Hope this isn't true.

Players are human. He's made a almighty mistake (maybe, if even true) and is about to go on the ride of his life. He won't just get the deserved book thrown at him, he's about to experience the full force of the hun media and the hun fans. By the time they are done with him he's going to think the death penalty is active in scotland for drink driving!! The media will go in full force to now wreck his Celtic career....

Let's wait to see what Celtic say on the matter because remember, the scottish laws on drink driving are brutal. I can have a pint and drive across the border and get done. The guy may have only had one drink and its put him over the limit. I know its still illegal but he may not have been pissed...and as for resisting arrest...really?? He probably doesn't speak English, has no clue what's going on and been huckled by a couple of hun polis who seen the perfect opportunity.....now this is me making up stories but at the moment it's as about as solid evidence as the rumours flying around.
All our players are targets going out ,christ we even had some knuckledragger following them to Dubia to take pictures and it's the same here
The screaming headlines make it probably worse than it is , a 21 yr old going out for a meal and a drink can't speak a word of english accosted by a hun plod he's probably wondering wtf is going on