Celtic vs TheRangers - Match Thread

Hi Bhoys an Ghirls, just thought id give you an update. My Covid test was positive and I've had a very rough few nights. Coming online was not even possible. But today ive managed to get out of bed and have a bath to ease the aches and pains. Luckily its not affected my breathing so far so thats a plus. I basically feel like ive been run over my a steamroller though, and i'm extremely tired. I live on my own but have had lots of offers for people to leave shopping at my door so i'm ok for supplies. The annoying thing is there absolutely nothing you can take other than normal cold and flu pain relief. Oh and my taste has gone completely. I mean you look at something put it in your mouth and you think, well im chewing it but it dont taste of anything.
One thing i will say, I stupidly thought I had some kind of immunity or was asymptomatic or something. You know what I was? LUCKY.
This is a real thing and its serious, i'm nowhere near out of the woods yet. Follow the guidelines, wear a decent mask, sanitise, and stay home as much as you can till we get a grip of this thing. Thanks for all the good wishes, hail hail.
Sorry to hear that Brim. I wish you well in your recovery. Praying for you and if you need anything I'm sure us on the noise someone can help you out. God bless and YNWA. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Hi Bhoys an Ghirls, just thought id give you an update. My Covid test was positive and I've had a very rough few nights. Coming online was not even possible. But today ive managed to get out of bed and have a bath to ease the aches and pains. Luckily its not affected my breathing so far so thats a plus. I basically feel like ive been run over my a steamroller though, and i'm extremely tired. I live on my own but have had lots of offers for people to leave shopping at my door so i'm ok for supplies. The annoying thing is there absolutely nothing you can take other than normal cold and flu pain relief. Oh and my taste has gone completely. I mean you look at something put it in your mouth and you think, well im chewing it but it dont taste of anything.
One thing i will say, I stupidly thought I had some kind of immunity or was asymptomatic or something. You know what I was? LUCKY.
This is a real thing and its serious, i'm nowhere near out of the woods yet. Follow the guidelines, wear a decent mask, sanitise, and stay home as much as you can till we get a grip of this thing. Thanks for all the good wishes, hail hail.
You'll get through it Brim,all the best mate HH
If anyone wish's to contact the snp media office regarding covid rules regulations and protocols in football then good luck this was the first fob off i got from there media office

Thank you for contacting the SNP.

Please contact the Scottish Government with your concerns if you require a response from the First Minister.

Contact details can be found here - https://www.gov.scot/about/contact-information/

Kind regards,



Not quite the response i thought i would get


i then went trough 3 depts to try and find out who set the rules who applied them and who saw fir to applaud the huns ,scottish govt have to responed to emails within 4 days ,i was sent circulars that had fk all to do with my enquiry


I sent an email regarding covid and football breaking regulations as i was fobbed off at first i emailed a 2nd time ,i was then sent an email circular regarding endorsements to which i am struggling to see how in any such way it relates to covid or football ,,,,,,kinda seeing a pattern here

Next up were 2 phone calls to chase up or even get some person who could actually answer my question both calls were put on hold and then ,,,,,,,,,wait for it ,,,,,,,,,hung up ,,,,still seeing a pattern here

so again an email was sent ,,,,,,,,,and i got this as a reply


Our Reference: 202**********
Your Reference: Footballclubs and covid rules broken

Thank you for your correspondence received on 05/11/2020. Your query will be passed to the relevant area for consideration and has been given a reference number of 202******* Please quote this number in all correspondence. The Scottish Government aim to respond, where necessary, as quickly as possible and within the stated timescale as indicated on our website (http://www.gov.scot/about/contact-information/how-to-request-information/).

Yours sincerely


11 days ago , 11 days the horse has already bolted , now were in the middle of a pandemic yet the snp went into ignore mode ,can i ask why or is that a whole new other dept that dosn't exist or hangs up the phone

See Ms Sturgeon said she took breaking of covid rules by football clubs seriously , she was even on tv lambasting Aberdeen and Celtic and making a big show of how football was given a yellow card .

I am still awaiting an answer and yes it may not be your dept as stated in your first email but it is your party

i still look forward to your answer to my email not a ''it's not my dept excuse ''

regards kelly

any nationalist wishing to know how the scottish govt acts in the background feel free to use the link and give it a go ,,,,it's an eye opener

oh and i still never got a reply
Aye speaking on behalf of NOT directly quoting like you said, whether you like it or not they are two entirely different things Winter!

