Celtic v The Rangers Saturday 30th December 12.30pm

Watching Sunderland Vs Newcastle and atmosphere is bouncing (it's made me want away allocation back even stronger than it has been) I know it's a touchy subject for some but I hope it comes back next season full allocation like the past or at least 2500.....the fixture hasn't been the same recently....I know that mob started it but I'm not caring 🍀
Watching Sunderland Vs Newcastle and atmosphere is bouncing (it's made me want away allocation back even stronger than it has been) I know it's a touchy subject for some but I hope it comes back next season full allocation like the past or at least 2500.....the fixture hasn't been the same recently....I know that mob started it but I'm not caring 🍀
Fair enough Tommy , I'd rather see people take their kids and enjoy an atmosphere free of bile and not worry about things getting thrown at them. I've been to every home game against them since they went in a huff with us Celebrating in their dilapidated old stadium, and the atmosphere has been amazing mate. If I ever see them in our stadium again it will be too soon for my liking..

Watching Sunderland Vs Newcastle and atmosphere is bouncing (it's made me want away allocation back even stronger than it has been) I know it's a touchy subject for some but I hope it comes back next season full allocation like the past or at least 2500.....the fixture hasn't been the same recently....I know that mob started it but I'm not caring 🍀
Your no gonny let this go tommybhoy🤣🤣Sunderland v Newcastle doesnt have the same bile mate…a kinda agree mate but fuck them,,they only done it to get a unfair advantage over us and it’s backfired on them,,,as ma maw used to say tuff titty…
Watching Sunderland Vs Newcastle and atmosphere is bouncing (it's made me want away allocation back even stronger than it has been) I know it's a touchy subject for some but I hope it comes back next season full allocation like the past or at least 2500.....the fixture hasn't been the same recently....I know that mob started it but I'm not caring 🍀
This is what they do mate, get you stop caring about how it started in the first place. Fuck them they dug their hole ☘️
Game was one week ago and they are still spouting their vitriol *Attention DeadCo, please cease and desist with your paranoid pish, on behalf of the human race, we beseech you, to get a fucking life
It kills them that this Celtic team seems to step up when it matters while the usual suspects in theirs seem to crumble.Now its blame everyone else!They must be the most bitter ,delusional pish talking supporters on the planet ,an embarassment.
Fair enough Tommy , I'd rather see people take their kids and enjoy an atmosphere free of bile and not worry about things getting thrown at them. I've been to every home game against them since they went in a huff with us Celebrating in their dilapidated old stadium, and the atmosphere has been amazing mate. If I ever see them in our stadium again it will be too soon for my liking..

I know pal people have different opinions and I understand the reasons ....my mates have the exact same feelings as you
I’m not against having opposition fans in, even that mob Dill, but they need to make it right and I don’t think we should accommodate them until they do. ☘️
thing is they canny make it right now!!they never banned celtic fans because there fans were upset about us celebrating?that’s pure fairy tale stuff,they banned us out that section so they could sell the seats on a season ticket basis?pure and simple they needed the cash!!!now they can’t shift they fans out for a derby match so they go along way the charade….
thing is they canny make it right now!!they never banned celtic fans because there fans were upset about us celebrating?that’s pure fairy tale stuff,they banned us out that section so they could sell the seats on a season ticket basis?pure and simple they needed the cash!!!now they can’t shift they fans out for a derby match so they go along way the charade….
So fuck ‘em then. Like I say they should fix it/make it right not us. I’ll be eating popcorn 🍿 watching their climb down. Anything else is us giving in to them. ☘️
Fair enough Tommy , I'd rather see people take their kids and enjoy an atmosphere free of bile and not worry about things getting thrown at them. I've been to every home game against them since they went in a huff with us Celebrating in their dilapidated old stadium, and the atmosphere has been amazing mate. If I ever see them in our stadium again it will be too soon for my liking..

Snap !

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