Celtic consulting lawyers over ‘pathetic comments’ from TalkSport Presenter

Mike Graham is a fat, greasy bastard who has attempted to carve a second career by being controversial and unknowingly unfunny.

Along with fat wee greasy bastard number 2 (Mike Parry), they have decided that it is to their financial betterment to be as knowingly moronic as possible in order to appeal to the lowest common denominator.

Mike Graham's Scottish heritage does not allow him to be ignorant on this subject and he knows exactly what he was insinuating with his grossly offensive comments.

These two are the perfect examples of fat middle-aged greaseballs who find it completely normal to leer, ogle and talk lasciviously about much younger women. The perfect epitome of 'dirty old men' who boast about their achievements and conquests without realising how pathetic and needy they sound.

What it also underlines is the editorial practices of their employer (TalkSport and TalkRadio are both owned by SKY) and if Celtic required any reason to break off all contact with this platform, then Mike Graham has just handed it to us on a silver platter.

This fat greasy bastard doesn't need any threats of violence against his person, his penance is to live within that sin of a skin his odious personality has to inhabit. If ever a face could convey the ugliness of a personality, then that ugly fugly bastard's features would be the perfect photofit.

Celtic MUST send out a message to all of these non-entities that there will be a price to pay for harming the club's reputation and to the reputation of those who support Celtic.

Show your teeth Celtic and take a sizeable lump out of that fat greasy bastards wallet.
The lowest common denominator now has a decision that will kill them either way, heres the doomsday scenario they face after the crisis lifts and there will be no financial normal. They have to sell tickets because if they have nothing of note to show, then they are gone IMO.
