'Give Celtic a Director of Football, Mr Lawwell and Neil Lennon will deliver,' Niall J

Once again great article Niall (y)

I'm sure it's just a case of 'great minds think alike' and all that ;):p but the point about the January transfer window was something I raised in a post last night......this is something that really needs to be considered as this scrambling around trying to get players in while the CL qualifiers are already underway is an epic shitshow repeated ad nausaem and it's blown up in our faces time and time again!

As for Lawell well it's safe to say I'm not his biggest fan (I know shock horror right! :D) I think he's deeply manipulative when it comes to the support (i.e he's not shy to manipulate our loyalty for his own ends) and he has all the hallmarks of a micro managing control freak who's behaviour is extremely detrimental to the football operation BUT I do recognise that when it comes to the commercial/business side of the operation he can be a huge asset and has secured some lucrative deals for the club and that's why although I've been highly critical of him I've not been one of those calling for his head.

However something's got to give and if he can't remove himself from the footballing side of the operation, if he can't stick to his own remit and allow those better qualified to get on with making the football decisions then I'd rather see him replaced with someone who can.

No sure whit the situation is with John Park and Lawell but I reckon if there is any chance of bringing him in as DoF and appointing Hammond to head up the scouting network then it would be a great start to the much needed rebuilding job required. I'd also like to see Lenny bring in his own coaching staff, I hear big Johann and Henrik are available. That'd be a bit of a dream team imo.

HH mate (y)
If my earlier comment seemed glib I apologise, I'll try and explain my views.

I don't recall many calling for a DOF when BR was here, do we need one now because Lenny is not capable?

Personally I think Lenny is far more a man of substance than Rogers ever was and as such he will always put Celtic first, he's nobody's puppet.

We need a proper recruitment team and scouting structure, no doubt about that but I don't see the need for a director to oversee that, just employ the right people.

I don't have an urge to displace Lawell, I know that puts me in a minority, but given his remit I think he's done a bloody good job.

Finally I'd say if it's not broken don't fix it, and we're certainly not broken that's probably what I'm saying.
I'm also fairy pissed so forgive my ramblings. ☺
If my earlier comment seemed glib I apologise, I'll try and explain my views.

I don't recall many calling for a DOF when BR was here, do we need one now because Lenny is not capable?

Personally I think Lenny is far more a man of substance than Rogers ever was and as such he will always put Celtic first, he's nobody's puppet.

We need a proper recruitment team and scouting structure, no doubt about that but I don't see the need for a director to oversee that, just employ the right people.

I don't have an urge to displace Lawell, I know that puts me in a minority, but given his remit I think he's done a bloody good job.

Finally I'd say if it's not broken don't fix it, and we're certainly not broken that's probably what I'm saying.
I'm also fairy pissed so forgive my ramblings. ☺
Slainthe Hoopy!!!!!!
If my earlier comment seemed glib I apologise, I'll try and explain my views.

I don't recall many calling for a DOF when BR was here, do we need one now because Lenny is not capable?

Personally I think Lenny is far more a man of substance than Rogers ever was and as such he will always put Celtic first, he's nobody's puppet.

We need a proper recruitment team and scouting structure, no doubt about that but I don't see the need for a director to oversee that, just employ the right people.

I don't have an urge to displace Lawell, I know that puts me in a minority, but given his remit I think he's done a bloody good job.

Finally I'd say if it's not broken don't fix it, and we're certainly not broken that's probably what I'm saying.
I'm also fairy pissed so forgive my ramblings. ☺
Hoopy - this isn't questioning whether Lenny is a better man, manager or spotter of tslent than BR. Many of the pronlems that surfaced during Rodgers time here and overshadowed his last year in charge could have been solved by having the right DoF in place - this was even stated outright by PL when Lenny replaced him. Of course, us plebs were nor aware of how much Congerton had destroyed our scouting network at that point which means our whole system needs rebuilt. I think Lenny has enough pressure managing & coaching without overseeing this as well. Plus it should improve continuity when we change managers in the future.
Rodgers when he came in looked like he was taking the reins slightly from PL then near the end PL had jumped back in the driving seat. PL has been gradually climbing the Uefa ladder on the side and when he does finally go I'm sure he will find a cushty position. At that point I'd like to see a restructure with a top accountant and a separate DOF. Des is knocking 70 now so who knows how long he will want to keep ownership or even keep it in house and pass it down to his son who is an business investment type as well. It would seem daft to sell a money maker from the family portfolio.
PL is DD's top boy so till one of them moves on the structure will probably stay the same. I'm just glad Kennedy didn't get the dof role as there were rumbles during BRs time that he was going to chuck his hat in the ring
Because we usually start qualifiers about 2nd week of July, and international players are tied up to mid-June at least with qualifiers or competitions, this leaves us so little time to bring in players early on (not that we make too much effort at this).

