Could Lawwell be sabotaging our season to save Sevco?

I have thought along those lines also
.While we are stuck in the Scottish set up it makes business sense to have the duopoly to keep the seats full ,after all is that not one of the reasons the whole of Scottish football is living a BIG LIE .

If Scottish football had stuck to the truth regards the death of ragers 1872 ,at a guess how many old club fans would have turned up to support the new club ,IMO round about 20,000 tops and I believe the peepil running our game thought the same .

So instead the BIG LIE was born and no one not even our club uttered a single word when the titles of the old club were illegally given to a club that had only been in existence for less than a season .They also said nothing when that club used the slogan "GOING FOR 55 "sell season tickets when they reached the SPL .

So in IMO you are not too far off the mark when you query what our board may be thinking with what we have witnessed in Scottish football
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So Peter Lawwell has 'sabotaged' Celtic how? By forcing Neil Lennon to play Callum McGregor as a left-back in a home game against Cluj? Did he tell Boli Bolingoli to have a couple of dodgy games? Did he instruct Scott Brown to give away a penalty? I think Peter Lawwell is part of a backwards, conservative and now self-defeating regime, but the idea that it's all part of this big conspiracy is absurd. Peter Lawwell would've been thinking to himself that our playing squad, at the time of the Cluj game, was good enough to go through. I agree with him. Where I disagree with him is that we should've settled for that and not done more to make the already good possibility of us reaching the CL group stage better.
I have thought along those lines also .While we are stuck in the Scottish set up it makes business sense to have the duopoly to keep the seats full ,after all is that not one of the reasons the whole of Scottish football is living a BIG LIE .

If Scottish football had stuck to the truth regards the death of ragers 1872 ,realistically how many old club fans have returned to support the new club ,IMO round about 20,000 tops and I believe the peepil running our game thought the same .

So instead the BIG LIE was born and no one even our club uttered a single word when the titles of the old club were illegally given to a club that had only been in existence for less than a season and also said nothing when that club used the slogan "GOING FOR 55 "sell season tickets when they reached the SPL .

So in IMO you are not too far off the mark when you query what our board may be thinking with what we have witnessed in Scottish football
There has never been put in writing the titles remain witht the new club, there is no rule for a liquidated club to return back to its present form which is soon to be the case with Bury and others who have gone to the wall, the SFA have never been confronted to show in writing the rules to allow an incorporated club and company to become unincorporated, Hearts had to agree a CVA to exit administration, if PL was to be confronted should such a scam happen, shareholders could take him for fraudelent business activities and rigging the game, aint going to happen. Res 12 is an issue shareholders can bring to their CEO's attention, the SFA is a different kettle of fish, what is needed is a Poliice investigation into corruption. Probably aint gone to happen. Just my thoughts on the scenaro.
I don't really think the question is being asked about European football ,PL would be more than happy to have reached the CL group stages .The question being asked is does it suit the people running celtic to keep sevco 2012 from going the way of the old club .
I believe it is a very valid question and worth debate
There has never been put in writing the titles remain witht the new club, there is no rule for a liquidated club to return back to its present form which is soon to be the case with Bury and others who have gone to the wall, the SFA have never been confronted to show in writing the rules to allow an incorporated club and company to become unincorporated, Hearts had to agree a CVA to exit administration, if PL was to be confronted should such a scam happen, shareholders could take him for fraudelent business activities and rigging the game, aint going to happen. Res 12 is an issue shareholders can bring to their CEO's attention, the SFA is a different kettle of fish, what is needed is a Poliice investigation into corruption. Probably aint gone to happen. Just my thoughts on the scenaro.

I agree with you regards the whole thing would be exposed as a sham without too much trouble but does that not enforce the question even more .
What reason is behind the rest of Scottish football lying to allow sevco 2012 to assume the guise as ragers 1872 other than money .

