Champions v Livi, Sat 23-Dec-2023 at 3pm. Ref=Matthew MacDermid, VAR = Alan Muir

I listened to the radio for a few minutes during the game and could not believe the praise all the commentators were giving Livi for sitting with 11 men in their own box. Then when they went 2 down all they went on about was how Livi needed to shut up shop now and not concede any more.

Yes, we all understand that these teams have poorer players than us and have no responsibility to "entertain the Celtc fans" (I have never heard any fan of any side demand that their opponents entertain them). But I'd argue these anti-football tactics rarely bring any success and in fact teams enjoy more success when they have a go against us.

Surely players and coaches have some pride. Also, no wonder our national sport is in such dire straits when you see eye-bleedingly awful dross like that being praised to the heavens as if it is the work of a footballing genius.

I actually see more entertaining skillful football played by the top half of the Highland Leagues sides than I do many of the Premiership clubs.
So true, also Martindale , pride?
Only pride he has is the fact that at least some Scots can make out his lingo. Any other pride he has comes oot the closet annually for a march under the rainbow.
We must be the only country where the likes of sevco TV will have him and McInnes on as guest hundits.
I find that appalling , unethical, unsportmanlike and completely 100% hun behaviour, shouldn't be allowed, imagine the uproar if we'd beaten hibs 6-0 and next game Lee Johnson was special guest pundit?
We shouldn't complain, any team that has a go usually scores against us.
True , and same goes for sides like Barcelona, Madrid ( both), city, Bayern etc all the top teams are set up for front foot football and like those sides , if you have a go you will get chances against them and us.
Usually we and those mentioned will rise to that challenge and overcome it , actually brings the best out of us in an attacking sense more ofyen than not.
The View fae 403....

Looked wet fae my seat in the Gods, but one of the benefits of watching fae above the clouds is ye stay dry 😂😂😂.

Anyhoo on to the game 2 nil against a team like that in normal circumstances wouldn't be a great achievement, however our form of late means really that 3 pts and a clean sheet were more than welcome..

Big Joe, had absolutely nothing to do and done it well 😅

The fab four shut the door, but still for my liking to many misplaced passes especially first half, and fae my lofty view the full backs were more inverted going forward than at any time under Brendan...

The 3 starting mids done well and Bernardo for me was decent without being outstanding, perhaps a few more games, but I suspect he might be offski come the bells.... Matt and Calmac drove the team forward although how Matt missed that open goal 😱😱😱... Kinda summed up our season I think, plenty of endeavour with little knowledge on how to finish it off...

Upfront, not everyones cup of tea, but boy have we missed the pressing of our Shiny headed samurai, it was good to see him back and his wee sidekick certainly benefited from his work rate... Palma was good in patches and very good in some... Could be doing with that for longer...

Yang put a few decent balls in and looked better on the left, who'd av thunk that eh a leftie on the left... Honestly how dae they think of these things 😉😂😉. Rest of the subs.. adequate really

Also it was nice to have the greetin brigade back, and I don't care what anyone says it gives the players and the other fans a lift...

Wether by design or choice I'm not sure, but it was really good to see our fullbacks playing in the inverted style again and driving forward especially second half.. Good on whoever brought that about...

Motm for me was nearly Liam, but CCV was more assured in the air and on the ball so he gets it for me...

Bring on the hundee..
I listened to the radio for a few minutes during the game and could not believe the praise all the commentators were giving Livi for sitting with 11 men in their own box. Then when they went 2 down all they went on about was how Livi needed to shut up shop now and not concede any more.

Yes, we all understand that these teams have poorer players than us and have no responsibility to "entertain the Celtc fans" (I have never heard any fan of any side demand that their opponents entertain them). But I'd argue these anti-football tactics rarely bring any success and in fact teams enjoy more success when they have a go against us.

Surely players and coaches have some pride. Also, no wonder our national sport is in such dire straits when you see eye-bleedingly awful dross like that being praised to the heavens as if it is the work of a footballing genius.

I actually see more entertaining skillful football played by the top half of the Highland Leagues sides than I do many of the Premiership clubs.
Entertaining the fans is far from what Livingston under Martindale is all about , last on their "to do" list.
That display was one ( of many ) we've seen against us this season.
5 pts adrift at the bottom with game in hand, he's on the rocks an nae glezweegian patter can help him.
I'd even guess he's on the rocks in more ways than one, there's his career on the rocks , his whisky on the rocks and I'd be unsurprised if he's partial to smoking a few rocks as well.
Motherwell , St Johnstone have had good performances against us and taken points. Martindale was all about keeping the scoreline as low as possible, which he achieved tbf and will no doubt be a candidate for manager otm.
" ah hink wi coulda been better , am no sure how but a hink were better than that n at no? Ah mean Livingston v Celtic is like Celtic v Feyenoord playing against the tap seeds n at no? But at the end of the day better teams have come here and done worse " yes David loke Feyenoord, Atleti, Motherwell and St Johnstone have done better and got something from the game " aw naw I wiz oan about Lazio and Atletico Madrid, yes David but they escaped with 4 pts between them, " uch noo yer twisting my melon , words ah mean words"
One last question David, have you had a charge today ? Looking raf mate? Sound worse ?
Whit ma private life his tae dae wi it is goat nante tae dae wi you , probly never been strung oot in yer life "
So you're strung out David?
Did ah fkn say that ya bunch a cunts noo if ye don't mind I've got to meet somebudy at gallowgate fur a prescription " your doctor is meeting you at gallowgate? Naw but he's next best thing and I dont want tae miss the soup kitchen " oh you're a volunteer?
Whit? Fk naw I'm a punter free sausage rolls? Only a plum ( or non homeless, non starving, non junkie would miss at no wit a mean n aw at n at no?
Thanks for your thoughts David I wish you all the free sausage rolls you can get" fkn tosser
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Just re-iterated the Dec 2002 Stat on SlySports since Murderwell beat the Huns & it'll be ANOTHER 21 yrs afore they dae!! Canny believe we drapped 2 pts tae this SHOWER AE SHITE.. Huns cd be 5 up easy!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬
Remember they beat them twice to keep them down in the lower division than the SPFL. Celtic should have made crackers with these wee anecdotess to educate our grandweans😁