Therefore it makes sense to me to use the January transfer window to get new players in then so they get settled in and used to their colleagues so they are fully up to speed when we kick off the following season.

Instead we use January for short-term loan deals often for players not with us the next season. Although this can help us out if we've a short-term problem, it is not a good strategy to use year after year after year.
I agree with the sentiment and have said the same for a number of years.
However it now seems to me that the January window is difficult to source our longer term needs and we need to plan 1 year ahead. I actually think the signings we made have set us up for the next two years, at least defensively, and if we could add a midfielder ( Turnbull?) and a number 9 we are subject to sales looking at a squad that can take us to 10 and hopefully give the CL qualifiers a decent go next season. Too much change this summer to achieve anything.
Just my thoughts
If my earlier comment seemed glib I apologise, I'll try and explain my views.

I don't recall many calling for a DOF when BR was here, do we need one now because Lenny is not capable?

Personally I think Lenny is far more a man of substance than Rogers ever was and as such he will always put Celtic first, he's nobody's puppet.

We need a proper recruitment team and scouting structure, no doubt about that but I don't see the need for a director to oversee that, just employ the right people.

I don't have an urge to displace Lawell, I know that puts me in a minority, but given his remit I think he's done a bloody good job.

Finally I'd say if it's not broken don't fix it, and we're certainly not broken that's probably what I'm saying.
I'm also fairy pissed so forgive my ramblings. ☺
Hi Hoopy. When BR was in place we initially had Park(then Rodgers requested his own man) and then Congerton (BR's choice), both as head of recruitment/Scouting rather than a DOF. It's the fact neither of these roles worked out that makes my own view that a DOF with autonomy from Lawwell is required certainly not questioning BR having more ability to cope without one than NL. If it isn't a DOF then I'm happy for the role to be of another title, just with that autonomy, a set budget and Lawwell only need involve himself on a minimal basis should they say go over budget.
Once again great article Niall (y)

I'm sure it's just a case of 'great minds think alike' and all that ;):p but the point about the January transfer window was something I raised in a post last night......this is something that really needs to be considered as this scrambling around trying to get players in while the CL qualifiers are already underway is an epic shitshow repeated ad nausaem and it's blown up in our faces time and time again!

As for Lawell well it's safe to say I'm not his biggest fan (I know shock horror right! :D) I think he's deeply manipulative when it comes to the support (i.e he's not shy to manipulate our loyalty for his own ends) and he has all the hallmarks of a micro managing control freak who's behaviour is extremely detrimental to the football operation BUT I do recognise that when it comes to the commercial/business side of the operation he can be a huge asset and has secured some lucrative deals for the club and that's why although I've been highly critical of him I've not been one of those calling for his head.

However something's got to give and if he can't remove himself from the footballing side of the operation, if he can't stick to his own remit and allow those better qualified to get on with making the football decisions then I'd rather see him replaced with someone who can.

No sure whit the situation is with John Park and Lawell but I reckon if there is any chance of bringing him in as DoF and appointing Hammond to head up the scouting network then it would be a great start to the much needed rebuilding job required. I'd also like to see Lenny bring in his own coaching staff, I hear big Johann and Henrik are available. That'd be a bit of a dream team imo.