Do you know for a fact it was Sturgeon who drafted the statement? Naw so you can't quote her on what's said in it
Just to be clear about that shadow I didnt quote sturgeon on that point , I was talking about the yellow card which was nothing more than a bs soundbite as weve since seen further protocols broken yet no red card
Hi Bhoys an Ghirls, just thought id give you an update. My Covid test was positive and I've had a very rough few nights. Coming online was not even possible. But today ive managed to get out of bed and have a bath to ease the aches and pains. Luckily its not affected my breathing so far so thats a plus. I basically feel like ive been run over my a steamroller though, and i'm extremely tired. I live on my own but have had lots of offers for people to leave shopping at my door so i'm ok for supplies. The annoying thing is there absolutely nothing you can take other than normal cold and flu pain relief. Oh and my taste has gone completely. I mean you look at something put it in your mouth and you think, well im chewing it but it dont taste of anything.
One thing i will say, I stupidly thought I had some kind of immunity or was asymptomatic or something. You know what I was? LUCKY.
This is a real thing and its serious, i'm nowhere near out of the woods yet. Follow the guidelines, wear a decent mask, sanitise, and stay home as much as you can till we get a grip of this thing. Thanks for all the good wishes, hail hail.

Sorry to hear this Brim, wishing you a speedy recovery and hope your feeling better soon mate. All the best (y)
Hi Bhoys an Ghirls, just thought id give you an update. My Covid test was positive and I've had a very rough few nights. Coming online was not even possible. But today ive managed to get out of bed and have a bath to ease the aches and pains. Luckily its not affected my breathing so far so thats a plus. I basically feel like ive been run over my a steamroller though, and i'm extremely tired. I live on my own but have had lots of offers for people to leave shopping at my door so i'm ok for supplies. The annoying thing is there absolutely nothing you can take other than normal cold and flu pain relief. Oh and my taste has gone completely. I mean you look at something put it in your mouth and you think, well im chewing it but it dont taste of anything.
One thing i will say, I stupidly thought I had some kind of immunity or was asymptomatic or something. You know what I was? LUCKY.
This is a real thing and its serious, i'm nowhere near out of the woods yet. Follow the guidelines, wear a decent mask, sanitise, and stay home as much as you can till we get a grip of this thing. Thanks for all the good wishes, hail hail.
All the best in your recovery brim
Nah I was just away tae bed mt 🙂 let's see 🧐 all about me quoting sturgeon? Aye ok I'll say that I'll say she gave Celtic a yellow card. And Celtic are a huge part of Scottish football before you say it wasnt just Celtic. The point was that it appears we're not dealt with the same as the rangers were praised for their handling of players breaking protocols by a govt spokesperson who you were implying might not actually have been a genuine govt spokesperson, mightve been a civil servant you were implying. That's ridiculous as either way it was the govt commending them and slaughtering the rest of us even the other day still attacking us on it. This really ought to have it's own thread. We are to believe that the rangers are benchmark for their handling of covid which I for one find offensive, are they investigating them or just praising them? Same thing when Christie kept testing negative. You're posts seemed to imply that we haven't been treated differently from them and we are all imagining it. I don't think that is the case perhaps the rangers should share their secret amazing protocols with us all since they dont seem to have a problem with it. I dont believe for a minute that the 2 at the party were the only 2 , more likely someone like arsefield got a tip off to gtf quick style the polis are coming. Hasnt he been out for a bit ?🤔

Right ok Winter so are you now holding your hands up and saying that you 'did' misquote Sturgeon on the 'yellow card' issue? If so good because you did. Glad we finally got that one cleared up.

On the government spokesperson issue......Naw I was NOT implying anything of the sort, where did I say the 'government spokesperson' wasn't genuine? In fact I explicitly stated the exact opposite in an earlier post. Maybe an idea for you to stop implying that I'm implying things and stick to what I and others actually say instead of just interpreting it in a manner of your own choosing as that's kinda the whole reason why we're embroiled in this debate in the first place.

Now I raised the possibility (not stating that it was just raising the possibility) that it may very well have been a civil servant and not necessarily Sturgeon herself or someone 'in government' who drafted and released the statement on the government's behalf since that's part of a civil servants job as an 'employee' of the government and yes you are correct for all intents and purposes in that moment they are the 'voice' of government and yes Sturgeon is ultimately responsible for what her government and government officials say BUT that still doesn't mean you can directly quote her on something one of her MP's or officials said, if she didn't say it personally then you can't directly quote her on it which you did. Of course you can hold her responsible for it but you can't put those particular words in her mouth and that was the point I was making.

