy and that's a scenario nobody wants.
Just get the feeling from listening to ange that he wont let kennedy or strachan or anyone get in his way of what he wants to happen. Time will tell as everyone says
My concern is that Kennedy and Strachan (just like what happened with Lenny) are being foisted on him and he doesn't feel he's in a strong enough position to say no.

Manager's need people they know and trust around them, people who they have confidence in to have their back and they can confide in when issues arise with players, board members, staff etc. and these 2 (especially Kennedy) are too close to certain players and the hierarchy for that trust to exist or be built imo.

Without his own people around him Postecoglou could become very isolated very quickly if things become a bit bumpy and that's a scenario nobody wants.
That's why I was encouraged by the CEO's comments, he stated unequivocally it would be Ange's decision. There would be no meddling. Ange, by reputation doesn't sound like the kind of bloke to be shy about speaking his mind. For the record, I don't share the hatred of JK and Strachan, but I do feel it's absolutely essential for any gaffer to appoint his own team.
Maybe shadow, they are taking the approach of giving everyone a fair chance to show they are worthy of having a place at the club.
Change will take time and will also need to be done over a phased process imo.
Wouldn't say Ange will have any say upon the finances of the club, which would include players wages.
I hope there is a restructuring upon the wages we offer, as there still seems to be plenty of room to pay bigger wages which can attract players for the long term more so than only having them for the short term.

Kennedy and Strachan have had more than a fair chance and (I might be wrong here but I doubt it) I'd bet if you were to ask the new manager would he rather have those 2 or his own people in position then his answer would be definitive and the same as any other right thinking manager taking up a new role....he'd rather have his own people with him. My worry is he, just like Lenny, is being railroaded into working with these 2 because both seem to be well in with those at the top.

I don't and would never expect Ange to have a say over the finances or the wage structures mate, what we should all expect though is for the board to say to Ange...'here's your budget, here's the wage structures you need to adhere to, now go and identify the players you want and we'll do everything in our power to get them here'! What I don't want to see anymore of is non-football people at the club being involved in identifying potential signings or players signed over the manager's head.
That's why I was encouraged by the CEO's comments, he stated unequivocally it would be Ange's decision. There would be no meddling. Ange, by reputation doesn't sound like the kind of bloke to be shy about speaking his mind. For the record, I don't share the hatred of JK and Strachan, but I do feel it's absolutely essential for any gaffer to appoint his own team.
I must agree also on the Kennedy Strachan issue, Kennedy is a good coach but has struggled in one spell as a manager, Strachan we don't know if he cuts it but the company chosen to look under the bonnet passed they guy, unlike others.
Ange is on record as saying he's moved around a lot and prefers to suss staff out and lean on some before making any decision. With the assurances McKay has given over retention and appointments he's in a good place.
When it comes to players I don't expect nor want full control over players for Ange. We may need to sell after all and there will be time he wants to keep, the club have to keep that element of finality over those decisions, but by all means Ange must have an input, the stucture once settled will also play a part so it makes sense McKay was reticent on that issue.
As for players coming in I'd prefer analysts, scouts and DOF/Manager etc to ultimately decide as a group. I don't want Ange picking a player that the analysis team says is a mistake and I also don't want analyis saying some kid's stats are great but Ange doesn't think he'll fit his ethos and is still foisted upon him. I'd much rather there was an element of consensus. As such I'm glad to hear Seville and Brentford are two models McKay is looking at. They very much have both a consensus approach to signings and when it comes to sales the ultimate decision lies with the boardroom. With both however there is a two year plus plan to recruitment so when sales do occur in most instances the new guy is already there or due in the next window.

Apologies this was supposed to be short and succinct. Sometimes I go off on one:)
Like yourself S2, I'm not going to allow myself to get carried away on a tide of OTT hype. Let me say straight off I like what I'm hearing and reading about our new gaffer. Also, when he speaks he sounds like the kind of bloke who commands respect. So yes, I feel a certain amount of enthusiasm about the journey ahead of us. As you say though, Ange himself says it's just all words.

