Happy administration day ❀️🎈🎈πŸ₯‚πŸŽ‚

Fuckin brilliant trolling the filth, Never gets Old! Some of the shite they'll post on various sites is absolutely fuckin pish yer laughing, Almost wringing the drawers oot material. ....spoiler alert...we know how it ends...πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚
love the fact they cannot get by admin in their debate, when they admit admin they get stuck on and then what happened, how did they exit?

50000 fans watched the greatest swindle take place, all huns know deep down that they jiust sat and watched with a compliant SFA, as a patsy had been setup to get rid of debt. It backfired big time and history shows it took a pound to liquidate an institution.
Craig White take a bow, managed to eradicate a cancer that had haunted Scotland for decades.
Just think it's Hilarious 26, That they Oststrich themselves! And give it the fingers in the Ear's Lah Lah Lah. Still a better Anniversary is on it's way...try not tae snigger.πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚
I've actually attempted the moral argument with non-drinking, cursing, fun-having born again xtians who exude 'moral superiority' until it comes to the matter of the businesses and livelihoods affected by Rangers' corrupt and criminal business practises and a shrug of the shoulders and "so what!" is all they can reply with. They are all too aware of the hypocritical moral-bankruptcy of supporting Sevco and that lays bare the hollow essence of their 'faith'.
Talking of things coming to an end I see Wee Bawwy has quit Alloa, apparently he quit because he admits things haven't been good enough since he took over.
Not sure if he's disappointed at not winning the Champions League or not injuring more of our players a couple of weeks ago. Maybe both.