If it is indeed about money what lengths are the rest of Scottish football (celtic included ) willing to go to ,in order to make sure money keeps flowing into the domestic game .
boab 1916
Do you think our board hands are clean over the Res 12 saga
I think now its in the boards and as been for along time in their domain they have a duty to respond, and decide the recourse of action either way, but i would not say dirty hands because the EBT scenario was the smoking gun and the rangerstaxcase that highlighted the outstanding tax bill and demand for payment, Celtic are not admin for the SFA, Celtic or other teams probably no little of what goes through the SFA and thats the issue, how do you bring the SFA to book for chhaeting and collabarating on behalf of one club, which died incidentally.
IMO the SFA has been corrupt for many years now and the Farry scandal only touched the surface ,he went but the structure remained .
As for Celtic as a football club ,we are trapped in this (for me ) corrupt environment unless a euro type league comes along and we can achieve the revenues we need to be able to leave the BIG LIE behind .
We have a 60,000 seater stadium to run and maintain on a domestic pittance ,we have to be imaginative to keep the show on the road and businessmen would tell you that means exploring ALL
ways of bringing money in
Sevco only need to qualify for the CL once to achieve a paradigm shift in their fortunes. Would Lawwell sit back and let this happen; maybe ask the Resolution 12ers what they think.
The resistance to Res12 strongly suggests some folk have something to hide. The two main guys are Petrie and Dickson who sat on the 2011 Licensing Committee chaired by Petrie.

Petrie was the main go between on the 5 Way Agreement and it is inconceivable that Celtic were not one of his ports of call, which involves Lawwell.

These 3 between them would have questions to answer if a proper investigation were mounted into SFA handling of UEFA licence in 2011, hence the resistance.

Given the efforts to keep "Rangers" alive in any form after they went bust then if their dependency for survival on CL money was known before March 2011, granting a licence would have been a perfect reason to stop the carnage of 2012. Only Ally foiled a perfect solution by losing to Malmo and Maribor and no one could have anticipated the impact of that, so it is at least plausible that the grant was part of a set up by those involved in the 5 Way Agreement.

Being plausible does not mean it was so, but when the eventual charge, according to Rangers, omits the grant period at end of March 2011 from scrutiny for reasons unknown, and when Celtic refuse to act on usable evidence from March 2011 provided in May and August 2018 suggesting fraud in March 2011 and end the SFA Judicial Process surrendered by the JPDT to CAS, the plausible starts to look more than credible.
The resistance to Res12 strongly suggests some folk have something to hide. The two main guys are Petrie and Dickson who sat on the 2011 Licensing Committee chaired by Petrie.

Petrie was the main go between on the 5 Way Agreement and it is inconceivable that Celtic were not one of his ports of call, which involves Lawwell.

These 3 between them would have questions to answer if a proper investigation were mounted into SFA handling of UEFA licence in 2011, hence the resistance.

Given the efforts to keep "Rangers" alive in any form after they went bust then if their dependency for survival on CL money was known before March 2011, granting a licence would have been a perfect reason to stop the carnage of 2012. Only Ally foiled a perfect solution by losing to Malmo and Maribor and no one could have anticipated the impact of that, so it is at least plausible that the grant was part of a set up by those involved in the 5 Way Agreement.

Being plausible does not mean it was so, but when the eventual charge, according to Rangers, omits the grant period at end of March 2011 from scrutiny for reasons unknown, and when Celtic refuse to act on usable evidence from March 2011 provided in May and August 2018 suggesting fraud in March 2011 and end the SFA Judicial Process surrendered by the JPDT to CAS, the plausible starts to look more than credible.
Thanks Auldheid,when there's a bad smell,it usually means something's rotten,keep fightin the good fight!
The resistance to Res12 strongly suggests some folk have something to hide. The two main guys are Petrie and Dickson who sat on the 2011 Licensing Committee chaired by Petrie.

Petrie was the main go between on the 5 Way Agreement and it is inconceivable that Celtic were not one of his ports of call, which involves Lawwell.