I'll back our new boss 100% for sure. What concerns me is the level of expectation which is rampant amongst what seems to be a fairly large number of us. Please believe me, I want so very much to be wrong about this, but I just don't see any instant cure for the debacle of last season.

We face what is almost a complete rebuild from back to front. Is it realistic to expect him to achieve that in a short space of time ? I really don't think so.

I read an article in todays Herald in which our new CEO stated the decision on ALL backroom staff will be for Ange to make. If he doesn't fancy ANY of the present backroom staff he can choose to change things and bring in his own men. That should be interesting.

His football philosophy and his values in life run pretty much in tandem with most Celtic supporters. I really do want him to succeed. I'm bursting for the new season to start, but I'm keeping my own expectations to a realistic level. HH
I still think we have plenty to be optimistic about Frank.
Yes, plenty still in place that allows for concern, but just having a more organised team, will get us better results.
Can also see a whole new mindset coming in with Ange and still believe the players will buy into it and himself.
I did get well ahead of myself last season and could never have forseen with was to unfold, and with so much of it actually our own doing.
Sevco scum (SS) were only far better organised than us, but even so how many of there shitehawks are we actually jealous of not having at celtic? None, would be my answer as we still have money and enough within the club, to still be far better than the scum.
Hope never to experience what went on last season ever again, when I became so disillusioned with the club and came to detest many within it.
Confident enough that shouldn't happen again and our new era will again bring us huge success yet again
Just get the feeling from listening to ange that he wont let kennedy or strachan or anyone get in his way of what he wants to happen. Time will tell as everyone says

Aye he comes across as a strong character so I hope yer right and he doesn't allow himself to be railroaded into working with these 2 if he'd rather have his own people in place because the last thing we need is another situation where a manager is having both players and backroom staff foisted on him...we've already seen that movie and it has a shit ending!
Kennedy and Strachan have had more than a fair chance and (I might be wrong here but I doubt it) I'd bet if you were to ask the new manager would he rather have those 2 or his own people in position then his answer would be definitive and the same as any other right thinking manager taking up a new role....he'd rather have his own people with him. My worry is he, just like Lenny, is being railroaded into working with these 2 because both seem to be well in with those at the top.

I don't and would never expect Ange to have a say over the finances or the wage structures mate, what we should all expect though is for the board to say to Ange...'here's your budget, here's the wage structures you need to adhere to, now go and identify the players you want and we'll do everything in our power to get them here'! What I don't want to see anymore of is non-football people at the club being involved in identifying potential signings or players signed over the manager's head.
I share the same concerns shadow over JK and strachan, and with the time delay we put in place in getting Ange in, then possibly did force his hand a little bit.
Will they both be here for the long run? I can't see it myself, so both will have to really step up and impress Ange if they have any desires to stay at the club, and even then it might not be enough for them.
Like yourself S2, I'm not going to allow myself to get carried away on a tide of OTT hype. Let me say straight off I like what I'm hearing and reading about our new gaffer. Also, when he speaks he sounds like the kind of bloke who commands respect. So yes, I feel a certain amount of enthusiasm about the journey ahead of us. As you say though, Ange himself says it's just all words.

I'll back our new boss 100% for sure. What concerns me is the level of expectation which is rampant amongst what seems to be a fairly large number of us. Please believe me, I want so very much to be wrong about this, but I just don't see any instant cure for the debacle of last season.

We face what is almost a complete rebuild from back to front. Is it realistic to expect him to achieve that in a short space of time ? I really don't think so.

I read an article in todays Herald in which our new CEO stated the decision on ALL backroom staff will be for Ange to make. If he doesn't fancy ANY of the present backroom staff he can choose to change things and bring in his own men. That should be interesting.

His football philosophy and his values in life run pretty much in tandem with most Celtic supporters. I really do want him to succeed. I'm bursting for the new season to start, but I'm keeping my own expectations to a realistic level. HH

If, like you say, the news coming out now is that the manager has full control over his backroom staff and it's him who gets to make the call on Kennedy and Strachan then that's good enough for me because that's exactly the way it should worry was we were in danger of repeating the mistakes of the past by blocking the manager from bringing in his own people.