2 quick points......'raising a possibility' is NOT the same as implying, saying something could've happened is not the same as suggesting that it did. So again if yer gonnae dig me up on what I'm saying then at least stick to what I actually say and not your own skewed interpretation of what I said. Secondly NOWHERE did I suggest that a civil servant was not a 'genuine government spokesperson' again that was your own skewed interpretation of what I said. Civil servants are government 'employees' who routinely speak on behalf of government but they are NOT 'in government' was what I said, that is in NO way suggesting they are not 'genuine government spokespeople' so again stop claiming that I said or implied something that I didn't.

Who exactly is claiming that theRangers are the benchmark for Covid protocols? I haven't! Sturgeon hasn't! The Scottish Government hasn't! Why are you refuting an argument that NOBODY is making?

Now I haven't mentioned Christie in any of my posts but since you've brought it up I'll address the point......Christie was tested multiple times over a period of a few days and returned a negative result in each test HOWEVER scientists have proven that Covid 19 has an incubation period of up to 14 days and during those 14 days people CAN return a negative result even while infected therefore Christie's negative test results were immaterial because each test was carried out only a few days apart within that 14 day period. So for talking sake say a test was carried on Christie on Day 1, Day 3, Day 5, Day 7 and Day 9 and all returned a negative result it still doesn't mean he definitely wasn't infected it just means that the virus may not yet have been detectable. Hope that clears that one up for you.

'You're posts seemed to imply that we haven't been treated differently from them and we are all imagining it'

Again with the implying that I'm implying things when I'm not! 🤪😂 I wasn't implying that at all, what I was SAYING and saying CATEGORICALLY was that your claim that Celtic were 'punished' when our games were postponed was untrue just like your claim that Sturgeon specifically issued Celtic with a yellow card. At the time of the Boli incident the club was made to abide by the same Covid protocol rules that everybody else in the country were subject to and it was this that led to the postponement of our games not some imagined 'punishment' from Sturgeon. Just because you and others perceived it to be a 'punishment' that doesn't automatically make it true. Go look at the Covid protocol info which explains clearly why the Celtic players and staff had to isolate after coming into contact with a potentially infected Boli.

Finally (thank fuck says you, me and everybody else 😂) On who was at the hun party......It doesn't matter what you believe because believing something is NOT proof of something! Your making an assumption based on nothing but your own suspicions. Ye need to produce proof if ye want to dish out punishments otherwise yer advocating for tyranny.

Look Winter you and others can believe whatever you want I honestly couldn't care less what you believe......me personally I don't buy into the whole Sturgeon and the SNP secretly being in league with their political arch-enemies within the masonic hun polis (who hate them and everything they stand for and who have just arrested one of their MP's) the unionist hun media (who hate them and everything they stand for and who berate them on a daily basis) and the huns themselves (who really really hate them and everything they stand for because the SNP want to break up their precious Union) in a bid to destroy Celtic's 10 in a row quest with 'punishments' (that look a hell of a lot like the Covid rules everybody else has to adhere to but hey ho) to make sure theRangers win the league.....I don't know whit it is but there's just something about all that that doesn't ring true to me for some reason, now if I could only put my finger on what that is.:unsure:

But hey you fill yer boots mate who am I to get in the way of a good conspiracy theory, I just ask one thing......if yer gonnae present something as a fact then make sure it's actually true and have a bit of proof to back it up because it's crucial to making what you say credible!

Peace out! 😉
Right ok Winter so are you now holding your hands up and saying that you 'did' misquote Sturgeon on the 'yellow card' issue? If so good because you did. Glad we finally got that one cleared up.

On the government spokesperson issue......Naw I was NOT implying anything of the sort, where did I say the 'government spokesperson' wasn't genuine? In fact I explicitly stated the exact opposite in an earlier post. Maybe an idea for you to stop implying that I'm implying things and stick to what I and others actually say instead of just interpreting it in a manner of your own choosing as that's kinda the whole reason why we're embroiled in this debate in the first place.

Now I raised the possibility (not stating that it was just raising the possibility) that it may very well have been a civil servant and not necessarily Sturgeon herself or someone 'in government' who drafted and released the statement on the government's behalf since that's part of a civil servants job as an 'employee' of the government and yes you are correct for all intents and purposes in that moment they are the 'voice' of government and yes Sturgeon is ultimately responsible for what her government and government officials say BUT that still doesn't mean you can directly quote her on something one of her MP's or officials said, if she didn't say it personally then you can't directly quote her on it which you did. Of course you can hold her responsible for it but you can't put those particular words in her mouth and that was the point I was making.