HH mate (y)
Hi Andy, Thanks for reading and feeding back. I assure you I wasn't plagiarising your fine words;) I'd said the same in an article in April on the close season ahead, as I was concerned we still seemed to have the same approach as previous years and I feel we need to adjust to these qualifiers now they are here to stay (actually seems to be our scouting was in a worse state than I had assumed).
Hammond seems to have Lenny's seal of approval so I'd be happy to see him go with that. I feel it will be a test of what autonomy the role will have when Hammond says either yer or no if it's offered. I've a feeling he'll move on.
The staffing issue seems a bit threadbare to me too. I'd certainly take Johaan back in a flash. Not sure Henrik would drop down to assistant now he's had a taste of the big jobs.
Hoopy - this isn't questioning whether Lenny is a better man, manager or spotter of tslent than BR. Many of the pronlems that surfaced during Rodgers time here and overshadowed his last year in charge could have been solved by having the right DoF in place - this was even stated outright by PL when Lenny replaced him. Of course, us plebs were nor aware of how much Congerton had destroyed our scouting network at that point which means our whole system needs rebuilt. I think Lenny has enough pressure managing & coaching without overseeing this as well. Plus it should improve continuity when we change managers in the future.
The continuity bit is key. Even if you assumed Lawwell wasn't too involved in the football side he's got a lot more work with Uefa now never mind the non footballing contracts we negotiate. A DOF or such like would allow a system to be set up whereby it can run as a dept with a department head and Lawwell would only need get involved should it be absolutely failing. Give that role autonomy(and the right person) and it could plan ahead for years from grass roots to first team, from analysts to coaches and managers.
Rodgers when he came in looked like he was taking the reins slightly from PL then near the end PL had jumped back in the driving seat. PL has been gradually climbing the Uefa ladder on the side and when he does finally go I'm sure he will find a cushty position. At that point I'd like to see a restructure with a top accountant and a separate DOF. Des is knocking 70 now so who knows how long he will want to keep ownership or even keep it in house and pass it down to his son who is an business investment type as well. It would seem daft to sell a money maker from the family portfolio.
PL is DD's top boy so till one of them moves on the structure will probably stay the same. I'm just glad Kennedy didn't get the dof role as there were rumbles during BRs time that he was going to chuck his hat in the ring
(y) All for a managed move re Lawwell but if we are going to have a Hammond type person in a Scouting/Recruitment position anyway and that's likely to be in next couple of months (Hammond role was just short term initially) then now seems the perfect time at least to get that side of the club with one change now rather than another in a couple of yeras. If we have a more staggered approach to Lawwell moving on however I'm all for it.
I agree with the sentiment and have said the same for a number of years.
However it now seems to me that the January window is difficult to source our longer term needs and we need to plan 1 year ahead. I actually think the signings we made have set us up for the next two years, at least defensively, and if we could add a midfielder ( Turnbull?) and a number 9 we are subject to sales looking at a squad that can take us to 10 and hopefully give the CL qualifiers a decent go next season. Too much change this summer to achieve anything.
Just my thoughts
Was listening to a podcast a while back on Spanish sides and Seville apparently have that sort of year plus plan. They already have the deals lined up and actually agreed(y) wth players, clubs and agents for 12 months in the future. That is the sort of planning I'd love to see.
Was listening to a podcast a while back on Spanish sides and Seville apparently have that sort of year plus plan. They already have the deals lined up and actually agreed(y) wth players, clubs and agents for 12 months in the future. That is the sort of planning I'd love to see.
I don't think it's rocket science. You have to have a strategic plan for any business and in a football club that should be two fold one as a business and the other for the football department.
I think we have a business model but substantially less of a football one.
While one depends on the other a good plan is one that has flexibility built in, e.g. A player gets sold, injured or whatever.
Maybe a DoF / football coach not manager set up is indeed the answer.
Anyway we give opinions but DD calls the shots.
Indeed some succession planning for his share sale after 10 iar in my opinion will soon be required.
I don't think it's rocket science. You have to have a strategic plan for any business and in a football club that should be two fold one as a business and the other for the football department.
I think we have a business model but substantially less of a football one.
While one depends on the other a good plan is one that has flexibility built in, e.g. A player gets sold, injured or whatever.
Maybe a DoF / football coach not manager set up is indeed the answer.
Anyway we give opinions but DD calls the shots.
Indeed some succession planning for his share sale after 10 iar in my opinion will soon be required.
Totally agree and yes we already seem to be priming for a sale.
I remember the day John Park joined us telling everyone he was our best siging in years. Hibs had a successful production line of exciting young highly talented players year after year. I think it is fair to say he lived up to my boasts. However, I'm not to sure of what his success rate has been recently.

Many of us are keen for him to return to take up the DoF role but thinking about it from a non-sentimental position, I couldn't say for sure if he is the best candidate or not. Does anyone know if he has still been producing talent in recent years? I'm not putting Park down just genuinely curious if he is still the right level to meet our needs.
I know he was working on a consultancy basis with Maccabi Tel Aviv until June time. He was also earmarked as DOF for Sunderland until the takeover was blocked and is suppoesed to be DOF at Falkirk once that takeover is approved. How his eye for a player is these days I'm not sure, I doubt he's lost it though

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