These 3 between them would have questions to answer if a proper investigation were mounted into SFA handling of UEFA licence in 2011, hence the resistance.

Given the efforts to keep "Rangers" alive in any form after they went bust then if their dependency for survival on CL money was known before March 2011, granting a licence would have been a perfect reason to stop the carnage of 2012. Only Ally foiled a perfect solution by losing to Malmo and Maribor and no one could have anticipated the impact of that, so it is at least plausible that the grant was part of a set up by those involved in the 5 Way Agreement.

Being plausible does not mean it was so, but when the eventual charge, according to Rangers, omits the grant period at end of March 2011 from scrutiny for reasons unknown, and when Celtic refuse to act on usable evidence from March 2011 provided in May and August 2018 suggesting fraud in March 2011 and end the SFA Judicial Process surrendered by the JPDT to CAS, the plausible starts to look more than credible.
The one identifiable trait which is common among all of the major actors in this drama, is their utter unwillingness to provide any kind of transparency as to their roles, knowledge and intentions.

This type of case would be a federal matter in the USA. A recent example of this could be found in the FBI's study into CONCACAF and the subsequent repercussions that rocked FIFA. This led to wider criminal investigations into Michel Platini and the rigged Qatari World Cup bid.

It would take a similar deep dive to unravel this tangled knot and would it not be the case that because of American corporate sponsorship of UEFA's flagship club tournament, that there may be a door ajar for FBI involvement; particularly if American corporations are partially funding a rigged game?

The territorial policing will be an issue, but if American dollars are being hidden in offshore accounts outwith American borders and are subsequently subject to FBI involvement, then the same must apply to American dollars being used to subsidise a possible/probable/definite fraud?

A stumbling block is that deadco did not benefit financially from this plot; however - there still remains probable cause regarding UEFA's lack of oversight. There is also the fact that any attempt at criminal activity did not take place within US territories, but American citizens may have still been affected and impacted by a deliberately fraudulent attempt to procure money provided by the aforementioned US citizens.

Contact Mastercard and PepsiCo, they might not give two squirts, but nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Contact the Feds as well, but ask for Mulder and Scully because they'll be going deep into the x-rated files.
Unfortunately I tend to think along the very same lines as yourself .
Hope all you Rel 12 bhoys get the justice you deserve .
If there was collusion to attempt to avoid the loss of a certain club ,then is it inconceivable to think
the reasons for doing so could also apply today .
If it was made known that a certain club was in need of the funds a crack at CL football could provide and decisions were made by others to facilitate that ,what if rather than the money a crack at CL groups (which would be highly unlikely) would bring ,they were needing help in keeping 50,000 paying customers from walking away ,would that be facilitated by people in our game ,if it were good for business .
Saying the Peter Lawwell does not want 9and 10IAR is patently absurd. Conspiracy theories are by their nature ridiculous. It's a sign of insecurity and pessimism to engage in them.
Conspiracy theories may be ridiculous in the main, Doc, but from the archives of your own field of expertise, there were a variety of theories that were espoused and expanded on which were completely
and totally bonkers!!!

A conspiracy theory in this era is not designed to educate, but to indoctrinate and scare. That doesn't lend it any more credence, but I'm not absolutely convinced that the original post in this thread does not hold more than a little water or is conspiratorial in it's nature.

The original post (and subsequent comments) do NOT suggest that Peter Lawwell intends to throw the possibility of TIAR, it merely proposes that there might be some monetary value by making the race interesting and that Peter is playing the odds to market and to do it at minimal cost.
Saying the Peter Lawwell does not want 9and 10IAR is patently absurd. Conspiracy theories are by their nature ridiculous. It's a sign of insecurity and pessimism to engage in them.

Insecurity? Pessimism?

For how long did we have to listen to the Hun and their acolytes mantra of it’s all Celtic paranoia.....well we all know now how that was put to bed, don’t we?

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