2 quick points......'raising a possibility' is NOT the same as implying, saying something could've happened is not the same as suggesting that it did. So again if yer gonnae dig me up on what I'm saying then at least stick to what I actually say and not your own skewed interpretation of what I said. Secondly NOWHERE did I suggest that a civil servant was not a 'genuine government spokesperson' again that was your own skewed interpretation of what I said. Civil servants are government 'employees' who routinely speak on behalf of government but they are NOT 'in government' was what I said, that is in NO way suggesting they are not 'genuine government spokespeople' so again stop claiming that I said or implied something that I didn't.

Who exactly is claiming that theRangers are the benchmark for Covid protocols? I haven't! Sturgeon hasn't! The Scottish Government hasn't! Why are you refuting an argument that NOBODY is making?

Now I haven't mentioned Christie in any of my posts but since you've brought it up I'll address the point......Christie was tested multiple times over a period of a few days and returned a negative result in each test HOWEVER scientists have proven that Covid 19 has an incubation period of up to 14 days and during those 14 days people CAN return a negative result even while infected therefore Christie's negative test results were immaterial because each test was carried out only a few days apart within that 14 day period. So for talking sake say a test was carried on Christie on Day 1, Day 3, Day 5, Day 7 and Day 9 and all returned a negative result it still doesn't mean he definitely wasn't infected it just means that the virus may not yet have been detectable. Hope that clears that one up for you.

'You're posts seemed to imply that we haven't been treated differently from them and we are all imagining it'

Again with the implying that I'm implying things when I'm not! 🤪😂I wasn't implying that at all, what I was SAYING and saying CATEGORICALLY was that your claim that Celtic were 'punished' when our games were postponed was untrue just like your claim that Sturgeon specifically issued Celtic with a yellow card. At the time of the Boli incident the club was made to abide by the same Covid protocol rules that everybody else in the country were subject to and it was this that led to the postponement of our games not some imagined 'punishment' from Sturgeon. Just because you and others perceived it to be a 'punishment' that doesn't automatically make it true. Go look at the Covid protocol info which explains clearly why the Celtic players and staff had to isolate after coming into contact with a potentially infected Boli.

Finally (thank fuck says you, me and everybody else 😂) On who was at the hun party......It doesn't matter what you believe because believing something is NOT proof of something! Your making an assumption based on nothing but your own suspicions. Ye need to produce proof if ye want to dish out punishments otherwise yer advocating for tyranny.

Look Winter you and others can believe whatever you want I honestly couldn't care less what you believe......me personally I don't buy into the whole Sturgeon and the SNP secretly being in league with their political arch-enemies within the masonic hun polis (who hate them and everything they stand for and who have just arrested one of their MP's) the unionist hun media (who hate them and everything they stand for and who berate them on a daily basis) and the huns themselves (who really really hate them and everything they stand for because the SNP want to break up their precious Union) in a bid to destroy Celtic's 10 in a row quest with 'punishments' (that look a hell of a lot like the Covid rules everybody else has to adhere to but hey ho) to make sure theRangers win the league.....I don't know whit it is but there's just something about all that that doesn't ring true to me for some reason, now if I could only put my finger on what that is.:unsure:

But hey you fill yer boots mate who am I to get in the way of a good conspiracy theory, I just ask one thing......if yer gonnae present something as a fact then make sure it's actually true and have a bit of proof to back it up because it's crucial to making what you say credible!

Peace out! 😉
Whit's that you were saying Andy? HH pal.
Right ok Winter so are you now holding your hands up and saying that you 'did' misquote Sturgeon on the 'yellow card' issue? If so good because you did. Glad we finally got that one cleared up.

On the government spokesperson issue......Naw I was NOT implying anything of the sort, where did I say the 'government spokesperson' wasn't genuine? In fact I explicitly stated the exact opposite in an earlier post. Maybe an idea for you to stop implying that I'm implying things and stick to what I and others actually say instead of just interpreting it in a manner of your own choosing as that's kinda the whole reason why we're embroiled in this debate in the first place.

Now I raised the possibility (not stating that it was just raising the possibility) that it may very well have been a civil servant and not necessarily Sturgeon herself or someone 'in government' who drafted and released the statement on the government's behalf since that's part of a civil servants job as an 'employee' of the government and yes you are correct for all intents and purposes in that moment they are the 'voice' of government and yes Sturgeon is ultimately responsible for what her government and government officials say BUT that still doesn't mean you can directly quote her on something one of her MP's or officials said, if she didn't say it personally then you can't directly quote her on it which you did. Of course you can hold her responsible for it but you can't put those particular words in her mouth and that was the point I was making.

2 quick points......'raising a possibility' is NOT the same as implying, saying something could've happened is not the same as suggesting that it did. So again if yer gonnae dig me up on what I'm saying then at least stick to what I actually say and not your own skewed interpretation of what I said. Secondly NOWHERE did I suggest that a civil servant was not a 'genuine government spokesperson' again that was your own skewed interpretation of what I said. Civil servants are government 'employees' who routinely speak on behalf of government but they are NOT 'in government' was what I said, that is in NO way suggesting they are not 'genuine government spokespeople' so again stop claiming that I said or implied something that I didn't.

Who exactly is claiming that theRangers are the benchmark for Covid protocols? I haven't! Sturgeon hasn't! The Scottish Government hasn't! Why are you refuting an argument that NOBODY is making?

Now I haven't mentioned Christie in any of my posts but since you've brought it up I'll address the point......Christie was tested multiple times over a period of a few days and returned a negative result in each test HOWEVER scientists have proven that Covid 19 has an incubation period of up to 14 days and during those 14 days people CAN return a negative result even while infected therefore Christie's negative test results were immaterial because each test was carried out only a few days apart within that 14 day period. So for talking sake say a test was carried on Christie on Day 1, Day 3, Day 5, Day 7 and Day 9 and all returned a negative result it still doesn't mean he definitely wasn't infected it just means that the virus may not yet have been detectable. Hope that clears that one up for you.

'You're posts seemed to imply that we haven't been treated differently from them and we are all imagining it'

Again with the implying that I'm implying things when I'm not! 🤪😂I wasn't implying that at all, what I was SAYING and saying CATEGORICALLY was that your claim that Celtic were 'punished' when our games were postponed was untrue just like your claim that Sturgeon specifically issued Celtic with a yellow card. At the time of the Boli incident the club was made to abide by the same Covid protocol rules that everybody else in the country were subject to and it was this that led to the postponement of our games not some imagined 'punishment' from Sturgeon. Just because you and others perceived it to be a 'punishment' that doesn't automatically make it true. Go look at the Covid protocol info which explains clearly why the Celtic players and staff had to isolate after coming into contact with a potentially infected Boli.

Finally (thank fuck says you, me and everybody else 😂) On who was at the hun party......It doesn't matter what you believe because believing something is NOT proof of something! Your making an assumption based on nothing but your own suspicions. Ye need to produce proof if ye want to dish out punishments otherwise yer advocating for tyranny.

Look Winter you and others can believe whatever you want I honestly couldn't care less what you believe......me personally I don't buy into the whole Sturgeon and the SNP secretly being in league with their political arch-enemies within the masonic hun polis (who hate them and everything they stand for and who have just arrested one of their MP's) the unionist hun media (who hate them and everything they stand for and who berate them on a daily basis) and the huns themselves (who really really hate them and everything they stand for because the SNP want to break up their precious Union) in a bid to destroy Celtic's 10 in a row quest with 'punishments' (that look a hell of a lot like the Covid rules everybody else has to adhere to but hey ho) to make sure theRangers win the league.....I don't know whit it is but there's just something about all that that doesn't ring true to me for some reason, now if I could only put my finger on what that is.:unsure:

But hey you fill yer boots mate who am I to get in the way of a good conspiracy theory, I just ask one thing......if yer gonnae present something as a fact then make sure it's actually true and have a bit of proof to back it up because it's crucial to making what you say credible!

Peace out! 😉
Just had a splif so I'm peaced out 😁 I didn't say anything was fact apart from the FACT that Celtic were given a yellow card ( we're part of Scottish football aye?) Well since we all seen it on the telly I can say that is a fact , guessing you saw that as well as the rest of us? The rest ? Opinion just like everything you've posted is you're personal opinion and nothing more. I never asked for details on your life story though it's nice of you to share. You've been a member I see for about as long after me so long enough to know that this and all forums are mostly opinions and some facts. Had I realised you were so touchy on people saying things about sturgeon I'd have mibbess worded it differently but heyho ah never and I never expected such a pedantic response either. Or is it just my opinions you take offence to and demand factual evidence ? Doubt there would be much going on in the forums if everyone had to present factual evidence. Now I could go through the 800plus comments in this thread like you did and find inconsistencies with your comments but I canny be fookd with that pedantic stuff. Oh btw have you heard Nicola Sturgeon the first minister of the scottish governments QUOTES today about our club? Attacking the clubs decision to go to Dubai? Even though it was approved by her same administration? I could quote her word for word as well but I'm sure you heard it eh? Now why would she personally do that live on the news after giving it the green light already? Inconsistencies ?methinks aye, wbu? Im Peaced out shadow 💨 hope you are too buddy. I also hope that's the end of it , if it's not then can I respectfully request you open another thread about it and I'll continue to debate with you , the reason I ask is theres some more serious important stuff on one of our own on this thread today ✌<peace symbol 🙂
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